Command line interface parameters with new UI.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gf.GEORGE, Jun 21, 2021.

  1. Gf.GEORGE

    Gf.GEORGE Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    Command line interface parameters with new UI.
    Do the command line interface parameters exist within the new UI?
    If so, could you please advise where to find them?
    I am really struggling with the new UI and its functionality. The old UI was a lot easier to just direct connect to a server IP, and go. (+connect <Address : Port>)
    Please help.
  2. R Soul

    R Soul Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Two ways, although they may have drawbacks:
    1st way:
    If you find the actual .exe for rF2 you can make a shortcut on the desktop and edit the properties > target and add the params there.
    (exe in steam folder\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64)

    Second way:
    Launch steam via its desktop icon (not rF2), or or double click it in the notification area.
    (this should go to the steam library)
    On the left you'll see rF2. Right click > Properties > General > Launch options and add the params in there.

    Please be advised that it's been a while since I actually used any parameters, so I can't guarantee your connection params will work, only that the above two suggestions allow something to go in.
  3. Gf.GEORGE

    Gf.GEORGE Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    Thanks, i will try this out on the weekend.
  4. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Hi @Gf.GEORGE

    I had the same problem and, after a lot of searching and experimenting, I have managed to get my colleagues to access the server without annoying dialog boxes and without having to enter the password.
    You have to create a shortcut to the Steam executable.
    Then you have to modify it to include the parameters.

    The syntax I use is:
    <Path of Steam.exe> "-applaunch 365960 +profile=<your.json> +multiplayer +connect=:<pass-server>@<Ip or DNS server>:<server port> +path=<path rfactor>\bin64>"

    Example (fake)
    D:\Steam\Steam.exe "-applaunch 365960 +profile=F1.json +multiplayer +path=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64"

    I hope you find it useful.
    Seven Smiles likes this.

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