Sound Update

Discussion in 'Wish Lists' started by Cuda71, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. Cuda71

    Cuda71 Registered

    Nov 12, 2020
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    I guess most of us will agree that rF2 isn´t the best sounding race sim around.
    This is such a pity, because a sensible sound is way more immersive than any graphics / PBR update for the tracks. Therefore I really would appreciate an update on the engine sounds. I am sorry to say that none of the rF2 cars is able to create goosebumps. AC and ACC do it so much better (unfortunately).
    I just came across the YT channel of "19Bozzy92" who has probably recorded any race car around, with a tremendous effort. The latest videos are produced with 3D binaural recording technique - it´s a blast ! (please use headphones).
    So, S397, if you need any expertise, get in touch with this guy. He knows how to do it.
    (Just to make it clear - I am in no contact with 19Bozzy92, nor do I know him personally. He just makes the finest sound videos on YT.)
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    recording sounds is a great start, but then choosing the proper sound engine and converting all the samples to that format would probably take a great deal of time. Look at one of the older unprotected cars to see how many samples are used for each car. I'm not saying it would not be worth it, I agree whole-heartedly, but I wonder if S397 would pay the cost of licensing a new sound engine and then going back to re-do every single car. Then you also have the out of date or 3rd party modded cars...who would convert those?
  3. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    davehenrie likes this.
  4. Rastas

    Rastas Registered

    Feb 17, 2017
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    This one sounds great :D
    leseb64 likes this.
  5. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    There was once a video from MidOhio which combined RL racetrack sound with game footage. I think it was not even rF2, but rF1, not sure. The point is that difference was insane. Solely by sound the immersion at least doubled. But sound is a very complex physical property. Now that I think about it, it is little different from light. Sound waves would bounce off everything and blend in together. The world of sound is truly amazing. IDK if S397 even ever think about sounds. They must be so full of just bugfixing, and cleaning up everything whats just not right as how it is right now... thats why we can't have nice things like further AI development, or further physics develompment or anything truly bold and really really impressive... who knows. Maybe we just need to stop dreaming and enjoy what we have.
    Cuda71 and davehenrie like this.
  6. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    There's so many features the sound engine needs.

    Dynamic reverb. (Short reflections are very prominent at close range, particularly when the car is moving towards you as the sounds bounce from nearby surfaces. When the exhaust is in direct sight the reverb is minimal relative to the engine note.

    Add in a second reverb (long and soft ambient reverb takes over as the car moves further away)

    Latent sound sources (you see the bang and then you hear it)

    Kind of related to the last one. Integrate latency and amplitude into the doppler effect. (This would contribute to the 'wall of sound' you get when a car passes at speed.

    Dynamic eq (again the rasp of the exhaust is something you hear mainly from the rear and when the car is moving away. You need a high shelf filter on each engine sound source, modulated by the yaw and velocity relative to the camera.
    atomed, leseb64 and davehenrie like this.
  7. nolive721

    nolive721 Registered

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Surely it isn’t easy but I guess his point is that other sims devs actually put effort in it

    RRE is a great example where it seems only 1?dedicated guy is doing the cars sounds and the output he delivers is the best I experience from any Sim I own
    R.Noctua and leseb64 like this.
  8. nolive721

    nolive721 Registered

    Jan 2, 2016
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    You know looking at the weak reply from your initisl message I am wondering if people really bother about sound in this Sim or are just disappointed about such limited communication from the devs on the topic

    I had a session at night at Soa in ACC yesterday and the onboard sound from my lambo was so immersive

    Impossible for me to go back to RF2 after that unfortunately despite all the qualities this Sim has
    leseb64 and Hazi like this.
  9. YusufC51

    YusufC51 Registered

    Dec 23, 2020
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    I agree, I've always found the sounds in rF2 to not be great especially after comparing them to the sounds of the real versions of the cars. If you look at any onboards of the Ferrari 488 GTE such as the ones on the FIAWEC YouTube channel you'll find that the car in rF2 sounds very different to the car in real life. It's times like this that I wish rF2 allowed you to easily replace the sounds of its cars like what AC allows you to do.
    Onboard #51 Ferrari 488 GTE at Spa IRL:

    Ferrari 488 GTE at Spa in rF2:
    leseb64 and Cuda71 like this.
  10. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    One sounds like a Hoover and the other like an Electrolux. But it really SHOULD sound like this:
    leseb64 and nolive721 like this.
  11. leseb64

    leseb64 Registered

    Jul 6, 2020
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    it's clearly the biggest weakness of rF2 the sounds and it's surely one of the most important point after the physics and the graphics!
    I'm starting to spend more time on ACC and R3E than on rF2 which I still enjoy driving and even AMS2 is starting to please in terms of sounds and driving!
    the sound immersion is so important!
    nolive721 and Cuda71 like this.
  12. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    To address some earlier comments, the sound does reflect off walls in rF2. As an example, when you're screaming down the pit lane at 200km/h like a hoon, you can hear the engine sound reflecting off the pit wall, which then abruptly ends when the pit wall stops and you get out onto the track.

    That being said, I think the lack of realistic sound is the single biggest immersion breaker in rF2. As much as I enjoy the physics, the sound (and to much less a degree the style of graphics) is such an immersion breaker that I rarely ever feel like I'm driving an actual car. I find myself really enjoying the cars that sound great, I think the Eves and Sparks come to mind. IRL sound is such an enourmous part of loving cars and enjoying cars, probably more important than looks to me, but not as important as the actual driving. I enjoy rF2 a lot as a driving sim, but it dosn't really scratch the "car enthusiast" itch for me if that makes sense (apart from a select few cars).

    Also, turning the tire noise way down or off completely immeasurably improves the driving experience imo. The tire noise dosn't sound very dynamic, and as a result it only interferes with the process of assesing the grip of the tire. With tire sound on, the tire grip feels more binary, like the grip is an on/off switch. I find myself constantly second guessing whether I should back off on the steering angle, but with the sound off, I can better asses steering angle through visuals and ffb.

    Cuda71 likes this.
  13. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The reverb is a simple addition to the AIW. It's a "you're this far along the track or pitlane, so have this much reverb" approach, which is better than nothing but not very useful otherwise. A similar effect on trackside cams would help a little but then if you move a camera you suffer even more from the static camera sounds (the mic never moves). There would be low tech ways to have this and proper sound delay mostly functional, and it would seem feasible to step this up a notch and have IBL-probe style sound points defined around the track which then dynamically alter the current sound effects live.

    rF2 has had little movement in a few areas, sound is right at the top. Unfortunately lots of people care less about audio than other aspects at least consciously.
    wotaskd and Cuda71 like this.
  14. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Your description of the camera being re-postioned but not the Microphone reminds me of the IMSA youtube videos. Radio Le Mans does the commentary but their comments are often 10 to 20 seconds delayed from what was originally shown on the NBC broadcast. So you often can hear a throaty Caddy engine while the video is showing an Acura Turbo or other low noise engined car before the DPi Incar video appears.
  15. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Okay thanks for the clarification. Yes I have noticed that about moving the camera and the audio remaining in the same spot.
  16. CRMS

    CRMS Registered

    Jun 17, 2020
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    Understand Codemasters go to the F1 pre season testing to record each car engine sound. Only 10 cars.

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