Announcement | Motorsport Games Enters Into Agreement to Acquire rFactor 2 and Developer Studio 397

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Dave^

    Dave^ Registered

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Get a fucking grip! Nothing has changed yet, and nobody knows if/when anything will, or of it will change for the better/worse.
  2. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I don't think that Luminis treated rF2 the wrong way. Despite all the issues the sim still has, S397 managed to grow the product in terms of features, player numbers and sales aswell as the value of the product itself. I am pretty sure that Luminis got the product much cheaper than MG. I don't see all those aquisitions as selling out. Even the opposite: sim racing reached a point where cash is needed to make changes faster and improve the quality of the products. Kunos is still developing ACC and it is generaly speaking a nicely polished and well designed cross platform sim. At this point I wouldn't worry about rF2 using the UE engine anyway. UE4 or maybe even 5 will be used for the franchize products and the rF2 physics engine will we plugged into UE. People allways fear that UE=arcade but they couldn't be more wrong. You can plug any physics engine into it no matter how complex it is.

    At the end of the day rF2 will still be developed and I have the feeling that they have big plans with it, to create an iRacing killer. Grabbing the Le Mans 24 was a first punch in the software and snatching the Nascar, BTCC, Karting content and WEC lisences is an indicator that they are serious about it. A universal competition system, as explained in the roadmaps, is just the first step and we might see alot more in the direction of esports stuff, wich personaly isn't my cupt of tea but if it helps funding the sim then why not. You can't have fast development of the physiscs engine without making the game accesible and a pleasing experience. ISI tried that and it didn't work.

    Regarding accessiblity: there was nothing written that rF2 will be dumbed down. I read it more like something from the GTR2 days. Maybe a nice tutorial with the option to tweak assist levels and some setup guides or tooltips ala PC2 for the people who prefer that kind of stuff. And you know what, there is nothing wrong with it. If improving accessiblity means fixing the UI I am all for it. Let's be honest, we all want to have top notch physics. But I wouldn't say no to stuff that enhances the immersion of really being at Le Mans, like animated pit crews, or even the cars just getting dirty. That's stuff that really struck me while watching the Le Mans virtual
    Brack Jabham, mesfigas and pkelly like this.
  3. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    Since some here are "jumping off the deep end" anyway, please send me your soon to be abandoned Sim-gear. I can sell it and use the funds to upgrade my motion rig for the approaching onslaught of arcade racing titles.:p:D
  4. B. Gant

    B. Gant Registered

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Let everyone have their opinion. Whether it fits your thoughts or not. This is a forum. No need to bash members.

    What we all do not want is the game to become commercialized. Let Marcel have their own department. Somehow keep modding a part of community. Modding isn't high as the rfactor or early rf2 days, but it still exists.

    I read in some previous posts in this topic, they would like to make the sim easier? If that is true, allow options on server where those type assists can't be raced online with the hardcore drivers. A driver using a gamepad should not be quick or as capable with a driver with pedals/wheel. This is what scares me. Allow gamepad drivers to play. cool, give them the feel of rf2. cool. But the assists they need to drive should make them slower drivers.
    TJones and trichens like this.
  5. JimmyT

    JimmyT Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    So when S397 bought the title from ISI did it die in the water like people thought back then or did it make headway with things like VR capability and better graphics and updated tires just to name a few?
    I think we should all take a breath and see what happens before we let Mr Panic :eek: get behind the wheel and go on a rampage :mad::confused:in the forum.:rolleyes:
    The sky is falling by the way....:p
  6. AMillward

    AMillward Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    Might want to say it another 18 times, don’t think you’ve got your point across :D
    instinkt likes this.
  7. MiguelVallejo

    MiguelVallejo Registered

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Have taken a few laps and I already feel the sim diferent :):)
  8. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    I think it would be fair to give proper credit to ISI as still majority of what rF2 is now is still what they have created. S397 certainly polished a lot of things, I know they have worked really hard on solving lots of bugs and problems like that, introduced step forward in foundation leading to better graphics which IMO we should just see paying more further if rF2 graphics engine isn't going to be ditched. Major work of course has been done for new UI (notoriously years and years of work on UI), and Competition System, which both are still in WIP state by now. Personally I am not a fan of new UI, and arguably IMO ISI brought more seriously crafted individual vehicle physics and also had way more interesting variety of car types... S397 surely proved to be more focused and capable on making big deals, bringing big tracks and big popular car brands and models that are the most possible mainstream content pieces....

    S397 still barely touched major factors such as physics and AI. I wonder if the updated tires weren't just legacy bit from ISI that was just simply "almost there", because why no more physics touches later on then ? It remains in question if they would be capable to build up and improve, or they could also unknowingly make it worse by trying to do an improvements. I think it is possible that when S397 together with MG will start on dealing with rF2 underlying physics core construction, they may need to ask help from ISI, or they will just have to leave the heavy stuff alone, except copying parts of it with rough idea what is what. We just simply can not forget that rF2 is still majorly a creation of ISI, people forget that.

    So I'd say, sure, there were changes with rF2 transfer from ISI to S397, surely in both ways - for better and worse depending on each of us stances and perceptions. Surely rF2 is still alive and well, there are so many improvements that makes rF2 a lot more playable and enjoyable. But I keep on stayign with old UI, just saying...
    Mauro and gianlucap like this.
  9. billyblaze

    billyblaze Registered

    Jul 2, 2014
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    maybe they just don't want you around anymore
    Remco Majoor and atomed like this.
  10. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Don't you think that you are part of the problem ? You keep on touching already irritated man and provoking him to further repeating himself. You and others from Discord friends circle just are like that. You choose someone to get antagonistic against, and enjoy going dramatic about it. Thats not right, thats not how inteligent people behave. You often ruin whole discussions, just because keeping conflicts going, and shift whole threads/discussions from being on point, to going personal at people who you disagree with or dislike for some other reason.

    I don't agree with a person that you apparently trolling now, but this culture of fanboys antagonising somebody can get really toxic if there are enough of fanboys, without you these "wrong" people calm down a lot quicker if they doesn't perceive "injustice" coming their way, and need to fight. Fanboys are just like immune system, they can overreact, and then it is worse than if they didn't do anything in the first place. But they like to overreact.

    I know I am probably fighting the windmills, and probably just added up to this wrong going of the thread, but just felt the need to say - we are better without escalating negativity if we love rF2 and this forum.
  11. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    where are ISI ? i want rFactor 3 !
  12. xerofer

    xerofer Registered

    Apr 25, 2019
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    Doing that space sim which never saw the light of day? Maybe another hopeless venture?
  13. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    rFactor 3 will come before GTR3.
    lagg, shovas, R.Noctua and 1 other person like this.
  14. xerofer

    xerofer Registered

    Apr 25, 2019
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    Nooooo, That pile of salt hurts my eyes...
    Remco Majoor likes this.
  15. xerofer

    xerofer Registered

    Apr 25, 2019
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  16. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    sorry I couldn't resist.
    xerofer likes this.
  17. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    You need someone of intelligence for mission....thing.....erm...where are we going?
  18. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    I think we are moving more towards an improvement of rF2 rather than the end of rF2 (rF3 or other substitute). (and I hope).

    As evidenced by the two release candidates in less than a month which by themselves to see the changelogs bring almost 40-50 fixes or improvements in all areas, and also for example a significant improvement of the 13 GT3.

    All in all, I think we can be very confident overall. I change my mind since yesterday.

    I am just convinced that the offline part will be more than ever in the background, which displeases me, I would have preferred a balance between single player and multiplayer to please all types of players.

    The physics part will be improved in 2021 (Marrs said that in ermin's interview), it is planned but I do not know how much. This is the most important point.

    Yeah, I've done a bit of work with rF2 (after rF1), I think we have a lot of reason to be confident about the future IN YEARS of * RF2 *. -> What do you think?

    By the way I use the much decried UI, I was generally disappointed this year about it, but more and more I like it, the last candidate realease has solved and brought a lot of things, we will arrive gradually at a good thing, maybe even for the most refractory users !!!!!!
  19. shovas

    shovas Registered

    Dec 31, 2018
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    GTR3 *is* rFactor 3? :p
  20. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    We will see what the future holds for us ...

    Personally I prefer a simulator that covers many categories instead of a simulator for each category ...
    I also hope the modding area is not neglected..

    Still, I wish the team good luck in this new stage
    pkelly likes this.

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