Update classic content

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mennow, Jun 28, 2020.

  1. mennow

    mennow Registered

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Is there a chance that the classic tracks will be updated with all the eye-candy that the new tracks receive?
    Also it would be nice if the new tracks like Sebring, LeMans, Silverstone, Zandvoort and Nordschleife will get 60-70’s versions.
    Then we would be able to race championships on 8 classic tracks with rain, night and day.
    Since we already have classic Monza, Monaco and Spa and the licenses of the new tracks are in the pocket why not make classic versions out of it.
    Most of the tracks have the same lay-out now..
    Make a classic-trackpack and the world will never be the same...
    Also the classic cars deserve some love..
    The Eve, Brabham are still fun to drive but are getting old graphic-wise..
    Why not try to get the real Matra license and let that awesome 12 cylinder prototype scream at classic LeMans.
    No other game has that kind of car in its list and it deserves a good sim.
    Rfactor2 started with classic content but all i see is Formula-E, GT3, prototypes..
    If i want to race modern racecars i can choose 4 sims and drive all the same cars..
    Please give the classic car lover new content and update the old content.

    see you on track
  2. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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    I think this was original isi plan
    Not s397 :(
  3. LeStrat

    LeStrat Registered

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I couldn't agree more.

    My personal favourite combo in rF2 is still the Brabham BT20 in Belgium 1966. Those require finesse and get the best from rF2 physics engine.
    Rastas, billyblaze, jimagn and 2 others like this.
  4. avenger82

    avenger82 Registered

    Dec 29, 2016
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    IIRC Mars said they won’t update ISI content due to license issues. But on the other hand there was visual upgrade in December 2019 and recently Silverstone got big update.
  5. Love Guitars n Cars

    Love Guitars n Cars Registered

    Jan 5, 2017
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    I would love that and they would be offering something others are not but I suppose the question is would it sell.
  6. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Registered

    Jun 11, 2020
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    hi guys, so lately I returned to rfactor2 after a while, mainly because I was finally able to find some decent ffb settings to use on Simucube2. so I am slowly catching up with everything here on the forum, and loving more and more rf2 every day.
    just a question : I've read about the development history of rf2, and how it went from ISI to S397 in last years.
    still, there are things that aren't quite clear to me, like :
    - does ISI has nothing to do now with rf2?
    - if so, does that means all ISI content won't be updated?
    - why all originally default content made by ISI is not included into rf2 from the start?
    - also regarding that matter, why do I need to google for all S397 cars and tracks to be added into rf2 through the Workshop, and are not included from the start?
    - from what I understood, there is still some "default" content made by ISI to be found on the Workshop?
    I still don't understand why rf2 must rely completely on cars and tracks from the Workshop, and even more why in the Workshop there is content made either from ISI, S397 and private modders, all scrambled together in the same place with no distinction at all (off course apart from the official paid DLCs).
    to wrap all things said, is there an easy and effective way to find all "default - original - official" (call it as you want) from either ISI or S397 on the Workshop?
    thanks and sorry for the text wall :) cheers from Italy
  7. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Really ? it doesn't make sense because the content is out there already... perhaps it would be some different reason, like for example they wouldn't do it for stuff that is not going to get used in their esports events, i would expect that to be the case. Howevere I would really wish various tracks to get some kind of update for various aspects.
    CrimsonEminence likes this.
  8. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Seven Smiles and SuperMonaco_GP like this.
  9. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Registered

    Jun 11, 2020
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    thanks a lot!
    lagg likes this.
  10. GeraArg

    GeraArg Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    If S397 open de door for the community update that content?, that can be possible?
  11. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Should be ISI who could share that content, no?
  12. avenger82

    avenger82 Registered

    Dec 29, 2016
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    AFAIK ISI is completely separate company from S397 and is independently working on rF pro. Some code from rF pro made into first rF2 release, but after that they are developed separately.

    IIRC S397 can’t modify physics of ISI content due to licensing, but they made some visual updates.

    I think S397 didn’t want users to have to download and install and be subscribed to all official content, but only some small subset. But, yeah now I think with high bandwidth internet and cheap SSD there should be option to install all official mods. BTW: there are a lot of third party mods outside of the Workshop to download.
    SuperMonaco_GP likes this.
  13. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I don't see why the ISI can't have third party patches made for it. It's not like the patches would be distributing copyrighted materials?
    Mauro likes this.
  14. Joan Prim Armengol

    Joan Prim Armengol Registered

    Feb 21, 2017
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    AFAIK S397 has ownership of old content. They update some content to DX11 and moved the items to their workshop. What's on ISI workshop is the stuff not updated.
  15. GeraArg

    GeraArg Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    We could build a group and manage it as an open source software project.
    @Marcel Offermans we can do that with the old ISI content?.
    dylbie and Mauro like this.
  16. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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    This is dedication

    Gpl after 23 years still have contents update

    Standing ovation for modders, we need same passion for rf2
    Seven Smiles, jimagn and GeraArg like this.
  17. GeraArg

    GeraArg Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    The GPL community is just GREAT.
    Mauro likes this.
  18. mennow

    mennow Registered

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Well , i’m glad more people like the classic stuff.
    The nice thing about GPL was that every car had it’s own physics.
    But still the racing was very exciting because they were not too far apart.
    Only the Lotus was little faster than the rest.
    If i race the Brabham and have the mod installed that the other Brabhams look like the GPL cars it is not the same..
    So i think there have to be more cars of the same year but with slightly different power and weight.
    Then that Monza track from GPL.
    That is just awesome with all the correct advertisements, trees and sceneries taken from pictures from 1967.
    If that could be done for Spa, Monaco and Monza with all the latest shaders that would be epic.
    Then the bar would be raised so high that more modders would step in and make more classic tracks like Kyalami.
    Then introduce RFactor-rank and try to beat the benchmark times which will be introduced by some alien from the old days.

    well, back to reality, i hope the original tracks will be moddable in the future because they deserve some love
    Woodee likes this.
  19. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to update the classic content. They did that in the past and I think that especialy Spa and Monza would benefit greatly from the new terrain and foliage shaders. Maybe it's worth to take a look at AMS and how they handle track packs for legendary tracks. I would pay for a laser scanned Monza or Spa track pack with different historic versions added on top of it in the quality of the most recent track releases and I see no reason why a BT20 shouldn't be a car for some nice chrome parts and new shaders. Maybe offer a nice historic 66 F1 car pack with the Honda, McLaren and Ferrari and you have a winner.
    Mauro likes this.
  20. avenger82

    avenger82 Registered

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Topics discussed here were answered by Marcel in the big interview for RD:

    “RD: On the topic of content - recently releases such as the GT3/GTE cars and the various circuits have been of a very high standard. However, the quality of some older content is perhaps not quite at the same level. Will you be revisiting the older content soon, and can you share how you plan to update the older cars and tracks within the title?

    MO: Let me split that question in half, and let’s look at the tracks first. Licensing wise we decided not to do any tracks without a proper license, meaning that those tracks we inherited from ISI that represent real tracks will not get updated anymore. Then there are the 3PA tracks, for which the sources of these tracks are still with “third parties” which means we can’t easily get those updated anymore. Most are part of the “unlicensed” group anyway. So I would say for tracks, if we did not update them already, we’re probably not going to anymore. Then let’s look at cars. In some ways the situation is similar there, in terms of 3PA and unlicensed ones, except that I believe we did update quite a lot of those already for DX11 and the new rain effects. That said, some have really old and low polygon models, so if we really want to upgrade them, it would mean redoing them from scratch. That, unfortunately, does not always make business sense. Now for cars I guess you are also referring to updating physics and/or tyres. That is something we will look at on a case by case basis for the cars we’ve upgraded to DX11. We might still upgrade some of them, but it also depends on if we get more data so we actually have something we can improve on.

    RD: (question from @GPL) - Is all content, ISI/3PA/S397-absorbed that has not been updated or fixed by now, going to be left as-is? Be it visual, DX11 compatibility or technical updates since their original release spanning from the Historic Formula cars to modern material such as F-Renault 3.5 2014, Honda Civic BTCC, or even circuits like Mountain Peak or others?

    MO: When we took over, we made a few changes to how we approached content development. We decided to no longer make content without proper licenses unless it was clearly fictional, and for that reason we also changed the 3PA approach, which typically did exactly that. Now with the development of our brand new DX11 engine, we migrated a lot of the original content, and everything we migrated can be found under “Studio 397” in the workshop. For the reasons mentioned above, and a few others, such as having access to the actual sources, licenses almost expiring or in some cases deciding that the content was so old it would have to be completely redone from scratch anyway, we decided not to migrate everything. What is still untouched can be found in the “ISI” workshop still. That said, there are a few things in there that we are still considering upgrading, so I won’t go on record stating that everything in there will remain as is.”

    In part 2:

    “RD: (question from @Patrik Marek) – Regarding updating older content, any chance of getting help form modders ? - in a sense, would this even be allowed for licensed content or would you have to go through re-approval and what not.

    MO: If modders are interested in helping us by taking some of the older content that they would like to see improved and doing work on it, we will certainly try to work with you to make that happen. Get in touch with me and we can discuss this. In terms of what is allowed and when we would have to go through approval, there is no generic answer to that, it depends on the changes and the license conditions, which are different for almost every license. But we are certainly open to this.”

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