Track AIWs

Discussion in 'Third Party Content' started by t0p5ecret, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. MarkJames

    MarkJames Registered

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Hi, I ran 19 cars with AI @ 107% and Aggression at 35%. Typically one car would take that line every one or two laps and I was usually nowhere near the culprit when it happened.
  2. MarkJames

    MarkJames Registered

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Yeah I'm sure that's the case. It's unfortunate because I do like driving those old-style slidey things on many vintage tracks. They are slow and I am old, so it is a good fit.
  3. Patrick Ligman

    Patrick Ligman Registered

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Hey Guys. I have just recently discovered these files and the impact that they have. I have installed the AIW file for Bathurst and it's fantastic, but I'm struggling to figure out the RCMP files. It seems that they won't work unless you have the same version of the particular track? Is that correct? The Brianza update needs version 1.7 and the version of the track that I have is 2.04. If there is some other way can someone enlighten me. I have been going around in circles all morning. I have tried using the older Mod Manager, but that didn't even recognise the Brianza RCMP AIW file? Any help much appreciated as there are quite a few of these files available.
  4. t0p5ecret

    t0p5ecret Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Mate thank you for pointing out Brianza, it appears that Turbs version 1.7 has been removed from steam for some reason. Can you tell me which one you are using and from where? I will see if the AIW translates and create a package for it.
    Basically and rfcmp that I put out is an update for a track thats available, for example Bathurst 3.0 is updated to 3.1 when you drop the rfcmp in your package folder and run the package manager and install it.
    It will only upgrade a specific version.
  5. t0p5ecret

    t0p5ecret Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Hey mate @Heikki21 has sent me the latest version for me to work on so I'll get stuck back into it tonight.
    atomed likes this.
  6. Patrick Ligman

    Patrick Ligman Registered

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Yer...that's what I thought. I have the latest version off the steam workshop it is 2.04. That means that the RCMP files have to have the correct track version installed for them to be work. Once the track version gets updated they will be obsolete. I have run into the same problem with Gold Coast & Adelaide. There's a few others as well. Is it possible to open the RCMP file and extract the AIW file? The AIW file on it's own is not dependent on track version. From my perspective that is a better option as the track versions are often updated without warning?
  7. t0p5ecret

    t0p5ecret Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Unfortunately that's always going to be the issue, unless the track maker packages my AIWs, which is happening more and more. Which or whos versions of GC and Adelaide are you running?
  8. DrivingFast

    DrivingFast Registered

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I want to use your recommandations but I want to keep AI Aggression at 25% (game standard) and to put AI mistakes only at 10% : do you think thats fine ?

    Also, can u explain why in your opinion its better to put AI limiter to 40% AND AI Brake_Power Usage to 92% %.

    I think there are too much impacts with the AI with 66% of aggression.

    Also, someone does know why AI is ultra slow within the first 3 laps (when you are at the last place on the grid) ? Is there a way to fix that ?


    An what exactly do the setting : "Spin Recovery":0,


    "Spin Recovery":0,
    "Game Options":{
    "AI Aggression":0.66,
    "AI Brake_Grip Usage":0.9725,
    "AI Brake_Grip Usage#":"Fraction of theoretical brake grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)",
    "AI Brake_Power Usage":0.92,
    "AI Brake_Power Usage#":"Fraction of theoretical brake power that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)",
    "AI Calibrate Sample Size":10,
    "AI Calibrate Sample Size#":"When AI calibration is set to 2, this is the number of trials the AI should run while testing each parameter. bigger # == larger file size of saved data",
    "AI Corner_Grip Usage":0.97,
    "AI Corner_Grip Usage#":"Fraction of theoretical cornering grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)",
    "AI Formation by Position":true,
    "AI Formation by Position#":"If true, AI will line up for yellow or formation laps by fixed position behind the pace car, if false they will line up relative to specific car they should be following",
    "AI Fuel Mult":0.99,
    "AI Fuel Mult#":"Additional fuel multiplier for AIs because of their driving style",
    "AI Limiter":0.40,
    "AI Limiter#":"Range: 0.0 (no limiting) - 1.0 (limiting used to make racing closer but also make more driver differences on flat-out tracks)",
    "AI Logic Override":0,
    "AI Logic Override#":"use bitfields to disable certain AI behaviors. 1= blocking line, 2 = flexible superspeedway driving line",
    "AI Mistakes":1.0,
    "AI Mistakes#":"a range of (intentional) AI mistakes from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (sometimes). Anything above 1.0 multiplies the frequency",
    "AI Power Calibration":5,
    "AI Power Calibration#":"Adjustments with AI strength (0=none, or add the following: 1=power, 2=gearing, 4=fuel)",
    "Autocalibrate AI Mode":2,
    "Autocalibrate AI Mode#":"When in a test day with 1 AI, AI will attempt to perfect his driving line, and save his knowledge for future use",
  9. SmellySkidmark

    SmellySkidmark Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Nibiru is not very impressed that you did not ask him about updating his track.

    This update will cause a problems for anyone who tries to join a server that has Bathurst 2016 V3 running. So you will not be able to race online with the update.

  10. t0p5ecret

    t0p5ecret Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    This originally came from from someone I used to race with that put a heap of testing in to make the AI behave more like real people, I then made a few more tweaks, for me the 92% made them brake more realistically along with the limiter. The aggression piece coupled with the SlowWhenPushed variable in my AIW's makes the AI race door to door and not give up position easily. Of course everyone likes different things, I don't mind my AI having accidents due to the AI mistakes setting and the closer more aggressive racing because it keeps me on my toes and makes me feel like the AI are really pushing. Some people just want a clean race. Spin recovery set to 0 just means if you flip, its race over, the car will not right itself, same for the AI.
    atomed likes this.
  11. t0p5ecret

    t0p5ecret Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Happy to take it down, I did this at the request of someone back in Sept last year because they wanted to offline race without incidents.
  12. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    Have you tried the new version i´ve sent you?
  13. SmellySkidmark

    SmellySkidmark Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    You said this yesterday...
    As for the update he wants it removed.
    If you want your AIW in a update he will do it, so if you send it to me I'll make sure he gets it.

  14. Paulfield

    Paulfield Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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    I hope he updates it soon as the work Mark has done is first class.
    t0p5ecret, atomed, SLK and 1 other person like this.
  15. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Great, as always I´ll be happy to test anything :cool:
  16. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Ignorant's question, why is it wrong if someone makes a modification for the track if asked by someone else? It's not the original track that gets changed, that's always up to the track creator.
  17. t0p5ecret

    t0p5ecret Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    The issue arises when people go to join a race online, if the server isn't running the version they are running then they won't be able to connect. I did this Bathurst AIW back in Sept last year and posted it up, but as an AIW only, the update I packaged yesterday using that AIW would have caused issues with people connecting to server as it was V3.1.
    atomed likes this.
  18. Patrick Ligman

    Patrick Ligman Registered

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Hi....I managed to get the Adelaide & Gold Cost RCMP files to install. The Brianza one will not install as I have V2.04 from the Steam Workshop. I ran into a problem with Road Atalanta RCMP for the same reason. I have the Steam Workshop V1.3 and the RCMP is V0.7, I think.

    These files are fantastic. I suppose you always run the risk of treading on the toes of the original mod makers. For off line racers like me they are awesome upgrades. I haven't stopped running the Aussie Legends at Bathurst. It's a blast chasing down another Falcon across the top of the mountain.
    atomed likes this.
  19. t0p5ecret

    t0p5ecret Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    @Heikki21 already updated the steam version of Road Atlanta with my AIW, I have another to send to him shortly as it fixes T6 which I was never happy with. I will update the link in the first post to just point to Steam.
    atomed and Manfredk2 like this.
  20. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    I did a small update to RaceRfactor´s Baku:
    The "new" GT layout is for cars like GT3, GTE, Porsche Cup etc. They had problems at turn 19, crashing into the wall because of to much speed (original AIW is perfect for open wheelers with more downforce). Made them to hit the brakes a little before the turn.

    Got permission from McNolo, so here´s an update as rfcmp. Original GP is untouched but is now version 1.15
    lagg, t0p5ecret and atomed like this.

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