Latest Roadmap Update - March 2020

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. Binny

    Binny Guest

    Would love to see more southern hemisphere racing series's and tracks. like in iracing large community of players from down that area
  2. Heath J

    Heath J Registered

    Apr 7, 2017
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    #selfpromotion (they're all bookmarked close to the time)

    Like this?

    or this?

    or this???

    Taris Henrique likes this.
  3. AyrtonT

    AyrtonT Registered

    Feb 29, 2020
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    This quarantine shut down plans I had at PIR. These pics look fantastic and are just what I needed to get over the shutdown.
  4. TheGame316

    TheGame316 Registered

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Do we intend to see dev mode included in a beta, or will modders have to continue to wait.
  5. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Wait for what? It's a 70 meg download one way, and about 40 megs the other, to switch.
  6. TheGame316

    TheGame316 Registered

    Sep 27, 2015
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    It's not about the data or the swapping. If they intend to have a release candidate, I would expect it to have working access to devmode. It would be preferable to see this in beta first to know if there are going to be issues.
    Juergen-BY likes this.
  7. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    So your question really is whether access to devmode will be in a beta UI release prior to the release candidate ( release). Not about modders 'having to continue to wait'.
  8. Brack Jabham

    Brack Jabham Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    World Simsports ( have run many "downunder" series. AU.NZ and Asia tracks. Sadly - people don't seem to want to learn or try new tracks. We are currently looking for ideas.
  9. ADSTA

    ADSTA Registered

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Too scared of the snakes and dropbears!
    Brack Jabham likes this.
  10. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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  11. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Always glad to hear about new updates. I love this sim, really do, once you've driven it its spoils the rest because of just how good the physics and FFB are. Its got some major issues though, im glad to here about graphics updates but i really hope they don't make it run even worse than it does now.

    Like i said i love this sim, but lets be honest it runs worse than a snail dragging a rock through super glue, and before anyone says oh is that cause you're trying to run it on a potato, every other sim including ones that were around when this first came out, to sims that have litterally just come out, run much, much better than this!

    I don't have any other sim where i have to change the graphics settings for each individual track or car i wanna run! The one word i would use for a massive improvement is, optimize! Seriously if you were to buy this game now and have minimum required hardware, you would'nt stand a chance, even if you have the recomended hardware! The main problem is rain, you can do ok with 16 of the more recent cars on track at one of the recent tracks with decent gfx settings, but oh if it starts to rain! Now im gunna use the comparision that much more recent sims with rain have pretty much similar FPS with or without rain, this goes for different times of day and night aswell. What is the point of having these great features if they are nearly unusable or have such a performance hit it makes you're driving different.

    Now I don't care if you've got a GTX 750 ti, 1080ti or even better than that, when the FPS will litterally drop by a percentage of more than 50 to 60% its gunna have an effect on your driving, on track reactions happen in milliseconds so its very relavant.

    I am talking about purely official content here aswell, and thats leaving out the cars that have some very offputting graphical faults whilst you're driving that do not impact on FPS but are dead off putting none the less. Going back to performance take one car and one track example and you may be running at great FPS with 30 on track and gfx settings on full, change to another combination and you gotta reduce that to 16 cars on pretty low settings to get console FPS. Oh and all of this is whilst running at a lower res than any other sim in the first place.

    I think its the one big thing that puts folks off this title, which is a shame cause they're missing out on some best racing sim experience on PC. If this was sorted you'd sell alot more copys and there would be more players online, don't you wanna sell more copys?

    Lets be fair this game looks good with full on GFX settings, but its hard to ever achieve them. Once again I love this sim!
  12. RNeves

    RNeves Registered

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Nice to her about the things being made. But honestly, there are some things that I can´t understand.

    Why do we have to keep the .rfcmp files of every mod we download from the Steam workshop? On my pc, the RF2 content folder alone is 63GB. Do we really need to have these files on our PC's for the game to work?

    Other thing I don't understand is, some months ago, you messed up with the GTE physics and made them too slow. When are yu guys planning to bring them to their correct standards?
    Atsuki and AlexHeuskat like this.
  13. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    That's why I use only Steam workshop for the official content, all the rest is installed in "Package"
  14. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Without knowing what kind of hardware and software specs you run it is hard to determine where your performance issues are coming from. Just to put that into perspective, I run a core i7 6700k + a GTX1070 at full HD and tested Le Mans some time ago with a mix of URD and Enduracers cars running a grid of allmost 60 cars at night in the rain and I had no issues keeping 60 fps at high settings. Given the fact that the official content is a bit more highpoly and highres, I wouldn't necesarrily try that, but with 30 cars atleast it'll run just fine in the same situation, because I just tested this on Sebring today. First of all I would be interested in your hardware specs, but I would give you the advice to set your graphic and PP settings according to the most demanding car and track combination at night and rain and never touch it again. If you are changing the graphic settings for every track and car combination, you are doing something wrong. ;)
    Emery likes this.
  15. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    No mate, when you’re happily racing at around 65 FPS and a lap in it starts raining (a feature that the game has ansd so should work) and because it’s racing it now drops to at lowest points below 25 FPS (so the games own feature has now made it nearly inoperable or to put it another way, not working) then there is blatantly something wrong with the game, not with what I’m doing. Go into more detail about specs and your other points later, no time just now
  16. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Right just found some more time. Doesnt really matter what my sys specs are when I can race a field of 16 Oreca’s at Over 65 FPS at Le Mans, then change to 16 McLaren Senna GTR’s at same track, same settings, same conditions and now it’s struggling to achieve even 20 FPS! That’s like a totally different game built for a higher spec machine all of a sudden, what am I supposed to buy a new graphics card for every individual bit of dlc I buy for this game? I love it when it works but it makes me very angry when I by an add on for it and it doesn’t work!
  17. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    To answer this question in necessary to know your system specs ;)
  18. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Well no because obviously it’s a rhetorical question, of course you shouldn’t have to buy new hardware to run Addons for an existing game! I will because I’m a sucker for this game but my point is others who may have only just decided to buy it with low spec machines might load up one car set and think great, then switch to another car and suddenly it’s nearly undriveable so they’ll think sod this I’ll get me a refund and not bother with it again, so sales and online players lost!
  19. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Don't worry. Mine was a rethorical answer too (thought it was obvious);)
  20. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Rain incurs a huge performance loss, whatever the hardware.
    On my beefy i7-8700K / 1080 TI / 4K resolution, only rain can bring down FPS way below 60 when there are lots of cars on screen.
    Night is also another case of killing FPS in some conditions.
    Conclusion: do not race with rain, nor night.

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