First attempt at joining a multiplayer race

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AlanK, Dec 31, 2019.

  1. AlanK

    AlanK Registered

    Dec 24, 2016
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    After two years of single-player racing i thought I'd give multiplayer a go yesterday (using the new beta UI). I didn't expect it to be a completely different world! For whatever reason the server list only shows the track, not the car required, so I failed to join the first two I tried. When I did get in I was greeted by a friendly bunch of people who all welcomed me by chat... but as a single-player user I had no idea how to respond (had to go away and find out). Then one of them (I'd guess the host) sent me what I think was called a "garage setup file" that apparently would be found in my received folder. No idea what that file did, what I had to do with it or where my received folder is located so I had to exit out of sheer ignorance. Is there nothing written down anywhere to help multiplayer noobies like me? If not, S397 should add a multiplayer "getting started" section to their online user guide ASAP. Offering no basic user directions at all (year after year) for something as complex as RF2 and relying on the goodwill of folk in this forum instead is frankly just lazy. Yes, I'm irritated!
    bwana and Juergen-BY like this.
  2. Seven Smiles

    Seven Smiles Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    "Garage set up file" is a complete car set up. If you go into the Setup screen you'll see a file browser with a folder for each the tracks you have (the current track is selected) where you can save and load setups. If you scroll that you'll see a Received folder and there you'll find the setup you were sent. Select it and click the Load button. You can make it your default setup for the track by clicking Assign. If you edit the setup then go back to select the current track's folder and click Save.

    No, it's not obvious. Welcome to rFactor! :rolleyes: That's a quick start, there is more to say but that covers the very basics and answers your question.
  3. AlanK

    AlanK Registered

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Many thanks, I didn't find that. In multiplayer is loading a garage setup file a requirement, to create a level playing field for all drivers in that race, or was the host just being helpful? The race was the Caterham 7 at Croft, so I could do with all the help I can get in keeping the car on the track. Hopefully the file is still there (haven't had a chance to look yet).
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Just being helpful. Many mods you can be quite competitive on a default setup. In fact people generally spend too much time focusing on setup and not enough on car familiarisation and driving lines.

    A clear exception is oval running, or very fast or slow tracks where things like wings need to be in the right zone to avoid massive speed or grip loss.

    On your experience overall, that's exactly what we would have hoped to avoid with a new UI - it should be clear and logical enough without a guide, or able to guide a new user in the game itself.

    Please leave feedback in the new UI thread, so the devs can take it on board.
  5. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    in the new interface, down in setup, up to the left setup / received there will be received setup
  6. ADSTA

    ADSTA Registered

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Too make sure you keep your setups go to your player.JSON found here:

    ..\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\player.JSON

    Look for this line and change it to 3 if it isn't.
    "Keep Received Setups":3,
    "Keep Received Setups#":"0=do not accept, 1=keep until next track, 2=keep until exit, 3=keep forever",
    buzz hornet likes this.
  7. AlanK

    AlanK Registered

    Dec 24, 2016
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    As I understand it, the devs have thus far ported most of the existing functionality across to a new-look UI, so I don't really expect to see anything being any easier to navigate yet. No harm in making a few suggestions in the new UI thread tho', I guess!
  8. AlanK

    AlanK Registered

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Thanks for that tip. Luckily mine is already set to 3.
    ADSTA likes this.
  9. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    We probably hoped the existing functionality would be well laid out :p
    buzz hornet likes this.

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