RaceDepartment download was not showing in Mod Manager or in game after I unzipped (7zip) and placed .rfcmp in my Packages folder. The rfcmp from...
Looks like a lot of fun to me. What are yousaying here? Good/bad/indifferent?
Exciting times. :D
I was under the impression that the car is not ready yet? Was waiting until some sort of update was released. If its ready I'll run it at the very...
This is wonderful news, thank you. I'll do my best to wait patiently.... and quietly. Your great work is very much appreciated - long may it...
Are there any plans to update this great mod?
Have you seen this thread https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/porsche-911-rsr-2-8l.47265/page-3. ? Post #59 is by the author of the mod...
Ofcourse, thanks that did it. I'll start adding bits back till something breaks it again. ;)
Aha, thanks. I have a dozen or so of these files, all generated this evening, after the update. They're suffixed .log but they're text files...
Yes but I think I'm not the only one that is getting a crash without being subscribed to whatever it was. Would help if somebody named the...
Thanks, but something tells me it's not me who has an issue here. I do hope they get it sorted out. Bless em.
Me too. On initial startup after the update, rF2 reached setup wizard - which I completed. Then I hit next and got a CTD. All susequent startups...
Yes please. :)
The OP does state that this is a WIP version, so I think perhaps we should just be thankful for what we have here. Would be great if @I_Bellett...
Separate names with a comma.