like Rfactor1 AC has a track building editor available(racetrackbuilder) this gave a push to make more mods like in rf1 happened with...
i partly got the answer i needed my first question was about the Multiplier and you said the Modding_Tool and online tool use the Node...
the size doesnt matter in the spreadsheets what i was saying is that i get the correct values from the the old spreadsheet in the Modding_Tool TGM Gen V0.29 – Brabham BT44 Rear Example ODS – July 31, 2016 i received the correct size as...
hi,do you know where the tire size multiplier values are listed in the tire spreadsheet generator? it exports as SizeMultiplier=(1, 0.99999) by...
i made tests as well, the materials seam to be very stiff, i had to double/triple the load in order to make tires appear deflated, i think you...
did you built the tires by your self or its an upgrade to an existing car to allow lowest pressure because that wouldn't work unless for sure you...
camber conditions can be simulated during the tire making process, can you make the tires and car your self and reconfirm the camber doesnt work?
this happened to me also after trying out cars on my list , i dont remember which one but i remember trying out a car which didnt load well and...
ac and acc have lower rates of Physics calculations to do
i corected the white balance in these photos but my screen calibration is also loaded as lut :(
what cars/track you had running, corvette c6 always freaze my pc when going over the grass
they said they are working on improving the shadows couple of roads maps before
what content do you need to join this server
who said that game is fully developed by s397?
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