Nov 6, 2015
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    1. Lars
    2. nericksenna
      Hi Carrera.4, I have a quick question/suggestions for your mod: you have done absolutely everything, and it’s gorgeous, mod is fantastic ever since rF1 and now rF2 BUT helmet shapes aren’t to the quality of the cars/sounds/physics that you put into the mod.Faces in the helmets looked like they were squished against the visors lol, which made it look funny, but not realistic.Any chance you will update these?
    3. carssoul
      hi, i'm cars soul, an editor from, me and nicola (the admin) would like to make an interview with you, about the your mod..i also wrote you on that site. anyway, if you're interested, let me know, here or on drivingitalia..and about the interview, you're free to decide how to make it, for example I can give you the questions and then you can answer anytime you want. thanks and have a good day, bye
    4. Jaromir Bergmann
      Jaromir Bergmann
      hi, would u pls send/link me F1_1988_Adelaide.mas file with the fixed T13 tree, was unable to fix it myself, thanks
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      2. Jaromir Bergmann
        Jaromir Bergmann
        yeah that is what I did, changed the *.mas, but do not know how to run it in-game. rF2 needs altering *.mft file too or something? simple copying the new *.mas in the place of the old one does not work, can not run the trackpack any longer after that
        Dec 20, 2016
      3. carrera.4
        u need to repack the whole mod, look on the forum, under
        "component a mod packaging" several threads about.
        Dec 20, 2016
      4. Jaromir Bergmann
        Jaromir Bergmann
        ok, will have to wait for the updated release
        Dec 22, 2016
    5. TheDog6
      Hi, carrera.

      I like very much your 1988 mod and as I intend to play it only offline, I have been having problems with the fuel estimation in cars and tracks. So, I've allowed myself to redo all of the data, the fuelestimate in all the engine files and in the aiw files. This and more in a file I've uploaded, link:!dUxlRRrZ!HgK0Kh6xwpvtZwMESTBRM7aIfYYDeEjHYHn3RXIHGFk (this can only have 420 chars).
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      2. TheDog6
        If someone reads this, numbers in new version are NOT mine.
        Nov 29, 2016
      3. carrera.4
        Hello TheDog6
        ty for sharing ur values.
        With using ur parameters i had still problems with fueluse on several tracks.
        After a lot hours of testing, I used my own for the new version.
        ty anyway
        Dec 1, 2016
      4. TheDog6
        Thank you for your comment, I will stick to my values anyway in my package and really thanks for the mod.
        Dec 11, 2016
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