Released Latest Build Update rFactor 2 - 1.1112 Now Available!

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Nov 30, 2018.

  1. BullGod

    BullGod Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    I am not attempting to be a PIA, but I am trying to understand. We are NOT talking about a beta build, we are referencing the current release build correct? M y build seems to be consistent with the latest as far as I can tell.

    Which matches the posted fix to address it.
    "(A small update to fix the AI custom livery issue)
    Latest Build Update rFactor 2 Steam Build IDs
    client: 3566541 "

    Again, I am not at all trying to be a pain, but I want to understand so that I can continue to be a champion for the best sim out there, Rf2.
    Since my version seems to be consistent, I may attempt to install one or two today and see how she goes. I just want it to operate like it did a few days ago, pre-patch.

    game ON!
  2. D.Painter

    D.Painter Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Well I have the same build number, I've verified the install and are still having the same issues with the AI not able to use alt skins, only loads the window DDS file only when it's open, not in a Mas and a skin set up for sharing in a Mas "will" delete all the files out off that Mas if the car is refreshed in the showroom!

    I want be sharing or updating any off my current downloads till I'm 100% sure the issue is fix. It's not fair to the end user plus I don't need all the bad feedback for skins that don't work and/or disappear on them..
    Bostrom likes this.
  3. nounoubleu

    nounoubleu Registered

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Exactly same problem: depending on the cars, I see pure original skin or original skin+custom window.
    Funny thing is I originally succeeded to make all my custom skins working on AI by changing all .Veh file names (35 cars), following advice found in this thread.
    Then, I discovered I was still on an old Beta build (V1110) and had stupid idea to download the latest one...
    Since then, nothing works
    Bostrom likes this.
  4. Yuriznikov

    Yuriznikov Registered

    Nov 29, 2016
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    I reverted back to V1.111 on steam (properties on game then betas) and my old skins seem to be working again (did change the veh file name still so not sure if that affected it).

    Just FYI

    i do appreciate all the time and effort modders/skinners are putting in, RF2 is turning out better and better but this kind of stuff does kind of irritate me. The new shaders are cool but it is coming with its own bunch of problems. But i guess itll take time for everything to convert to it.
    nounoubleu and Bostrom like this.
  5. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Are these the Mas files the game generates or are they ones you have made?
    I haven't created a Mas file now that the game generates them.
    I've only used the auto-generated ones and I don't see them being changed on a refresh.

    My AI cars are not using my skins though.
  6. JimmyT

    JimmyT Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I have made a bunch of skins for the GT3 Pack, GT3 Challengers and GTE cars. They all show up on the AI. I had an online race last night (I ran the dedi server on stand alone PC) and most of the skins shared no problems. I tried to look at 2 in the showroom (tuning) and the cars wouldn't show up in there. After finishing the evening I have gone back in to check my skins and the 2 I tried to look at in the showroom have lost their .rcd files and no longer show up in the selection list. I will say that the folders with the .mas .dds and .json files are still there but the only .rcd files for those 2 brands are from the skins the other racer shared with me. (look like they overwrote my .rcd file with same name ie "1.rcd" or "0.rcd" these now have info for the other player's skins)
    I have put the skins back in but maybe @Christopher Elliott could check if this is an issue or have I done something stupid my end.

    Thanks in advance.
    PS Thanks very much to S397 for these materials, much appreciated.
    alexSchmurtz likes this.
  7. MetalMania

    MetalMania Registered

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I was having the same problem with none of my 3rd party skins being available - completely absent from the car selection menu. Thank you , D.Painter for the instructions - I tested on one of the GT3 cars I had skins for, and now they're all in the selection list again and show up properly on track, and the AI are using them as well. So, it's not a hard fix - but it's still annoying that it has to be fixed at all. Whether it's the original paints being "wrong", or the update breaking them, fact is they worked before the update and now require manual edits to get working again. PITA.

    Also, is it normal that the car updates are not occurring automatically? I had to go to my Steam RF2 inventory and manually unsubscribe/resubscribe to each individual car. Is that what's supposed to happen for these? No other update I have ever gotten for RF2 required that. It is a minor annoyance, but still an annoyance.

    I am not a modder (but am extremely grateful to those who are), and I'm not familiar with the guts and file structure of RF2. I hacked together ONE skin for one of the URD EGT cars a couple years ago for my own use, and I'm still amazed I got it to work... and have since forgotten how I did any of it. I used GIMP, and I remember having some trouble with it due to some differences in how the templates had to be used. I noticed the tutorial for the new templates was for Photoshop, which I understand since I'm sure that's the most popular, but I hope someone is able to provide some tips for GIMP users that would otherwise be "gotchas".
  8. D.Painter

    D.Painter Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Any and all tutorials should "never" be based on the use off any specific program unless it's about that program.
    The painting tutorial for the new materials is 90% rubbish and no wonder so many are having trouble understanding the work flow around painting with them.

    I would have read 3 lines off text and looked at 2 pictures in that hole tutorial that was outside the use of Photoshop! The rest was useless to me. As well as the new templates, 95% useless Photoshop rubbish I'd never use or want. I'm just using the old ones I have already edited all the Photoshop hockas pockas out off
  9. MetalMania

    MetalMania Registered

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I'm going to have to walk back on a little bit of my last post. SOME of my 3rd party skins are now available after doing the create directory from tuning menu/edit rcd file with the new folder name for the .veh file. For some reason the skins for the McLaren 650s and Mercedes AMG GT3 still aren't available. It worked for the Bentley and Callaway C7, I did exactly the same method.

    I only resubscribed to the GT3 cars so far. Looks like I'm keeping it that way for the time being.
  10. BullGod

    BullGod Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Thinking of grabbing an image, then rolling it back one version since that seems a viable option in my case.. At least then, the work I had done concerning setting up the skins I wanted (simulating IMSA and WEC), isn't lost. If I roll back, I will no longer be up to date, but in my use case, I am only running local races for my entertainment, no on-line for me at this point.
    That way I can continue to emulate/simulate the 1000 miles of Sebring baby!

    I'll check back as this progresses. I am all about supporting something I like, but there are times when it is just time to "go back" and enjoy what was., rather than mess around. This is B-day weekend, so this might be the time to enjoy for me.

  11. MetalMania

    MetalMania Registered

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you BullGod - to this point I'm an offline-only driver in RF2, and set up races for my own enjoyment. I was working on acquiring skins to recreate the IMSA field with a few fictional additions, but I guess that will have to wait. I don't have a previous image of my system to roll back to at the moment (or were you referring to a previous version of RF2 only?).

    I'm sure this will all get sorted out, just a bit frustrating.
  12. BullGod

    BullGod Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Rf2 in my case, I normally grab a copy of the install folder and throw it to another drive before/after any changes. I normally keep two copies. (not just RF2, any game) :) Its one of my flaws. Probably from modding, and the days of 9600 baud internet, and not wanting to wait for a huge DL or to load from disc again. Still have the bad habit of grabbing backups of....everything.

  13. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Your not bad, your just drawn that way.....[​IMG]
  14. Christopher Elliott

    Christopher Elliott Registered

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Latest Build Update rFactor 2 - 1.1112 Now Available!

    Steam Build IDs
    client: 3646315
    dedi: 3646316
    Note: Admins are required to update all dedicated servers.

    - Added realtime logging to help better diagnose sporadic physics lock-ups reported by some clients. If you have experienced this issue please see instructions here on logging:
    - Graphics engine and resource management improvements
    New Materials
    - Fixed an issue where the wrong region name was specified in the Region.JSON.
    - Fixed an issue where files were erased from a custom skin .mas when no loose files were present in the same folder. The current behavior will now extract the contents of the .mas to the same folder, when no loose files are present.
    - Fixed intermittent issue with editing materials.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2019
  15. Risto Kappet

    Risto Kappet Registered

    Feb 14, 2012
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    deni80s likes this.
  16. DrivingFast

    DrivingFast Registered

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I am also interested to have more details, if possible.

    Thank you.
    Hoshi likes this.
  17. baked bean

    baked bean Registered

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Well Sebring was fine for me in vr before this update, but i just tried it with track detail lower than normal, usually on high but went down to medium for my weekend race at a 3p track that used a lot of resources and hadn't changed it back. Sebring now stutters in a lot of places for me, strange. Any one else having the same. 8600k@4.6 2070rtx
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
  18. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    If it was me, I'd try deleting the contents of the CBash & Shaders folders in Userdata/Log & see if that changes anything. Tbh, I've not tried the new build yet.
  19. Hoshi

    Hoshi Registered

    Aug 1, 2018
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    But anyway, thanks for the update you guys at Studio 397!
  20. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    If you are using the Rift, try switching off ASW and see if that solves it.

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