Porsche GT3R - Wrong implemented Dash

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karaya2, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    For general perception and atracting new members correct lcd is not as important as overall gfx feel, materials, lighting. Everybody notices that and cartoonish cockpits kill immersion. PBR will hopefully improve that.
    Bjørn likes this.
  2. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Good to know you are just trolling then. To the list it goes.
  3. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    I don’t care how it looks, I was happy with the way rf2 looked before the dx11 improvements, I just want things to have visual features that a car has in real life, be it correctly implemented and functioning lcd options, or fluffy dice hanging from the rear view mirror.

    Having a functional lcd is just as important as having tc abs or proper drivetrain implementation, it’s all part of simulating the race car.
    Will Mazeo and The Iron Wolf like this.
  4. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I was talking about atracting new members. I believe overall cockpit gfx look and feel is more important in that regard.
    Akela_DE likes this.
  5. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    When your customers are debating the dash of one of your cars and nothing else for several pages, then it is pretty safe to say that you have done something right, when it comes to producing a sim car. I gave the Porsche around Zandi against the other GT3 cars a spin and I didn't have too much time to check the dash tbh, or to count the polygons of the mirrors. Sure, it would be nice to have those little details perfected in the future, but people who claim that you can't sell such a DLC in 2018 simply have no idea what they are talking about. I am not a big fan of GT3 cars by any means and I actually enjoy historic content alot more, but the sensation of that Porsche around a technical track like Zandvoort is second to none. Yes, the dash might be working better in AC (my only comparison) and the 3D modeling might be better, but when it comes to the on-track experience it is quite obvious where the rF2 version excells. And people writing off a DLC just because of dashes or imperfect textures shows, what's wrong with the sim racing community these days. Priorities have clearly shifted. Don't get me wrong, I like a nice looking cockpit. But that cockpit alone won't make me feel at home if the car sounds like a midi sound bank or if the car drives as if it is tied to a rubber band totaly getting out of shape once it touches a kerb.

    So in that respect, I am totaly with Bjorn. Stuff like ambient temps or proper clutch simulation are long overdue compared to dashes, that are not perfect but functional and require quite a bit of coding rework and not just a different font with a different color.
    Toro, Levelup1, d0nd33 and 7 others like this.
  6. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Get ready for half arsed implemented features in the future then, if that’s the standard you are going to hold S397 too.
    You can’t rely on physics alone to keep a product future alive, it didn’t stop rf2 being almost dead since it’s birth, and it sure won’t in the future.

    What’s the point in expecting a correctly modelled drive train if you don’t expect fully function rev lights,

    And infact why pay for official dlc when modders do a more complete job for free

    There has to be a standard applied to all aspects, not just some
    F1Aussie, Akela_DE and Will Mazeo like this.
  7. jpalesi

    jpalesi Registered

    Sep 15, 2011
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    Apparently, it's easier to support half arsed DLC, as long as they are official. Much easier than supporting well made mods that make the effort to go into details.
    As long as people will blindly buy WIP DLC, you guys will never get something finished from the devs. But you will get car models built "in house" from freelancers, with quick and dirty integration.
  8. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    I guess these guys are fine with all cars getting the same refuel flow despite different fuel tank sizes. Small details that we can ignore on physics and art because muh big stuff is more important than getting a paid DLC right (which generates income to create/update the "big stuff" ha)
    patchedupdemon likes this.
  9. Bjørn

    Bjørn Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    It's fine, you're entitled to your opinions and so are we... At least I don't go and hit the ignore button on a stand-up community user, just because he disagrees with me once...
    The Iron Wolf likes this.
  10. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    You are implying stuff, that you don't know. It is not a half assed DLC, atleast not more than from other sources and it was communicated everything that users needed to know. So don't put words in other peoples mouth. I think everyone can speak for him/herself. What I enjoy or don't enjoy is not your business and has nothing to do with blindly buying stuff. I only buy stuff that I think is worth the money and if it brings some good fun for the money, no matter wich platform. Wich is the case with the DLCs I bought so far. If you can show me a better 911 GT3 R 2017 spec for rFactor 2, then I will gladly accept your offer. What you and some of the other people here don't seem to understand is, that you set a higher priority on a very specific detail, that a) doesn't affect all cars and b) isn't really broken or anything. The clutch modeling or the ambient conditions are stuff that will affect everything in the sim and I would go that far to say, that the drive train model in rFactor 2 is actually something that I consider not good enough for 2018 standards.

    Btw, for the people who think that you can't hold on to good physics alone: that's only half of the truth. The reason why rF2 is still played by a quite active community is to a big extend down to the driving sensation incorporating very detailed physics and FFB, being good enough to immers players while still having those little imperfections. The rest of the sim is pretty average and with a few remarkable highlights here and there, I could not point out where rF2 beats other products by miles. Just take a look at the GT3 car line up in other sims.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  11. Bjørn

    Bjørn Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    That's it! You're blocked dude!

    Kidding, you're goddamn right.
    bluet likes this.
  12. jpalesi

    jpalesi Registered

    Sep 15, 2011
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    I do know, and I, along other 3D artists who agree with me, can recognize this. And my post you quoted was before I saw the new Aston pictures, now I'm even more strongly convinced that the DLC's are half arsed.

    Which sources ?

    I didn't.

    But you do put words in my mouth.

    Good for you. I wasn't targeting anybody in particular. But you do (as does S397) have lower standards overall, good for S397, and I accept that. It just means I'm not buying the DLC's.

    You needed that car this bad ?

    You're not saying that it's OK that a car is badly modeled as long as it just one car. Are you ?

    There are a lot of things that aren't good for 2018 standards, much less 2019. There are things that aren't even good for 2012 standards.
  13. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Your post just shows that you missed my point. You imply that people blindly buy half assed content, wich simply isn't true. The content might be half assed for you, but your view on the subject isn't the ultimate truth and can differ depending on what different people are looking for in a sim. Some people make clear desicions with the knowledge about the content being WIP or as is. As said, the 3D model is not perfect, but I wouldn't call it bad or anything. For rF2, there is no better model out there, that's the only fact that I need to know. The driving experience is excellent and I am not stubborn enough to insist on a better dash when I know that there are more important hardcoded issues that affect all cars and not just cars with modern dashes. Internal sounds are top notch and the skins will come for the GT3s. Maybe you should give the car a go and refund if it is really that half assed for you. Only thing I see you do, is complaining and claiming to know everything in a quite disrespectful manner actually. But for a person screaming that loud you don't bring that much to the table actually. Weren't you the guy who claimed that it is perfectly possible to build a decent rF2 track in a shorter time than the track team? I don't have seen your claim coming to fruition either. All the time I have spent my time modding games, I have seen people like you ... allways the same story. So much about that, but I think it is better to stop here.
    Filip and Bjørn like this.
  14. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    I think it's subjective to a point. You are of course free to point out the flaws and hold high standards for graphics. For a layman who is not into detail of modeling, but rather someone who enjoys race sims in general, I don't see any flaws that would affect my decision to buy or not. I think rF2 is not targeted at modellers who know every bit of detail, bot for people who enjoy especially the realism aspect of the sim. I admit I can see some of the issues when they are explicitly pointed out, but I honestly did not see them when I drove these cars myself. So I think we all have different standards and there is no such thing as "2018 standard". If we talk about physics, according my standards 95% of the cars from all race sims are not up to 2019 standards, but I recognize someone else that is not as physics knowledgeable might still enjoy them.
    The Iron Wolf, F1Aussie and Filip like this.
  15. Akela_DE

    Akela_DE Registered

    Jan 23, 2018
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    My 2018/2019 standard:

    datsun2.jpg datsunscreen.jpg

    Thats possible with a decent graphic engine. Now take the Aston and look for something similar. You will find it. But it will look like ... meh ? That was my first thought yesterday. The models are only ok-ish, but in no way an argument for RF2. But they should be, just as the Physics are.
    I really would like to have the look from PC2 and the rest from RF2...
    because i deleted that beauty :D
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  16. Alex72

    Alex72 Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Guys, you are all right. I understand Bjorn cause many of us care first about physics, systems and mechanics, but we also want it to look the part and keep up with reality on the visuals (not talking about snazzy effects but looks of the cars, dash etc). We all agree with each other but we have different priorities. S397 will follow their prio list though so its unnecessary to get worked up between ourselves. :)
    Bjørn, McKiernan and The Iron Wolf like this.
  17. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    The physics department is hopefully different from the graphics department, within s397, they should all be held to the same standards, that’s how successful businesses stay in business.

    We all want rf2 to succeed and that will only happen if quality control applies to all aspects
  18. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    For most of the posts in this thread this is not related to care more about one than the other. We just need the teams to do their best with what is available, especially when this involves DLC, they simply aren't pushing their own stuff to its full capacity. The Aston does look weird compared to the other cars in the pack.
    As I suspected before this "waiting for manufacturer approval" actually means "we haven't finished it yet, we'll hurry and release the car with issues then fix it in a distant future.... maybe".
    patchedupdemon, Mibrandt and Alex72 like this.
  19. bluet

    bluet Registered

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Will Mazeo i SUSPECT you are talking B/S again
  20. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    I have disagreed with a lot will has said before, but his concerns are valid a relevant

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