Oculus Rift Consumer unit 1 on schedule ( Announced on Twitter )

Discussion in 'Hardware Building/Buying/Usage Advice' started by Adrianstealth, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Guineapiggy

    Guineapiggy Registered

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Add in to that the people who can't because of visual issues that make their eyesight largely incompatible with such technology and, with existing screen technology, are unlikely to be included any time in the next decade; people with motion sickness issues; the huge advancements in fast refreshing, high-chroma screens, ultra-resolution monitors and the likes which will always leave proprietary technology like VR headsets behind the curve; budgetary constraints; the added development time in supporting the technology on multiple levels... it's never going to be anything other than a very cool accessory that some people can enjoy in the games that cater to them. Even if these issues were fixed the reality is it's yet another never-less-than-costly optional hardware accessory with limited application in an absolutely heaving market and that's not going to change.

    Don't misunderstand, it's really damn cool and I'm sure people will have a blast racing with it but, again, it's never going to be a must-have.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2016
  2. gkz

    gkz Registered

    Apr 10, 2013
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    " it seems unlikely that VR will ever be anything other than a niche tool for enthusiasts " this is just stupid. vr is allready more than for just enthusiasts before it even comes to the consumer market. it would be the same like vor 7 years someone would say a smartphone is just for enthusiasts... im mean open ur eyes and watch how vr allready change ur sports, porn, military, movies, Games or buisness like Audi has a deal with htc vive etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2016
  3. gkz

    gkz Registered

    Apr 10, 2013
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    Yes and vr make u feel that ur a in a real car not a triple screen. And no i don t look at my shifter when i drive a real car because i know what to do in a real car and where my buttons are. But like i allready told u u can see everything in vr and the awnser is htc vive. so ur opinion about ur button are gone anyway that has nothing to do with my statement about buttons. valve allready said u can use the cam of the vive to see ur cockpit wheel shifter etc.
  4. gkz

    gkz Registered

    Apr 10, 2013
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    Tuttle how old are u mate ?
  5. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    I'll never, ever, waste my money (how much? 1000? 1500$?) to do what I can already do with my own eyes. No Way, LOL. :D

    How seriously evil can be marketing on people? :D

    I would invest such money for new monitors, or a DD, or a new DIY wheel...but I'm not saying you have to do the same. You see that's just personal preference and needs. That all I'm saying; your facts are just your opinions, needs. Don't twist logic, doesn't work. Never did.

    Old enough to not eat marketing for breakfast.
  6. Guineapiggy

    Guineapiggy Registered

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Uh...huh. I'mma go do something more constructive.
  7. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    ....i think for now your right and that most people with both (like yourself) would agree also given vr's current state of technology. For example it's very hard to read text in the dk2 (which i don't think will be much better in the cv1) but that will inevitably be resolved with higher res displays (provided vr is here to stay, grow and not a gimmick which i myself do not believe it to be though ofc i could be wrong). I think many if not all the issues that have been raised are resolvable in time. Prices should also go down with time ofc, etc, etc.

    Tuttle, just out of curiosity, have you tried a rift before?
  8. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    No, I don't. There are millions of things I didn't try but I know I don't need it. :)

    I'm not judging without knowing. I'm saying I don't need it and why. Anyone saying I'm saying BS or nonsense, when just talking about opinions, it's not welcome here. That's the point.

  9. WhiteShadow

    WhiteShadow Registered

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Yes dk2 is blurry and when I read spec.of cv1 I think you are right. Sure vr is here to stay but I bet it is going to take many years before vr beats my 3 x Predator X34 G-Sync monitors.
  10. gkz

    gkz Registered

    Apr 10, 2013
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    Yes maybe higher than 1500 ... And ? Thats a new type of hardware ofcourse it coast mutch money for the first time. I remember when my father bought me my first tft montior for 1200 euro and it has crapy 50 ms latency so i could not play my main game half life 1 was to fast. But as a 14 years old child i knew the time will come for tft to replace oldshool monitors. But whats 1500 dollars compared to a triple screen setup where i need even more pc power. So 1500 - 2000 dollar for my pc and if i want good screens u have to pay 700-1000 dollar too.

    i know that u guys are old enough and this is where i see the problem. a guy who is 40+ don t see the things like young ppl.

    I don t go for marketing. I play rf 2 only with my dk 2 thats why i can talk about it. Did u test oculus or vive ?
  11. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Well, no one needs vr of course, they only want it if they like it but even if they liked it i agree with you that there will be some people in the world who'd still prefer the non vr option for a multitude of possible reasons. :)

    If you ever get the chance to try vr though, i'd highly recommend it. It may surprise you or simply confirm your already held beliefs about it. Either way, "one good test is worth a thousand expert opinions".
  12. gkz

    gkz Registered

    Apr 10, 2013
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    that funny because the most ppl who tested the cv1 on ces 2016 said its big improvment to dk 2 and u can read the text pretty good.
  13. PaulG

    PaulG Registered

    Aug 22, 2013
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    I think people saying it's never going to be anything more than a fad are going to look back at those comments and chuckle at how silly they were.

    VR has failed in the past because the technology wasn't ready. It's the only reason. There are so many uses outside of gaming it's not even funny. Something like The Apollo 11 Experience is what really convinced me. It literally gave me goose bumps. And from that point forward, it became obvious to me that this was the future of education (history, medical, whatever). It really was like the first time I used the internet and how it was immediately obvious it was going to revolutionize everything. There's a reason all the major tech companies have formed VR divisions (Google just announced theirs the other day). It's the next platform revolution.
  14. metalnwood

    metalnwood Registered

    Dec 31, 2011
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    While it gave hope that Tim liked VR and thought it was good for sim racing I guess it is not so good to see other ISI developers state it's rubbish and would never want to use it.

    That doesn't help me imagine I will see it soon in rf2.

    Tuttle, I assume you are familiar with RF2 (yes that is a joke), so it's not really fair to say only 'serious' sim racers would race with their triples, BB etc. I dont know what you race but like many, many racers I dont race cars requiring 20 buttons just to control car features like drs, brake bias, engine mode, etc, etc.

    I would bet the majority of racers dont need that many buttons but do have a lot of buttons for 'unrealistic' things like chatting, pit stuff etc.. That is much more realistically done using voice commands, not a button box.

    I never look at my wheel racing, I never look at my shifter while racing. I am surprised on your take at what is 'serious' sim racing.

    It sounds like when I put on my rift and race an average gt3, older F1 etc that my experience is closer to reality than yours. Which is then more serious in that context?
  15. vittorio

    vittorio Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    interesting, reading all the strong comments I would like to ask @Tuttle, @WhiteShadow .. what VR HMD and what racing simulation you tried and is the base of your prognosis? did you even tried VR with racing simulations?

    EDIT: oh sorry, seems DrR1pper already adressed this question.
  16. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Can you link me to those reports please? And were they comparing the same test imagine (i.e. same word font and size) on the cv1 as on the dk2? Ofc if you make the text large enough, then it becomes easily readable.

    I could be wrong but as it currently stands, i'm just a bit sceptical that a 25% increase in pixel count will make text notably more legible than it was on the dk2. I'll find out for myself anyway when the cv1 arrives.

    Someone who's claimed to have tried the cv1 at oculus connect (https://forums.oculus.com/viewtopic.php?t=26997) recalls thinking to themselves "This looks just as pixelated as my DK2".

    edit: Found a post from someone claiming to have an engineering sample of cv1 and has the opinion that despite only 25% increase in resolution from dk2, it feels like the same leap from dk1 to dk2. Which if true (however i'm still somewhat sceptical that it's true since dk1 to dk2 saw a literal 100% increase in pixel count) it's impressive as i know just how god awful the dk1 was.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2016
  17. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    I never state it's rubbish. I just said I would never need it because I like, and I want, my "real" stuff in my cockpit.

    What's wrong with that? I don't understand.
  18. WhiteShadow

    WhiteShadow Registered

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Yes i own dk2. LFS :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2016
  19. vittorio

    vittorio Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    How can you even write that when you never tried any VR HMD in racing simulations? You simply don't know it.
  20. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    It's fair to say that one will never need it but not that one will never want it.

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