Monster Build Box 4xTitans only does 15-50FPS in rF2

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kristoff Rand, May 18, 2015.

  1. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    My buddy just built a monster box with 4xTitans and it kicks benchmark butt... 21,000 3D Mark.

    i7 4930 and 4x titans running 350.12 Nvdia Driver

    you'd think it could handle rF1 right? No... Well, kinda no.

    rFactor 1 - In Nvdia Surround with 3 monitors
    60fps with everything on.
    Vsync and detailfps are both off, but when set the fps will go to 120 or whatever it is set to..
    17-20fps with everything off.
    rF1 only reads 4gb of video ram of 6gb on card.

    turn on fraps and it says 850fps

    and then rF2...

    rf2 - In Nvdia Surround with 3 monitors
    50fps with everything on.
    15fps with everything off

    I repeat... when it does rF2 it gets 15fps with everything off and 50fps with everything on.


    environmental reflections breaks it. loads slow and kills frames with surround... with environmental reflections off, it's 100 frames... with it on, it's 15-20fps

    turning off sli and only running one card to one monitor results in 120-130fps in rF2 with everything on. even road reflections.

    conclusion... rFactor still hates sli. more than one gpu seems to be counter productive? A titan should smoke this sim, I would think it would do everything and more and have monitors to spare?

    how to run triple screen without surround? buy a matrox or have 3 monitor tech on your videocard?

    some have said it's just this new nvidia driver? but we have not been playing enough rF2 to have noticed.

    Any ideas?
  2. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    have you tried an older nVidea driver? as you say and from what I've read the latest driver has mucked a few people up a bit.
  3. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    SLI hasn't worked properly in ISI engined sims for many years now, possibly ever. The only exception is during Nvidia 3D Vision (which is AMAZING in these games BTW :)) which SLI works brilliantly in.

    One thing: reducing the two reflection settings more and more helps slightly with a little better SLI scaling.
  4. Nuno Lourenço

    Nuno Lourenço Registered

    Oct 19, 2010
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    Only one titan its enought to run triple screens, you just need to have in mind that in Race you must one or two settings to medium to keep game above 60fps.

    This forum its full of threads talked about problems with SLI so nothing new that your friend can't play it with that rig.
  5. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    The only thing you can do is turn both reflection settings completely off for the best-case-scenario of SLI scaling, it's still terrible scaling but it at-least should give you some positive scaling (maybe 10-25 %, rather than the 70-100 % range which is what I consider the minimum-acceptable-to-perfect range for multi-GPU scaling).

    Also, disable RF2's AA, and set it from Nvidia Inspector and use a very demanding form of AA like the "xS" combined AA settings or SGSSAA+MSAA settings. These pretty much driver injected forms of AA and, I believe (but could be wrong), should scale well with most multi-GPU setups because they are driver controlled rather than relying on the game.
  6. hardtohandle

    hardtohandle Registered

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Yes I know someone with 3xtitan, as you have discovered the unpleasant truths is, it just don't work.

    I did read there is no support for more than 2 cards, so the 3rd card actually DEGRADES performance further, in your case maybe even more so with 4. This guy, he put it down to 1xtitan and got 100fps+ on trips.

    I do not know what to suggest you do with the surplus 3x titans. If I was in Missouri I think I would drive up to Michigan and put them through ISI's window.

    If this is such a serious sim why is the mutiview support so poor? All them guys are running trips on iRacing with not very good systems by RF2 standards! Cost of upgrading hardware to run trips on RF2 is MORE than paying for iracing and no hardware for me! Will this ever be sorted I wonder?
  7. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Bench marks and running actual gaming software are two different things. I know lots of people are doom and gloom around here but rF2 won't be the only game you'll see a loss of performance when running 4 Titans.
  8. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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  9. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    "Bench marks and running actual gaming software are two different things. I know lots of people are doom and gloom around here but rF2 won't be the only game you'll see a loss of performance when running 4 Titans."

    Wow, thanks... How incredibly unhelpful... So what you're saying is 4 Titans just isn't enough for modern games... and we just need to just get used to that? So... Troll much?

    Benchmark's aren't everything? Who said they were everything? I simply told you a score out of the box for reference. Do you even know what a Benchmark does? Especially 3D mark? It runs through various graphical features and then compares that performance to all the other cards and systems in it's database... You get to see what cards run what type of graphics better than others. Benchmarks are industry standards for grading hardware. That's why the biggest and most popular hardware websites rely heavily on benchmarks and stress tests to evaluate hardware and configurations... And even on those rare occasions that hardware benchmarks well and does poorly in a game environment, it's the game, the devs and their communication and or relationship with nVidia/ATI that is really to blame. There will undoubtedly be a patch from one or the other that fixes things immensely.

    The whole idea of programing is not to break the system... To have seamless and flawless operation on the target demographic hardware. What would the target demographic hardware be for rF2? high end gaming rigs... Not Deep Blue... not a Google Data Center... Not Dot.Com's basement computer... High End Gaming Rigs like most of us have is the target demographic 1 Titan is right at the very top of that category... The top...

    Right now, today... If 1 Titan can't blow a game's doors off then it's not a game... It's an experiment in melting GPU's. It's something for the nerds at Nvidia HQ to play with. Who has Titans? Who among the gaming, racing population will have one while it's current? 1% of the population? Much less 4 Titans? That's pure silliness to say that new games will not run on 4 Titans... If they're made right, they'll not only run, but they'll sing.

    To me you just sound jelly... Don't be jelly dude... This ain't a picnic and we don't have any peanut butter. But we do have some nice parting gifts for you... Shelia will show you off stage.
  10. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    turn off all gpu's except x1

    reduce AA & resolution of rf2 + tack detail to med no FXAA

    there, sorted you'll have a wonderful simulator experience now & it will look nice too + very high fps

    only the very big mainstream may benefit from multi got setups (even they I suspect they simply duplicate the same frames), rf2 works best with just 1 gpu, so best use just x1 gpu

    p.s I've had a few multi gpu setups .....never again
  11. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    We'll go through your tut tonight Spinelli and see what it does. We haven't had a chance to go back at it as I was down installing some new/old cards.
  12. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Oh my current rig I use 2 gtx470's in sli with a matrox triplehead2go and get my 60fps with just a few things turned down a bit and hdr off. I've been running sli in rF since the beginning. never had any issues. Unless you're saying my 1 470 could do better than that?
  13. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    hi Kriss

    not sure with 470's -if you happen to be getting good results then stick with it
    I never did ....I use to get higher fps with duel gpu's but less smooth fluid low latency experience
    but do give it a try with just one

    don't be fooled by a higher fps with duel, check lag / fluid smoothness etc
    performance can be better with lower fps
  14. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    NP, Kristoff. Let us know.

    I'm not sure if you've seen the other current SLI thread, but I have some info on there regarding benchmarks.
  15. WhiteShadow

    WhiteShadow Registered

    Feb 16, 2015
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    I think this "devs and their communication and or relationship with nVidia/ATI that is really to blame" is the main reason to rFactor2 SLI problems. NVDIA profile is created 2011-09-2. I have asked from Nvidia support about rFactor2 SLI. Statement from Nvidia is that it is game issue and there is nothing they can do. Nvidia don't have any further information on when or if this particular game will be addressed in an update. Statement from Nvidia is confirmation that ISI don`t have any relationship or communication with nVidia.

    rFactor2 SLI killers are, reflections and shadows. My SLI gives 270-310fps, reflections, shadows and multiview off, everything else max. GPU loads are fine.
    Seems that optimized single-pass HDR for multiview build 946 is killing my fps, I get onnly 30 fps in Malayisia, not all mods only some (cars)v. 1.58, does anybody else has same problem as I do?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2015
  16. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Sorry dude, was just trying to educate you between benchmarks and actually running software dude. I didn't know that would cause you enough butthurt to call me a troll dude. Sorry to hurt your feelings dude. Take care dude and I hope you get things all sorted out dude.
  17. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    You having a Hulk Hogan moment DUDE? :)
  18. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    I think so, I turned the colour of nvidea green jelly for a few moments. Had some peanut butter sandwiches and all is good now though.
  19. Kristoff Rand

    Kristoff Rand Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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  20. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Kristoff. So, any results? Have you tried fully disabling both in-game reflection settings?

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