MP .rfmod has to redownload everytime you join? Why?

Discussion in 'Online Racing Discussion' started by Spinelli, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    These usually take 10 or so seconds to download so I never really cared, however, I just spent about 13 minutes downloading an rfmod (must be some sort of issue - 13 mins instead of 10 seconds - something is CLEARLY messed-up) but once I finally downloaded it I couldn't even join because I'm missing 1 track (Anneville), and of course they don't have autodownload setup. So I go online, download what seems to be the correct file, go back and try to join and RF2 wants to redownload the .rfmod again. I just downloaded it minutes ago, why does it have to download again? Obviously I just then said "forget it" and closed down RF2 to play another game. I patiently spent 13 mins downloading what normally takes 10 secs, there's no reason I need to redownload a 100% identical file already saved on my PC.

    On another note, if anyone wants to look into the humungous .rfmod download time, the server details are as follows (according to RF2's matchmaker/lobby):

    Game Name: "F1CL OPEN"
    Race Series: "OPENKarts"
    Circuit: "Anneville Ambourville, 6 hours of Rouen"
  2. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Maybe the discontinue of the download or it being unsuccessful the first time made it a bogus file. because it could not finish its checks rf2 needed to do it again? makes sense.
    the 13 minutes instead of 10 seconds was because there was content to be downloaded. if 10secs it means you already have the content and all its doing is check.
  3. clockit

    clockit Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    I had that problem once, had to manually install the mod.
  4. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    That's incorrect. The rfmod always takes just a few seconds to download (except for this 1 server for whatever odd reason), then after the rfmod successfully downloads then you get the pop-up letting you know if you're missing content. Then of course it may take a while to download cars/tracks, but I wasn't doing that (server didn't set-up auto downloading).

    Oh, and the first attempt at downloading the rfmod did not fail, it just simply took almost 15 minutes to completely and successfully download instead of the usual 10 seconds (again, this is the rfmod, the very first thing you download from a server when you try joining, it's not cars or tracks or anything like that).

    I'm guessing that even though RF2 downloads the rfmod, that it doesn't actually save the rfmod on my PC until it acknowledges that I have all content and am able to join (hence the super quick "installing mod" bar that very briefly pops-up when, and only when, you have just downloaded an rfmod and are able to join the server). Just a guess, but that's the only explanation I have for why I had to redownload an rfmod again.
  5. Josh.H

    Josh.H Registered

    Dec 19, 2013
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    There is a checkbox to the left of each component when creating an rfmod which actually includes all that components files in the rfmod package. It looks like the F1CL OPEN server has done this as the rfmod file is 36MB as opposed to an rfmod with no included content which is ~680KB or less, depending on which logos are included.

    The rfmod always downloads to my Packages folder whether I have the content or not. If I have to leave the game to get additional content I always manually install the rfmod to avoid having to download it again.
  6. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    This is TECH HELP !
  7. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Weird, because when I successfully downloaded it, I was still missing a track.

    P.S. Almost 15 mins to download 36 MB? What the...
  8. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    They may have the download rate limited on the server so it doesn't affect the actual racing. Of course you'd be better off ensuring the rfmod is very small in that case.

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