[REL] 1967 Endurance (Proto/Sports/GT) - modded Howston G4

Discussion in 'Third Party Content' started by woochoo, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Based on the original ISI/Studio397 1967 Howston G4, modified by woochoo & mantasisg.
    Inspired by a classic 1967 endurance race in France. 55 cars, with 29 unique sets of physics, aimed at capturing the vibe of cars they may or may not resemble, and able to provide the variety of multi-class racing on a grand French circuit.
    Now includes some 1966 cars as well.
    Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1213554944

    Instructions for binding a single control to activate both front and rear flaps for car 7/8, and also tips for using the cars with adjustable wings

    2024-01-03 - v2.90

    Updated on Workshop.
    Standalone download rfcmp:
    Mantasisg has broadly updated the physics (tyres, engines, chassis, aero, misc, ai).
    Minor graphics and sound updates.
    Special thanks to the participants of the Brianza Vintage 1000km event (2023) for testing and feedback.
    Update post: https://forum.studio-397.com/index....-modded-howston-g4.46937/page-25#post-1138130

    2020-09-13 - v2.50


    New version has further developments in graphics and physics, basic support for new UI, and some 1966 cars.


    02.JPG 03.JPG 20.JPG
    37.JPG 46.JPG 48.JPG 67.JPG

    23 cars from 1966 are included. Here are some of the main protagonists.
    They can be combined with the 1967 cars.


    edit 2020-09-28:
    Templates now available (not tidy, provided as-is)
    1967/1966: Livery, Rims, Steering Wheel, Headlights/ID Lights.
    ---- OLD NEWS AND VIDEOS BELOW --------
    v2.0 now on workshop
    Mantasisg has worked hard to produce a more representative physics set for each car type. v2.0 now includes the different wheelbase/track, some updated suspensions, some improved engines, and some more representative inertial characteristics of the different car classes. GT cars in particular will feel much improved.

    The body meshes have also been updated to better represent the cars, with better results due to the more accurate wheelbase and track of each car. The body meshes are styling-cue bodies, rather than replica bodies. A central cockpit mirror has been added, and the wing mirror types are customised or removed to better visually represent each car. Custom steering wheel textures are also included where appropriate.

    Now also includes a cockpit light to indicate the wing position of cars 7 & 8, the two cars with giant movable rear wings. Instructions for binding a single control to activate both front and rear flaps for car 7/8, and also tips for using the cars with adjustable wings

    Non-Steam v2.0 rfcmp: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pOvkVZ2SqXB9Dlt5PPnP9R_RvHmt-U5Z
    V2.0 release post #232

    v1.51 on the workshop: minor update to address classification errors
    see post #144 for details
    v1.5 on Workshop

    Classes have been implemented to help opponent selection, and results classifications.
    All of the body meshes have been minorly adjusted with some styling cues.
    Some liveries have had minor updates.
    Modified wheel meshes for all cars (the same mesh) with custom wheel colours per car.

    Also, the 7.0L white cars, #7 & #8, now have a giant rear wing, which can toggle between high and low downforce. That works in conjunction with a theoretical front flap to maintain aero balance in either setting. Some text editing is required to bind both front and rear flaps to a single button or key.

    Instructions for binding a single control to activate both front and rear flaps for car 7/8, and also tips for using the cars with adjustable wings

    I made an ambient short film (director's cut) 30mins

    2018-08-18: screenshots and pre-release test available (manual install - not yet on workshop)
    v1.50 test link (identical to v1.5 steam workshop file):
    2018-08-16: An ambient short film I made for the "new" G4 cars
    2018-07-30: Coming soon is an update that includes modified body meshes, wheel colours, and support for class selection/results.
    Also included will be a rear wing with DRS-like functionality on cars number 7 and 8.
    Instructions for binding a single control to activate both front and rear flaps, and also tips for using the cars with adjustable wings.
    And an automatic alternate yellow livery for car number 1 when run on Sebring (s397 and VLM)
    see an in-progress preview of the cars here (you can watch it at 2x speed if you want)

    UPDATE v1.402 (2017-08-01)

    • included missing engine sounds
    UPDATE v1.401 (2017-07-23)
    Following the Studio397 update to the G4 (to v1.4) for Dx11, I've updated my G4 1967 Endurance skin pack. IT NOW INCLUDES ONLY THE G4 (no G6), and OLD VERSIONS OF THE SKINPACK SHOULD PROBABLY BE REMOVED because they might conflict or confuse.

    The new version of the G4 1967 LM-esque skin pack now includes 29 unique sets of physics, aimed at capturing the vibe of cars they may or may not resemble. These aren't perfect physics adjustments, but they are able to provide the variety of multi-class racing on a grand French circuit.

    With some research, the new physics have: adjusted weight/inertia; engines; gearboxes; fuel tanks; aero; engine sounds. All cars maintain the standard 1967 G4 suspension, track/wheelbase, tyres, and body shape. The slower cars still have the original G4 fuel tank size and consumption, which might help them in multi-pitstop races.

    If anyone is interested in doing further work with the physics or models, please contact me :)
    Additional engine sounds are from other s397 cars
    Contains some adjustments to meshes, materials, and textures
    Includes RCD Talent file
    Car pit groups assigned to work with Le Grand Circuit 1967

    >> Car #150 is listed as Front-wheel drive, but in testing the driving was so poor that it was returned to rear wheel drive (would probably require work on the suspension etc, which is beyond my capacity at this time)
    >> Missing engine sounds for some of the S4 engined cars (a technical oversight when packaging - will be updated)

    (old) Download:
    Howston_G4_1967_Endurance-v1402.rfcmp (389MB) includes unique physics / does not include G6:

    Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1213554944

    This is my first venture into car physics (alongside the Cobra '54 pack).
    thanks to yoss from Apex for some hints and tips, and redapg for the Online Tools
    And thanks to ISI / Studio397 for the base car and sounds
    ===== ===== ===== below here is old news ===== ===== =====
    An update is planned (for 1967 & 1954) which will include texture adjustments for the tone mapper changes from earlier in 2015, and will be repacked as a single cmp including sounds, which should solve any problems some users might have with sounds not loading from the original ISI Howston cars. No ETA, but sooner rather than later. It turned out to be later, and here it is, just below...

    EDIT: UPDATE to v1.301, which is based on the updated ISI Howstons (v1.3), and includes the engine sounds, and has had the skins tweaked for the game lighting that was updated in 2015. This should now be able to run without the ISI Howston G4/G6 installed, but won't overwrite them in any case.

    DOWNLOAD (old version):
    Howston_G4G6_1967_EnduranceCarset_v1301.rfcmp 526MB
    EDIT: No engine sounds in-game, using v1.0?? Solution Here: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.p...durance-Racing?p=400387&viewfull=1#post400387 - or update to v1.301, which includes engine sounds

    Hello Howston Drivers!

    Following on from my 1954-inspired skinpack for the G4 and G6, I've made a skinpack inspired by 1967 endurance racing in France.

    The 54 liveries are available for the G4 and the G6 (that's 54 for each), and the pack includes vehicle filters to run the G4 and G6 separately or together. There is an extra opponent filter to run a particular selection of G4 and G6 cars in a multi-class G4/G6 event ("Howston_G4G6_1967_Endurance_Entries").

    Some minor tweaks have been done to the Alpha channels of the skins for the reflections.

    A basic talent file is included.

    As with the 1954 pack, the 1967 pack will work in combination with the original ISI Howston cars (which are required to be installed). Nothing gets overwritten.

    I'm probably not going to do any other skinpacks, so if anyone else wants to, you should ;)

    v1.0 - OUTDATED >> Howston_G4G6_1967_Endurance_Carset_Addon.rfcmp 491.3 MB
    mega key, if requested:

    v1.0 - OUTDATED >> mirror ((491 MB) it's a zip file so don't forget to unzip)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
    memoNo1, DA, yashiman and 17 others like this.
  2. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2015
  3. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Nice one. Many thanks woochoo. :)
  4. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    Absolutely brilliant Woo! Love your skin packs, thank you so much. :)
  5. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I've thought about fussing with the old version, but no, there has been no action. It's probably unlikely at the moment. It would be much better if Reiza and ISI teamed up again for an rF2 version, but who knows either of their plans?
    And I'm glad you guys are enthused and I hope you enjoy the carset :)
  6. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    If I got to choose between Reiza's version or imagine what Woo could do... well I don't think I would choose Reiza's. :)

    But yeah, perfectly understandable that you don't feel like embarking on a huge new track project at this point.
  7. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I was only going to do a quick and dirty job on the old conversion. Nothing special. Absolutely no chance I'd do a full project.
  8. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    I totally get that. :)
  9. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Thanks woochoo! I got these up on the F3 Fanatics! with Longford 1967 (do not hand out version).

    What a combo!!! I'm having too much fun!

  10. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    That's good news, glad you're enjoying them :)
    Any reason why you're still using the test version of Longford? The public version was released yesterday
  11. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Wow. Awesome job and thanks. I already thought your Longford was over-the-top for a contribution to the community!
  12. Tucker Fleming

    Tucker Fleming Registered

    Feb 12, 2012
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    tanx Woochoo, great fun, you are theee man!
  13. Bryan Birtwell

    Bryan Birtwell Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    My reason is, is that I was totally unaware of the update! I don't check the forums everyday.

    I'll fix it right away!

  14. Aceking

    Aceking Registered

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Link gives me an error for this 67 pack but had no problem with the download for the 1954 pack. Please, is there another link available for this. Thanks in advance!
  15. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    The link works for me, but I'm uploading a mirror for you too (see first post)

    Additionally, as mentioned in the 1954 thread, I plan to do an update for these soon. The textures will be tweaked for the new tonemapper relased earlier in the year, and should address a problem where the engine sounds don't load (probably related to being multicmp - apparently because the original howston engine sounds can't be loaded). Will be repacked as a single cmp package.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
  16. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    Woochoo, I had completely missed this topic. I actually downloaded the template and got myself some source photos of some highly desirable cars, which I was going to work on if ISI announced an update.

    Long story short, I'm offering to help. We can work in 4k and downsample, and also get suits and basic helmets done.
  17. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    You're about to get a PM ;)
  18. Aceking

    Aceking Registered

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The download link also works for me today and i see you added an additional link which is a good idea. Your paints give this mod such a great immersion factor in my races and i'am so thankful there are gentlemen like you who share their talents with the community! I'am very much looking forward for your texture update!
  19. Aceking

    Aceking Registered

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The dl link now works today for me and it's great you added another link. Thankyou for all your hard work and sharing all these beautiful skins as it really escalates the immersion factor in my races. I'am really looking forward to your texture update.
  20. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    If anyone is having trouble with having no engine sounds, here is a possible temporary solution:

    Go into:

    and copy:
    CKEV_50L_V8_OHV.mas (the engine sounds)

    then go into:
    E:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor2\Installed\Sounds

    and create a folder called:

    and paste the CKEV_50L_V8_OHV.mas file into the new folder.

    That's where the engine sounds were for the old verison of the Howston, and it's what the skin packs are looking for.

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