New Build (post 342) News Speculation Suggestions Etc.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Spinelli, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    So guys, the last build had a pretty decent graphical update. Seems like graphics have picked up some momentum for further improvements. What about tyre model, transmission/clutch/driveline model, motor model, aero model, suspension and chassis model, sound engine, flexing, ffb, ingame options, u.i., etc.

    What are you guys hoping and hearing ;) we'll see in the next, lets say, 1-3 updates?
  2. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Grenade Launchers

    No wait, I want to be able to view skins (ffs!) have tried and tested and got help, no avail. given up until next builds.
    - External download URL in vmod as apposed to mod.
    - Multiple tracks in vmod but allowed to join on the 'current' track (and get booted or auto download when track changes)
    - what cars are used on a server on display in lobby
    - UI improvements
    - I want Lists for mods and tracks to remain and not constantly going back to tiles.
  3. Miro

    Miro Registered

    Jul 14, 2012
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    There are a few things I 'd like to see finished or at least brought up to a somewhat acceptable level.

    - Real road needs a proper update. Driving in rain is currently useless. We had some rain in the last endurance event and some guys just kept on driving with slicks cuz the driving line was dry with such a huge grid. The rubber build up rate has to be slowed down a notch also.

    - Tire pressure/contact patch

    - Rain GFX

    - Night racing

    - Replays need a big update seriously, the way how the cars move currently is ....well, yes, not nice. Actually if the cars move properly the GFX can be 10 times worse and it still looks better than now. There is no way currently I can tell anything about the driving style of somebody when watching replays, you can only see his line and that's it. I wouldn't recommend broadcasting currently. Doesn't leave a good impression at all currently.

    - GFX update (consistency with HDR, shadows....)

    - online (I don't know if it is up to the servers or what it is but there is something wrong with the online racing. To many people are experiencing lag too often, races are getting messed up because of that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I myself got it way to often and few races were messed up where I put way to much practice for the race. Frustrating.) When watching others drive online the cars move nothing like they should

    - Sounds somewhere down the road

    - However, still if I want to do a p session with a friend online on a particular car/track combo it's still way to much to do. I know that has been discussed up and down, left and right but it doesn't work as it could work currently. I know how to set up all those thing but I just don't do it due to much work and then still you have to hope all was right at what not.

    - working clutch.

    Well that's what I hope for in the next builds. There are sure few more things. This is not a moaning post or such just a few things a would like to see.
    I guess this thread may not end up very nice again lol but it could if people keep calm. It is really time for some things to be finished. I like rF2, and this very much. Currently it's the sim I drive. But honestly some of those things mentioned should have been finished long time ago. Every time I just start to think about those things I get frustrated lol so I just don't think about it and drive. Slowly but steady it really annoys me big times.
  4. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Oh and that tags on-track, driver name and ping, white thx against skies its just not readable.
  5. Niksounds

    Niksounds Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    this has killed me...
    i'm still laughing
  6. datanode

    datanode Registered

    Oct 23, 2012
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    These are very important IMO.

    Also the multiplayer selection screen is so basic :-( please show more information. I think the UI needs some work including the multiplayer, sort of lobby.

    E.g. You could add which drivers are in the game. What time the session is at, so I don't join at the end of quali and find it loads so slow I miss a race. This is just frustrating. Favourites etc.

    I would also like to rocket jump... lol
  7. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    You mention broadcasts so I presume you mean physics are rendered wrong when watching cars live as well. For me the suspension movement looks quite natural when driving, at least with the historic cars that have a big suspension travel, you notice quite a lot detail. For me the replays are 10 times better than in rFactor where the car movement in replays was clearly jerky. The steering wheel movement is smooth as is the suspension, looks close to the same as live to me. Of course the replay is never 100% representation of the live physics, otherwise each replay would take XX GB of space on HDD. But I cannot really see much of an issue with replays apart from the annoying thing with undercar shadows popping up.
  8. TiTaN

    TiTaN Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    rFactor 2 needs an extreme makeover.
  9. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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  10. TJones

    TJones Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    For the next update i'm hoping for advanced drivetrain simulation (incl. realistic clutch/gearbox simulation), fixes of the latest issues of build 342 (particle effects slow downs, etc.).

    About following builds, advanced contactpatch simulation (tyremodel), better, more realistic AI behavior in a field of cars, and most of the things already stated above. :)
  11. TIG_green

    TIG_green Registered

    Jul 21, 2012
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    - wet weather improvements
    - HDR tweaks
    - contact patch improvements
    - no weird log files anymore
    - make it more stable (no ctds, no laggy replays, no weird whining noise in the menu)
    - more front wheel drives

    after this I'm happy.
  12. Guy Moulton

    Guy Moulton Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    I don't like this build at all. Performance is terrible- before I could run with much higher graphics options than I can now and it looked a hell of a lot better. The pit box bug where too many red pit box outlines show up- is still present. Same issues are unfixed and the performance is ****. Huge step backwards.

    Dear ISI- stop screwing around with new features and fix the stuff you already implemented- like 5 red pit box outlines showing up instead of only mine, and better FPS.
  13. Alexims

    Alexims Registered

    Sep 10, 2013
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    rF2 has a excellent physical and graphical potential and is a great simulator, but
    correct the car shadows problem, please. No more cars floating on track, please.
    View attachment 10912
    Too many years with the same problems with the car shadows on the road.
    It is a problem that is taking too long... so i think it's time to fix it forever.
    And all you mates wrote on multiplayer.
  14. RJames

    RJames Registered

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Out of interest what mod/tracks are you getting that on? I've not yet seen duplicate pit boxes but would be happy to test to see if i can replicate.
  15. Mibrandt

    Mibrandt Registered

    Apr 4, 2013
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    Im getting afraid that they are not capable of fixing it. This and all the flickering, the bad AA etc. Just a thought that have crossed my mind lately. If they are capable its seems just plain stupid that they havent done it yet tbh.
  16. philman

    philman Registered

    May 7, 2011
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    Rfactor2 is 2 years old beforehand on Assetto Corsa but this advance risks to be short-lived when we see the speed in which develops the newcomer. I think that ISI has to react very fast now especially in the graphic domain. People are very sensitive to the images. I also think that ISI has to give to modders the possibility of expressing themself more easily by finalizing a number of problems always present since the beginning.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2013
  17. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Could you elaborate?
    We just did an event and our server-xml files are not working properly. I thought it was related with other issues we had tonight but it seems there are issues with results anyways? I thought they where working properly :/
  18. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    - visually simplified modern looking UI. ( it looked dated from the start+it always looks low res & "smudgey" )

    - more options (a nice big list) in an "advanced" section of the UI (as opposed to having to change .ini files )
    Max fps / AA soften / pro view 1&2 ( wheels/ wheels&suspension only) / sound reverb distance duration etc
    This also shows advanced features etc, some people will not mess in .ini files

    - shadows urgently sorted (most noticeable flaw in visuals at mo IMO )

    - fps improvements ( how original of me :rolleyes: )

    - sounds seem to have taken a back seat?

    - replays would be good to have a revamp too

    - weather effects visuals ( cash in on this no other sim has all these lovely features! )

    Physics wise overall rf2 pretty much stands above the few other real sims out there
    Smoke/grass flair up has greatly improved & looks super
    Isi official servers with live feed link showing top times etc was a totally brilliant move

    Be great to hit YouTube big time when some of the shadows things addressed & would be good for promotion
  19. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Car by car saving of seats & mirrors.
    Real road textures that are alot more randomized.
    The game saves once and for all when you pick "List view" for tracks & cars instead of doing it every single time.
    Visible ping in server list.
  20. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    There good ones, small annoying things slowly turn into big annoying things hey

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