triple screen UPDATE ??????????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by coops, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    If you are spending all your time looking at the center screen when using triples, you clearly are not taking advantage of what you have. This should be like real driving where you are constantly looking at your mirrors to see what is around you. You should also be looking ahead in your turns to see what is going on ahead of the turn, as well as seeing where the next corner is so you can setup for your exit on this corner and entry to the next. You just can't do that with a single screen without constantly pushing your look left/right buttons, and then the change of screen display is very distracting.
  2. ViSo

    ViSo Registered

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Ok, let me see that corner, ooh wait, a big bezzel here! .... uuh, that turn is Z screen-to-screen ....
    nah that two things are so big disadvantage for me, do you like it? thats nice, Im happy that you are happy with triple monitor, but for me, isnt worth it.

    Inmersion? Im in a game, it is a game, always will be a game, I dont need to think Im in a real car, Im in a game, and my objetive for a competitive game like that is to be the fastest driver, if one monitor give me that, and 3 dont, I prefer one monitor, thats it. 3 monitors can be ultra-super-mega-hiper-fashion, but if it is 0.1sec slower per lap, I dont like 3 monitor even free, one monitor is my choice.
  3. lamck

    lamck Registered

    Jun 9, 2013
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    I think it is a matter of choice. I find it more enjoyable and fun using triple screens. That was one of reason I switched from GT5, where it requires 3 PS3 and 3 copies of GT5 to run triple screen. And there are many race-sim / drive-sim for PC with triple screen.
  4. Led566

    Led566 Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    If the one and only goal is to be faster then anyone else in this game (that for you is only a game), the cheapest way is to cheat. :cool:

    And in my opinion (please is only "my" opinion...) even using an unrealistic FoV (or an unrealistic PoV like chase view) IS a cheat.
  5. ViSo

    ViSo Registered

    Feb 25, 2013
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    - Cheats are illegal, so, I dont like it, Im legal.
    - Yes, this is a game, for me, and for all, is a game, yes or yes, it simulate real racing cars and tracks, but is still a game.
    - And yes, mi objetive for a competitive game is being the best, if not I will not compete, compete to be the latest ... is not for me. so, if a single 120hz monitor give me better results than a triple 60hz monitors, that single 120hz monitor is for me.

    - Unrealistic fov? do you mean 40? 60? they are in game, it isnt cheat, do you have a real car in your real life?
    - Is 20fov realistic? a fov that you cant see your wheel and dashboard? nah, in real life I can see the complete dashboard and wheel, so a realistic fov is when you can see the complete dashboard and wheel. not for having more monitor you must have lower fov, just more horizontal view, because is what you have, more horizontal view, and SAME vertical view.
  6. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I can understand your dislike of the bezel in your view, but unless you are driving open cockpit cars, there will always be something in your view of corners or opponents, which are the A pillars that hold the windshield in place. This obviously is not an issue for those that use hood view, bumper view or chase cam, but for those that wish to sit inside the car to drive, the pillars and roll cage are always there, so after a bit you tend to ignore them and focus on what is outside the car. I do however believe that if you are faster on track with a single monitor than with triples, which should yield the same view on the center monitor for either scenario, then perhaps there is something else wrong besides the additional real estate you can view. You are not the first to decide not to use triples though, and likely won't be the last, and that is ok.
  7. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    This and this! with the triple screen setup the immersion is 10 times better than with a single monitor and the speed sense is much better for the lateral vision! you drive even better, because you can make the turns better, for example the last corner at Croft I make it much better with the triple screen and I have to say that my times have improved with the triple setup!
    With the triple setup you can race better and avoid a lot of incidents during the online races and you can overtake safely!
    The bezels don't bother me at all and when I'm racing I don't noticed them at all!
    Triple screen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>single screen!
  8. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    ViSo, if you don't like tripple screen setups, then WHY do you attend this thread ? You are not being very constructive, and are basicly cluttering up the thread and topic.

    Edit: I can see that you previously have been using tripples and HAVE been both constructive and informative, but if it's no longer for you, then just let it be... :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
  9. Murtaya

    Murtaya Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Can anyone tell me if I get 3 144hz monitors what refresh rate will I get when running them on surround, is it reduced? To how may hz if so? What about 240hz?
    I guess what I'm asking is what is the best frame rate possible with 3 monitors at their max resolutions? Anybody know?

    I get what Viso is saying but I feel the other way, I could never go back to single, I'd rather spend more to get a better refresh if possible. I removed the bezels on mine and do a partial overlap to reduce the bezel still further. Having a silver metal bezel picks up a little of the ambient light from the screens and is slightly less distracting. I don't care if I'm last, immersion is what it's about for me.

    Actually maybe I could go back to a single if it was curved, but they are a tad expensive still.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
  10. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    I have never noticed that my laptimes would improve when changing FOV or screen size, went from a 17 inch CRT to a 22 inch in 2008 and my laptimes were pretty much the same in one of the most competitive sim racing leagues. What actually matters objectively though is the screen refresh rate, and especially the input lag. Many racing rigs are constructed using TV's that can have up to 0.1 seconds of input lag, which adds up to a big loss over the whole laptime. Usually smaller screens have less input lag and come with the 120 Hz option. Then there is also the v-sync, which should be kept off to not delay the signal further.

    Regarding avoiding incidents with triple screens, the problem is mainly that people have moved towards using ridiculously low FOV values for single screens, which naturally decreases awareness around you and sense of speed. When rFactor was released, the default FOV was something like 75, that on a small 4:3 screen. Today people race with much bigger screens but yet there is a trend to use a lower and lower FOV each year. With a FOV less than 50, naturally the single screen option becomes problematic in wheel-to-wheel racing.
  11. Ari Antero

    Ari Antero Registered

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Hood view, bumper view or chase cam etc. are driving aids and should have weight penalty as other aids has.
  12. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I said a while ago cockpit view and nothing else got hammered for saying it and will again now, IMHO because I want it to be more realistic. if every1 has the same view no advantage or disadvantage, but this is up to how ppl want there servers to be run and for the ppl using them. I HATE AIDS IN CARS WHEN IN REAL LIFE THE CAR DOES NOT USE THEM OR HAVE THEM. SIMULATION IS THE WORD.............
  13. realkman666

    realkman666 Registered

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Do YOu believe aRTIficial aids OR not makE siMulatoR evEN tHough PartS of PHYsiCs and THE ROad DOES Not have aLl the FeaTures and ACCuracy of THe reaL TRACK?
  14. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Wow realkman, do you know how hard it is to read through that entire sentence with it like that?
  15. realkman666

    realkman666 Registered

    Jun 28, 2013
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  16. Paul_Ceglia

    Paul_Ceglia Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I currently have a 780 in triples. I have 120hz monitors, I opted to use the HDMI port and not the display port w/powered adapter because my screen would blink from time to time and that would annoy the SH|T out of me. With that Im only able to run 60hz while on the hdmi, with the Display port hooked in i was able to run @ 120hz. Hope this helps...
  17. Murtaya

    Murtaya Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    You do not know how much that helps. I had been wondering why on earth I would get monitors occasionally blink(not always the same one), sometimes one will refuse to come out of standby when you power up, pretty sure it is the displayport one. I'm not using any adapter though just a straight lead. For me it isn't so annoying that I would go down to 60 even from my lame 75hz I can't imagine how frustrating it is to be running 120s at 60hz. For reference it was actually worse on my 7970 but it happened on the 770 I replaced that with, and now the 780ti does it too. I have one DVI, one HDMI and one Display port all normal leads. So there is no definitive solution to this? To get the high refresh you have to put up with blinking?

    Thanks Skele
  18. Murtaya

    Murtaya Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Actually thinking about it my pal once tried to run that Gran Turismo thing on my triples, what a nightmare, we got it working, you need three PS3s networked all with that software installed and updated. But you couldn't run a race without at least one monitor turning on and off. They were all hdmi (obviously). I always thought my monitors were sort of faulty.
  19. Panigale

    Panigale Banned

    May 30, 2012
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    FWIW - I had GT5 on triples and it ran with no problems. LG LCD/LED screens with 3 PS3 slims and a high speed switch.
    That said, my older Sony XBR LCD would blink with the PS3. I suspect it had something to do with the HDMI handshake since they were different specifications. Trying different cables did nothing for me although some reported this resolved the issue for them.
  20. Andy Bonar

    Andy Bonar Registered

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Ive not tried multi view off....what difference does it make if its on or terms of playability and looks...

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

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