Server (batch file)

Discussion in 'Hosting Help' started by Valter Cardoso, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Valter Cardoso

    Valter Cardoso Registered

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Yesterday we started a new champ with 2 race where second one is with full grid reversed.
    But when trying to use the /batchfile command it answers with "batch file not found".
    We used the /editgrid manualy but its time loss.
    Isnt supposed to have the needed INI in documents/rfactor 2/userdata/log/results ?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. DocJones

    DocJones Registered

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Same issue here. We had to completely reinstall our dedicated servers when build 156 was released for other reasons, but this error persits - if I try to load such a file through the chat/monitor ingame. Interestingly though it is a) possible to load one of the automatically created BatchTemplate.ini files in the very same results folder and b) I can load the grid.ini (that we create using gridedit.exe) when I enter the /batch command in the dedicated server window using remote desktop access instead of the chat/monitor ingame. That's what I do now, as I am on the remote desktop anyway to generate the grid.ini file.
  3. Valter Cardoso

    Valter Cardoso Registered

    Nov 4, 2011
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    So let me see if i understand.
    /batchfile works in dedicated window in remote desktop?
    If thats the case then issue is solved. Even if it is different from what is supposed to be, it ok for now.
    Thanks for answer Doc.
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Doc, I'm surprised it ever worked trying to run a remote (server) file from a client, if that's what you're referring to. I'm pretty sure that was never an option in rF1 and I don't recall anything saying you'd be able to do that in any build of rF2. A client command just doesn't get interpreted that way by the server.

    If you generate a 'batch' file on the server, you run it on the server. If you generate it locally, you run it locally.
  5. DocJones

    DocJones Registered

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Not sure what makes you think I generated anything locally. I don't. I generate a grid.ini file using GridEdit on the server via Windows Remote Desktop. I used to load that file by typing admin commands in the chat window ingame. /admin [password] and /batch grid.ini that is. There's a complete list of these types of commands that let you control the server from within the game in ReadMe.chm in rF(1) main folder.

    As I wrote in the other post I linked to earlier, it worked that way up to build 124 or 134. As I also wrote, the problem is not the /batch command but the fact that any file other than BatchTemplate(P1/Q1/R1).ini results in the error message '<filename> could not be not found'.
  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yes, I understand how it works. I thought you were saying you generated a file on the server, and then ran it from your game (a client). I also never said you generated it locally.

    Both here and in the thread you referred to (which you left dead after getting a couple of questions) it's unclear exactly what you were doing. You mention above you were no longer able to run them 'ingame' which would suggest from a client, rather than from the server (which you've then apparently confirmed by saying it still works on the server).

    I've been transferring .ini files across to the server (same folder as the templates) and running them via the server interface without issues. Again, and I did say "if that's what you're referring to" for a reason, I'm not sure if that agrees with what you've had or not.

    If, IF, you were able to run batch files located on the server by entering /batch commands into a client connected to that server, I'm surprised. You say "chat window ingame" which would suggest that's the case.
  7. DocJones

    DocJones Registered

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Well then, be surprised. That's exactly what I do (or rather what I used to do).
  8. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ok, I'm surprised :eek:


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