Ban Clios at Mills.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by smithaz, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. smithaz

    smithaz Registered

    May 3, 2012
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    Something needs to be done. I am bored to tears with Clios at Mills but for some reason its all anybody wants to do online. Of course there are other rooms but Clio at Mills is usually the most popular. It's just crazy.
  2. CRex

    CRex Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I dont usually race at Mills, I prefer real tracks. The Clio is great though, I can see why it's so popular.
  3. TIG_green

    TIG_green Registered

    Jul 21, 2012
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  4. Hermmie

    Hermmie Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    It would help if the standard ISI Clio Cup could be run on more tracks than just mills, maybe ISI could include tracks like portugal and lime rock?
  5. argo0

    argo0 Registered

    Jan 22, 2012
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    It is, indeed, crazy. I can't understand it at all. Whilst I'm obviously grateful that people host at all, I simply don't understand the uninspired car and track choices. Or the repetition.
    Why not have all the good tracks and move from track to track? Malaysia, Estoril, Palm Beach, Lime Rock, Feels tracks, VLM tracks plus a few of the other better mod tracks like Silverstone, Fuji etc gives us plenty of great, varied racing.
    And multi class too. I'd like a Corvette, Nissan and Megane field or a Historic F1s with Lola's field.
    The choices on line are dull and offputting. I'd love to host and put this straight but the upload speed required is too much for my 20 down 1.5 up broadband package.
  6. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I'm hosting a server with these tracks as "! Let's Race !"
  7. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I hate Milles, can't stand it!
  8. Duvel

    Duvel Registered

    Dec 31, 2011
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    lol such a true thread this. Clios should have:

    Mid-ohio (chicane)
    Lime Rock (chicanes)
  9. Vintook

    Vintook Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    You can create a mod with the Clios on any track you want. Cant you?
  10. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    The benefit is probably instant joiners, no1 having to look for tracks etc.

    when adding custom tracks and peeps dont have them, they might not join because hussle.
    Remember, people from the internet only have patience for 0.560 seconds and then move on. it says so in my statistics :p

    We've seen this before in rf1, megane servers to the max for a very long time. allways annoyed people, but bussy servers (non beta rf1 of course)

    Allowing more default tracks would be a simple solution.
  11. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    wonder if it will make a difference when ISI release the individual cars and tracks.
  12. argo0

    argo0 Registered

    Jan 22, 2012
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    You can, yeah, but those that are hosting are choosing the same stuff again and again for some of the reasons on this page.
    What I don't understand about the supposed hassle of downloading the tracks is that Abriels torrent makes it so easy.
    Its only a few mouseclicks. Theres barely any time, thought or effort necessary.
  13. Diablo

    Diablo Registered

    Jan 20, 2013
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    In my opinion the vMods play an important role in this. I am the admin of and we want people to join with the least hassle. The most obvious choice then is to stick to the default content and probably the default ISI mods as well.
    Running a vMod, that includes more tracks or all of the collection Abriel has put together won´t let you join unless you do have all of them. That will take quite some time to download. And I have read many complaints about this requirement. I have contributed my thoughts on the matter as well.

    Also, I had to disable the HTTP server on one of our servers for testing purposes, so there is no way of running a vMod there, since "Get Mod" and the "Join" button will simply not work and one has no way of knowing the reason. So the default Clio mod it is.

    Go complain about the vMod concept and make some noise.

  14. smithaz

    smithaz Registered

    May 3, 2012
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    ~ISR have got a Clio server up running all ISI tracks. It is the most popular right now so looks like I'm racing in there tonight. I prefer the faster cars but hey. I agree with what you were saying about servers should just use the quality tracks, I'm tired of downloading a load of tracks that are v0. 2 etc. they are not worth the hassle.
  15. Hedlund_90

    Hedlund_90 Registered

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Hate this track too :D can't understand why it's always clios and mills that are most popular...
  16. Diablo

    Diablo Registered

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Actually, I like the track. I was never a great fan of fictional tracks, so never really drove Mills in rF1 until we just put it on our server one day. And then I loved it, that version was a real challenge, so is the new one. Kudos ISI. I even wish we could have the old layout as well.
    But I can see, how it gets old, when one runs it around the clock.
  17. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    My thoughts exactly...kill the vmods before they kill the game.
  18. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Are these dedictated servers though? Because if they are just quick hosts for a night then it would make even more sense for a host to pick something everyone allready has.

    if you want to host a game for a few hours , why bother making vmods, why bother even learning it. peeps get lazy, not everyone is deadserious about this stuff.

    And that is all the more reason for ISI to consider default stuff to get allong by default imo. we dont have just leagues and knowledgeable admins willing to put in the work, we also have quick-hosts and the quick-joiners, they should be catered for as well.

    Or maybe even more so then the rest. if you enable a good seamingless platform for pickup racers and whatnot, a portion of these guys end up in leagues after a while so we all benefit.
    After all, the more serious servers will put in the work anyways so thats not even a problem.

    Restricting online play by not opening up default content scares the pickup racers away. and also those whom want to host a husslefree evening.
    And why even? because a F160 car doesnt belong on modern indonesia? no1 cares in the end, so it dont matter. if anything rfactor is about community options, thats the strenght. give them options i say.

    I mean, we still get loads of random joiners in rf1 every single week, people joining without having the mod, or track, over and over again. year after year and it never stops.
    So that means there are drivers out there whom load rfactor and just randomly click on servers for hours untill they find something that sticks.

    Sure, rf2 will be different in how it works, but the people randomy clicking on stuff hoping something will work will still be there. and they are the future man!
    Ok maybe not, but who knows. one of them might be a girl ffs and she can't get in our server. That is simply unacceptable :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2013
  19. Vintook

    Vintook Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    I don't understand why ISI can't make a system like Steam does. I play Counter-Strike and Team Fortress 2. When I don't have a level they are playing on, it downloads it. The main headache with rF1 and now rF2 is the mismatched content out there which you have to slog through and download just to join an online game.

    Make tracks separate from the mods. Why not make it so the game checks if you have the current track being run and if not, it downloads it.
  20. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    I do not understand your problem.

    If you do not want to update vmods or all downloads .......WHAT ABOUT the UPDATES lol ?

    So you going to run old track versions without fixes ?

    To me that is as silly as not keeping up with Abriel's torrent as it is so darn easy.

    Does not mean everyone has to change their vmods every day either.

    And you not going to use a excuse people have not got the time or space for all tracks these days considering my rF folders are like 40GB + lol

    Look how long it would take you to download 50 GTR GTL or rF tracks alone !@!
    Extract them check for errors etc etc

    Like so what if you do not drive them all , I do not drive all stock tracks in all sims I have, they are still there, what is the drama ? :)

    If you join rFactor , GTL. GTR as a rookie what are you confronted with, the same thing a list of tracks you do not have.

    So you go download the circuits you want after you join a site ( if you can find them ) only to find out you get a mismatch because you have the wrong version. p

    This way rooms will run till the maker decides to change the V mod and when he does change it you will know it is time to freshen your track list.

    Most people are going to stick to a handful of vmods and a handful of rooms, is not that hard.........

    " I forget what GameData looks like and I am glad.............."
    lol :)

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