rF2 classified as commercial raises different expectations

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cracheur, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Ah ok, that's good to hear. I was wondering if the preview shot of the Camaro had caused any confusion.

    With regards the 60's cars, the most drive-able for me is the Brabham. There are some other cars licensed from the 60's, but they're coming much later I think. Right now when I drive it, I actually only do Brabham AI.

    Yeah I can understand those expectations on timing, we had the same feelings for ourselves, and have the same feeling of it now. I'm not a developer, but working for a couple directly, and some others indirectly before that, I can only really say that based on my experience, the ISI guys work fast and hard. It took me a bit of time to realize how complex a goal they have set themselves.
  2. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    There will always be bitching, not everybody likes the same things ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2013

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    As I said I think it does not benefit in terms of new members joining rf2 community and that worries me in terms of when the product will be ready (as most of us understand ready) and which will be the final level of performance. Apart from the mentioned it also is preventing our community from holding rf2 championships since still quite a lot of people in our community are reticent to make the economical effort, especially the youngest people or the ones whose computer cannot support it and requires an even higher investment. I do understand that you don't you tell us how many rf2 licenses are already in the market and how is this figure evolving. I guess professional modders would be glad to know how big the potential rf2 market is and will be, before they start spending time on it. I would say that, if the figures were nice to publish, you would. However, as you said, we will not have that figure so unfortunately we will start speculating about what is going on with ISI and rf2. Also, since you don't publish your figures I will publish my figures. This the my personal rf2 history: In my community there were some people like me that early purchased the product. At the beginning nobody could play it decently. It was not before build85 that something acceptable could really be done. By the end of summer we opened a thread to know how many members owned rf2. We were 12. From that date up to now, two new members in our community have joined that list. From those two, one of them already had it and the other one just bought it. This makes 1 purchase out of 14 in the last 4 months. I hope you now understand the reason why am worried. Probably your figures are much better. Maybe someone else can tell us his figures.
  4. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Ok, this is more clear for me. Thanks.

    I would assume if I were a league admin, or a modder, to eventually see a community that is large enough to make the effort worthwhile. Perhaps the important thing to realize is more that this is about timing for both the customer, and the modder, and nothing we do could, or should, make that decision. If someone is waiting for LMP cars before they purchase, then they should wait, if someone is waiting for spray, etc, then they should wait (or purchase->refund if they want to try for something else). The new guys have to be adults and make decisions there. :) Modders are already getting quite active now, but they too need to wait for a time when they feel is right... And the word "beta" doesn't change the timing on that, when that happens, or how. :)

    The small numbers you see within your own community, I understand how that could be a concern to you, but we haven't been driving people to rF2, and still aren't anywhere but our Web site (where we also push towards rF1). Right now we get nice steady growth, more lately, and once we begin to push the product and market it (sending screenshots to media, etc, which we haven't done for over 6 months), I am confident of change there.
  5. Miro

    Miro Registered

    Jul 14, 2012
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    This sounds reasonable, but I can't wait anymoreee lol.
    I want to race, which I do but I want SPRAY and RAIIIIIIIN also :D. Can't wait.

    No seriously, I am quite happy but this waiting can sometimes come over me and I just get impatient. lol
    But must also admit, had some of the best races online lately on rF2.
  6. Golanv

    Golanv Registered

    Nov 7, 2012
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    I dont understand why the hell do we still talk about money here, actually I dont get it why we ever started to.
    Its 35€ ffs, I crap worth more than that in daily basis.
    STOP making your excuse of being upset, that you paid for it and your fantasy of what your highness should receive with 35€ has not been delivered yet. Totally idiotic claims and assertions of self righteousness.
  7. ccjcc81

    ccjcc81 Registered

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Pffft. $40 is 2 packs of diapers dude. $40 is my wife throwing a coffee cup at my head. I'm glad you are so well off, but you don't have to be so condescending to the rest of us. I'm glad you value your feces so highly. Elitist.
  8. osella

    osella Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I agree about the money, that 35€ is just bargain for something that will entertain me for years. And years.

    I won't comment about the speed of development or anything but I too don't understand why the official page http://rfactor.net/web/rf2/ doesn't contain the word BETA anywhere. It is a beta, many even think it's an alpha, what's the point of confusing costumers? If somebody didn't hear about ISI before (I know, unlikely) and tomorrow decides he wants to try some nice racing game, buys rF2. From the page it seems to be completely finished product, so he activates it, launches and.. what? It's very far from complete.

    OK the page does say "constantly evolving product" but that's something completely different from how 90% people understand this sentence IMO. People will just think OK it's ready - and in the future there will be a patch or two, a new car or two. When in fact less than 50% content is there.
  9. the-D-

    the-D- Registered

    Apr 21, 2012
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    Cant talk to fanboys, they just dont, or wont get it, and then references of 'your highness' thrown into the mix,...gotta luv the irony lol.

    Me? i sit on the fence for the most part, just that when posts like golon rattle my cage, I feel the need to say something. It gets a bit tedious reading those kinds of verbal spewings,...I wish guys like that could get over themselves :rolleyes:

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Thanks for your reply and especially for your soothing last sentence (I had to look up for the word in google translator. I hope it is OK). I must say I do appreciate it this time. I think you have really empathised with the customer this time, which is in my opinion very important at this stage of the project. As it was stated somewhere else in this forum we need to rely on ISI. The best way to gain this confidence is to show people they are important. This is done listening to their problems and opinions and providing the information and the answers they look for. For sure you cannot attend to all petitions and answer all questions since time and resources are limited. However, it is attitude what counts and people are clever enough to see if you are having a good or bad attitude about them. I on purpose removed from my last post one sentence that could might have provoked a negative attitude on you (although I still agree with). I am glad to say that I have also perceived a positive attitude change in your reply. I hope this positive attitude is extended and the communication between ISI and its community improved. I personally think you should maintain maintained an official development diary with an official bug list (with expected due dates to be solved), upcoming content, considered wish list, ... I do think it would bring much confidence to actual and potential customers. And thanks again for dedicating me so much time (despite the differences in the way we conceive marketing and business :) )
  11. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    For new people, it is actually less confusing, we believe. Because before, it was about purchasing for the promise of the future, so of course the question became about when, when, when, when, when? :) Now, you purchase and make your decision within 30 days. That is far less confusing, the ongoing development is something they have to weigh in, but if the software isn't where they want it, they refund, and that is WAY more clear for them now. To quickly sum up: When you're in a particular stage, and say you're in that stage, people have one question: "How long until the next stage?"
  12. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I am working on a features page which will list things in development, etc. I am also going to 'announce' some of the older licenses, and some not yet public, and add a list of content (though we will keep some surprises). I am hoping this will suffice for most of these communication needs. But I haven't yet had time to start this.
  13. Minibull

    Minibull Member

    Sep 28, 2012
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    And so begins another whirlwind flurry of speculation, critique, and general insanity amongst the users...

  14. Kknorpp001

    Kknorpp001 Banned

    May 5, 2012
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    Here are my figures

    View attachment 5819
  15. Golanv

    Golanv Registered

    Nov 7, 2012
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    You money whiners are the minority with ridiculous demands, because you paid $40 the sun should shine up your ass 24/7.
    Tell me couple other examples of what you have used $40 lately and lets see how well spend is the money in your case.

    "Over themselves", Im quite sure you have misunderstood the meaning of the phrase.
    I gotta give it to the "fan boys" I dont see any of them whining about the product costing 35€, product that is actually in many aspects the best sim to date, and well worth twice that much.
    It is quite likely that from these forums I can find a post made by you complementing rF2 with your own, fan boyish manner.
  16. rhamm

    rhamm Registered

    Oct 8, 2010
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    It sounds like the true "beta" was for the rfactor 2 delivery system and all testing is complete on that.
  17. SLuisHamilton

    SLuisHamilton Banned

    Jan 22, 2012
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    I think this is only possible if this ass lives in The bright side of the moon.
  18. Kevin Karas

    Kevin Karas Registered

    Jun 5, 2012
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    AW: rF2 classified as commercial raises different expectations

    I have another question: Does now the limited time of the limited Version Start or is it after gold release? It was said that we can enjoy the full lenght of the beta until the initial release. And now it isnt anymore a so called "beta". So i do not hope that now the one year license runs off :D

    Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit Tapatalk 2
  19. KeiKei

    KeiKei Registered

    May 24, 2012
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    Well yes but then he would complain about nausea caused by gravity differences between real environment and sim so it wouldn't work.

    Can't understand how Tim is able to be so patient answering and clarifying this same topic over and over again. I certainly couldn't and would have long gone stopped doing it. I mean it's impossible to please everyone. There's a good saying for this; if you make a bow to one direction you're showing your ass to the other. :) Well maybe there's something more which I don't understand making this endless answering worth doing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2013
  20. Minibull

    Minibull Member

    Sep 28, 2012
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    That is the bit that always gets me! I'd be setting up a sticky and just directing people to go read what has already been said.
    I'm on a few other forums and none of them are as "nice" as this one is. There is a lot of please and thankyou amongst the members, with hurts feelings being expressed, public apologies being swapped and scars being healed. It's not a bad thing, just usually it seems they would be told to grow the **** up and handle yourself like an adult, but then ISI are dealing with customers here, not just random silly people on the internet...oh wait XD

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