[REL] Zolder Circuit

Discussion in 'Locations' started by wgeuze, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Circuit Zolder V0.24 Alpha

    Feedback? Yes please, report here:

    -- Known Issues / To do --

    - Don't mind the visuals!
    - Main Pitbuilding will be re-textured
    - Performance, nothing has been done to optimize the track yet
    - Saturation/color balance between textures, very low priority
    - AIW Paths not final
    - Wall textures will be atlassed probably to increase performance
    - Guardrail textures will be atlassed probably to increase performance
    - I suspect something is off with the pit exit
    - nighttime racing not fully supported at this time
    - flickering walls appear to be an issue still

    -- Changelog --

    V0.24 Alpa (really, really the last alpha)
    - Pitwall textured and fences added
    - Missing collision added for pitwall and some pitlane walls and guardrails
    - Generic ambient sounds removed for now (sorry Tosch ;))
    - Added white and red lines to indicate the pit exit speed limit
    - Moved xpitexit to match pit exit lines/lights
    - Desaturated pitbuilding for that washed out look it has, temporary fix, see 'know issues above'
    - Small fixes to two pitlane walls
    - Added second small pitlimit sign
    - Added temporary start gantry, the floating startlights are too annoying...
    - Filled up the area around the medical centre so it looks better for the SRVN stream
    - Opened up the garages in the second pit building

    V0.23 Alpha
    - Added new pitwall base model (wip, just so I could place the starterworkers really)
    - Added marshals throughout the track
    - Slightly reduced road noise level for normal road, openwheelers were reported as undriveable

    V0.22 Alpha
    - Added Tufstone edge next to kerb in the the first corner after the Terlamen Chicane
    - Subtle TFD changes. Rumblestrips should be felt more through the wheel, regular flat type kerbs
    have slightly more road noise.
    - Xobjects tweaked, Start/Finish moved to match actual S/F line and extended into pitlane
    - Guardrails_31 and Wall_25 added (first chicane/uphill)
    - Camera's updated by Tosch
    - HDR profiles added by Tosch
    - GDB and AIW tweaks by Tosch
    - decreased width of whitelines in pitlane
    - fixed asphalt edges in pitlane where a double white line shows up
    - removed a cast shadow flag for pitbuilding_a_decal, not needed for this mesh
    - Pitbuilding_B_Windows re-export
    - added pit spot decals
    - added pitlimit signs and white lines, moved xpitin accordingly
    - added gravel, textures are placeholders

    V0.21 Alpha

    This is basically the last devmode version with minor fixes

    - Temporary paddock walls added
    - Some temporary textures replaced with more final ones
    - Bolderberg brakemarker added (thanks for the feedback)
    - Fixed collision mesh at Bolderberg so you can't drive through the guardrails
    - Placeholder pitwall has collision now
    - Black lines above trees removed

    V0.2 Alpha
    - Basic terrain added
    - Basic paddock area added
    - Temporary trees added, textures supplied by Tosch
    - Cleaned up edges of the road, had messy uv's in places.
    - Main pedestrian bridges added
    - Color corrected road_grasscrete.dds to match up with reference
    - Fixed messy white line turn 2
    - BergHOFF pitbuilding building added, first pass
    - Introduced bumps in road based on video footage and increased road noise
    - finished guardrail meshes and first texturing pass
    - walls first texturing pass including all color variations
    - tweaked track length, now almost exactly 4.011 km long
    - first pass of billboard trees placement
    - first camera pass by Tosch
    - new ai lines and positions by Tosch
    - fixed lofting error last chicane
    - decreased width of white lines on track (not in the pitlane yet)
    - improved mesh kerb04a and kerb04b
    - improved camber changes in first chicane entry and exit first bend

    V0.1 Alpha
    - realroad finally working on all tracksurfaces
    - basic aiw added (4 garages and 2 pits, early paths)
    - too obvious tiling road fixed
    - track collision added
    - Turtles added in 2nd chicane
    - Pitlane lines added
    - Full grid support (44 positions)
    - Pitlane widened
    - Pacecar positions added
    - S/F and Grid position decals added

    V0.04 (pre-alpha)
    - added pit- and startlights
    - added brakemarkers
    - white lines on track
    - placeholder walls (no collision)
    - placeholder guardrails (no collision)

    V0.03 (pre-alpha)
    As requested on ISI forums:
    - first version of pitbuildings and medical center included
    - re-fitted the road to better suit new reference (Bing vs Google maps) (especially turn 1 and 2 feel way better)
    - re-modelled kerbs and rumblestrips and textured them all at once
    - grasscrete re-added
    - turtles (re-)added
    - first draft of road textures and road edge textures
    - realroad should be functional on kerbs and rumble strips (bare the small square ones)

    V0.02 (pre-alpha)
    - all kerbs and rumble strips modelled in
    - added seperate material for bare concrete kerbs
    - added new type of concrete wall
    - added grasscrete
    - added seperate material for rumble strips
    - fixed a guardrail section with wrong material id's
    - added mockup buildings for reference
    - increased resolution on road and grass meshes
    - pit entry and exit increased in resolution
    - realroad functional
    - fixed first chicane exit to be wider, according to google earth
    - turtles on grasscrete added

    V0.01 (pre-alpha)
    - simple grass and realroad
    - guardrails and walls models
    - all textures are temporary
    - pitlane not fully functional, pitstops will probably get you stuck
    - kerbs are flat! only laid out to check placement and width for now

    Original post:

    Started working on this track a couple of weeks ago, and some minor unnatural bumps in the actual track need to be flattened out. Next up is extending the track towards the guard rails and implementing the pitlane and it's entry and exit road :)


    This will be scratch build, not using pre-created textures or assets.

    As for the elevation, I used both a google maps spline and the latest version of Zolder from Simbin as reference. The latter was an easy choice, had to get information from somewhere to atleast be somewhat accurate. I expect some changes though while going through reference, especially on 3 turns I'm questioning the camber already ;)

    Fan videos:
    by Wajdi:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2014
  2. F1Fan07

    F1Fan07 Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    There are lots of clips from iRacing's laser-scanned version on YouTube... might help you judge some of the terrain.
    chisco85 likes this.
  3. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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  4. Luc Van Camp

    Luc Van Camp Track Team Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I believe RMT were also working on Zolder, though that was some time ago and I'm not sure what they intend to do with that project.
    As far as I know, the SimBin version was rather accurate, and consistent with the CAD I was kindly sent by the track owners. That was before they reprofiled/butchered the chicane though :) .
  5. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Good to know, so atleast I have a fairly decent base to work from. I'm sure there will be lots of changes done down the line still :p

    About my intentions, this is going to be a portfolio piece, and the end result will be a driveable track :) It's just an excuse to build stuff without thinking on how many hours I use on what or think about deadlines :)
  6. Very good news! I like that track!
    Good job Wil! ;)
  7. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Thanks ^^
    Here's a tiny update:

    Will go and add elevation to the outside of the track tomorrow, after that it's adding the pitlane :)
  8. Andreas Binz

    Andreas Binz Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Nice track! Have you planned to bring Zolder in 2 variations ?
  9. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    No problem, when I have the normal layout I can easily create the second one.
  10. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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    great news!
  11. Andreas Binz

    Andreas Binz Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Yes thats great ! Is my variation the motorcycle variation? pls help.
    1 person likes this.
  12. jtbo

    jtbo Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    2011 Zolder, you can probably see things in video you don't see in most ;)

    More of clips, search zolder 360 dnrt from youtube or use related videos to spend good part of your day at youtube :p

    Zolder is one track that I could use indeed, especially one made accurately as I'm making road versions of those cars shown on video, of course differences between road car and those race cars is not very big and as I know all differences it would make a great benchmark track for me :D

    Project looks great and I'm really looking forward of this.
  13. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    As far as I know thats the only alternative in the first place ;)

    Thanks for the pointer, will check it obviously :)

    Because I'd like it as accurate as I can get it, I'm not going to bother texturing for a while but trying to get as close as I can with the given reference limitations. Right now I just made an export including realroad so hopefully I got rid of my yellow brick road in Devmode :p

    Annoyingly, still there..
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2012
  14. jtbo

    jtbo Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Don't know why that is happening, but there is good point to that, it is much easier to see the road, maybe even banking etc. too :)
  15. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Well I don't like it ;)

    Thanks to the video footage I already have seen I'm missing the dip in the first half of the second chicane :)
  16. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Have you name the instances correctly, i.e. RaceSurface_* ?
    Have you only RealRoad materials in the RaceSurface_*.gmt files? Are there any RealRoad materials outside of RaceSurface_* instances?
  17. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    - Yes
    - Yes
    - No

    I only have 3 GMT's for geometry right now, RaceSurface_Track, grass, and guardrails. Only the first has the realroad material, the other ones have their own material and id. All of these are in the same large Multisub material, because when I tried to export the GMT's with seperate multisubs, I got an error about only one multisub material allowed at top level (whatever that means). Should I try exporting the track surface seperately with it's own unique multisub maybe?

    If there's someone with track experience, feel free to contact me so you can do some test runs and see how much I'm off ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2012
  18. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Are you sure there isn't a typo in the instance name of the RaceSurface instance? "RaceSuface" would be enough to make rF2 not apply the RealRoad tech to the .gmt.

    Other wild guess: Diffuse color set to yellow? ;)

    IIRC 3ds max will be on your ass when you try to assign two Multi-Sub Objects to the same mesh. So yes, one MSO per mesh.
  19. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I'm sure there are no typos, because when I typed RaceSurface_Road instead of RaceSurface_Track in the SCN file, the track wouldn't even load :p

    The diffuse color set to yellow sounds weird, but I grabbed the realroad material straight from Joesville, and might even be a possibility I haven't checked. I would not expect this to occur without a reason though.

    All objects are seperate so that's not an issue, even more reason why I don't understand what is happening. Even more so, because I recently did a test to confirm I understood how to get realroad working, and it's working flawlessly. I can't discover differences between the two files, expect for the difference in names for the objects. But should the name RaceSurface_Road or RaceSurface_Track make any difference for the engine? For all I know it looks for RaceSurface_* and doesn't care what comes after that prefix :p

    Also, HDR on or off doesn't make a difference, and mucking about with the wetroad or racegroove settings, as suggested in another topic, doesn't make a difference either. This even changes the color from bright yellow to bright green!

    I alos tried removing my player.plr and logfiles, to no avail.

    While writing down my observations about the funky colors, something tells me something could be wrong with how the vertex colors are being handled by the shader to blend in the different textures. It just might be I need to check which texture is applied to which uv channel, and to check my channels if they are all still there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2012
  20. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Vertex color should be disabled on RealRoad materials, as I think it's used to draw the race groove and/or the marbles. At least I tried adding vertex color and it didn't show up in the sim. ;)

    When I talk about the instance name that's the top part in the .scn, the first line here:
      MeshFile=RaceSurface_01.gmt Deformable=True CollTarget=True HATTarget=True 
    If that is "off" the track and .gmt would still be loaded, as long as the MeshFile= entry is valid. RealRoad looks for the Instance name though, if that's off it won't be applied to whatever .gmt is linked to it.

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