Question about assists online.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wayneofgarth, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. wayneofgarth

    wayneofgarth Registered

    Dec 5, 2023
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    Since assists are apparently allowed in rookies and intermediate again. I'm wondering how that effects SR splits.

    I like some of the rookie cars so will probably continue racing in them. But I'd much rather know that I'm in a split with nobody running assists.
    I'm all for keeping the game fun for new players. And keeping the field competitive is good. But something about racing against assists feels antithetical to the spirit of a true simulator.

    Maybe in higher splits they can be disabled, or disabled for higher SR? IMO they should just be off for ranked racing regardless. (Unless of course the 'real car' has abs tc ect ect)
    DJCruicky likes this.
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    In the current schedule, Advanced, Special Event, Weekly Touring, and Weekly GTE all have no assists.

    Intermediate has low assists only.

    Beginner has high assists allowed.

    So there are your options. It's been made clear by staff that the assists aren't going to disappear completely, and at this point at least I don't think the system is set up to allow differing levels for different splits. That's probably not a great idea anyway, you don't want someone used to using TC or ABS suddenly not having them because they hit a higher split for an event.

    If you want to feel like you don't have anyone using some assistance you don't want to run or feel is too unrealistic, run in those higher events, and ignore anything else that might be in some way considered an assist (brake pedal FFB etc). Or just race against people and enjoy the racing, whether they're running with assists or not. There's no money involved, your results record doesn't determine your manhood, getting beaten by someone using assists isn't an infringement on your human rights.
    pkelly likes this.
  3. wayneofgarth

    wayneofgarth Registered

    Dec 5, 2023
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    Yea I don't disagree, in the end its not that deep. I just like the idea that racing is a test of skill, and feels more rewarding with a perfectly level playing field. I'm pretty happy with the groups i've been in lately wether they're using assists or not. The most important thing is clean racing and if assists keep incidents low I guess thats a net positive. In a perfect world RF2 Online will expand to the point that some of the "rookie" cars get intermediate and advanced series.
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    More numbers will definitely help the whole system work better, so it should keep improving over time.

    I'd caution the idea of "perfectly level playing field". There is so much variation in hardware, and many software options. One of the reasons big competitions (with money prizes etc) gather all the players together on controlled PCs and hardware, is to avoid any 'issues'. Unfortunately it's an aspect of playing online you have to accept, or it really takes away the fun factor.

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