Graphics Issue

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Mark Fuller, Jan 16, 2024.

  1. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Hi everyone, looking for some VR advice (or not). I was involved in a 24 hr race over the weekend and had a major issue on my 2nd stint. I started the race for my team and all was fine – VR running at 80 FPS with no issues. I use FPSVR to monitor the GPU and CPU in game and all green. This ran OK for 3 hrs.

    I left the sim when my stint was over and returned for a further stint many hours later. However, having changed nothing, just loaded the sim and joined the server, the graphics were awful and I was only getting an average of 24 FPS. FPSVR for the GPU and CPU were registering almost solid red with the occasional orange. I am also sure that my lap times were being recorded as 2-3 seconds slower, even though I was going the same speed as my first stint.

    Is this a known issue and is there anything that I can to reduce the effects?
  2. DanRZ

    DanRZ Registered

    Aug 22, 2021
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    I would highly suggest to not stay connected between stints, and reconnect just before your next session. Even more in VR which uses more ressources.
    Did you check if some task was running and using CPU ?
    Did you leave the focus on rFactor2 while leaving ?
    The game loses the focus if you click on other applications, and that can cause issues if left without focus for a long time i think.
  3. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    No, wasn't connected between stints. I closed all applications down, PC was in an idle state with nothing running. To the best of my knowledge, there was no task running during the 2nd stint.
  4. DanRZ

    DanRZ Registered

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Maybe some SteamVR or other VR interface issue. Steam was shutdown too ?

    If you stopped the Game, the issue probably came from other software still running, i suppose. Or it can also be some heating issue.

    Causes of lag or bad performance are always the same :
    • Someone else is using ressources needed (Cpu, disk, usb, etc.)
    • Too much heat or energy savings causing CPU throttling or overload.
    There isn't lots of other reasons.
  5. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Hi DanRZ, I cannot say 100% that Steam was shutdown, but I believe that I left the PC running at min level. I will try to reboot in future to ensure that no resources are still are being used in the background.

    The only thing that I can be sure of is that it wasn't a heating issue. I was racing in my garage where the temp was 0 deg Celsius :)
  6. DanRZ

    DanRZ Registered

    Aug 22, 2021
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    So, some software was probably using some critical ressource for the game or VR which lost priority or control of it.

    Restarting is probably a good solution.

    But i advise you that restart is not equal to stop and start. Windows has introduced some new functionnality where only a restart, make the full restart.
    A stop, and then later a start is different and in this case Windows tries to start faster by using caches or prefetch, and so doesn't really restart apps/services like our smartphone.

    Restart can cause other issues, like forcing a big update or else, and taking more time to start, making you lose your new stint start, for example.

    Just be aware of that.

    Better usage would be to start a single session, in VR or not, to make sure everything is fine, and try to Restart or do a Stop/Start to solve issues, or simply connect to your session if no problem.
  7. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    @DanRZ To clarify, probably best to Shut Down the computer and then restart as opposed to Restarting? I would probably do the former after leaving the session to allow plenty of time before the next stint (This PC is only used to run rF2).
    davehenrie likes this.
  8. DanRZ

    DanRZ Registered

    Aug 22, 2021
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    I can't say which one is best : stop/start later or restart just before rejoining.
    Both are probably Ok most of the time.

    A little check in a single session (solo) or another multi session (like a practice server) is probably a good way to check if everything runs smoothly before getting back on Race.
    And not be trapped by a laggy PC 12 seconds before going on the new stint, where you won't have time to troubleshoot any problem.
  9. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    I never had to restart my PC for any race. Sounds like an issue with rF2 and VR or some other driver.
  10. elgagon

    elgagon Registered

    Dec 21, 2022
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    I use rF2 with VR from the launcment of Oculus CV1 (2016?) and know a lot of rF2 users that use VR and never heard a problem like this related with VR.
    DanRZ pointed to something that could be the cause.
    If you use windowed mode or borderless and your rF2 loses the focus this could be the cause (using VR or screen).
    To avoid this check that these parameters of the Player.json are configured in this way
    "Pause If Focus Lost":false,
    "Inactive Sleep Time":-1,
    "Active Sleep Time":-1,
    DanRZ likes this.

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