Formula Pro & Grip Levels

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bassman, May 18, 2023.

  1. Bassman

    Bassman Registered

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I have been racing Rf2 since the beginning and drive/hotlap F1 cars with my brother. We have gone through a lot of cars over the years. We purchased the Formula Pro car and really liked it. The first release had a lot of grip. More than we have ever had with F1 cars in RF2. Our lap times were within reason of real world times. Fun! Then an update for the car came out and we were back to racing on ice like so many cars before it. Now out times are 10+ seconds slower than the real world.

    Not that it matters or we think we are great drivers, but where did all of the grip go? Has anybody else noticed this? We tried going back to the 0.98 version of the car but we can not get out of 1st gear with the car...

    We have tried every type of setup change and real road pre-treatment etc... and this car is just slippy. We drive with Thrustmaster FFB wheels & pedals. Any feedback or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. 3NPV5IRR

    3NPV5IRR Registered

    Feb 27, 2014
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    I haven't faced such an issue. The same setup gives approximately the same time +-.
  3. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Check the Ctrl-C graph for physics (purple) CPU usage, in case somehow your PC is struggling with it, which might make it feel very different.

    Also just double check your controls are working correctly and no driver aids are interfering.
  4. Bassman

    Bassman Registered

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Thanks for your replies. I have a 13900K processor, so I do not think this is a computing issue. The only aid we use is the first notch of braking assist. We just do not have tire grip. When we first purchased the car we were like "yes, there is finally an F1 car that you can lean into and really feel the tire grip and save it when it loses adhesion. Now, a year+ later it is the same old tip-toe around the tracks because the back end is going to come out if you put too much of anything into it.

    I don't think it is the car but something in Rfactor that changed? Just looking for some things to try. I even set the AI drivers on the course for two hours to save the real road so we would have more rubber on the track. This helped but the car itself just does not stick to the road like it did.

    Driving Monaco today and we were in the low 1:20's basically overdriving the car to get that. Full wing etc... In my mind, we should be able to make the car too grippy and strip away to take chances and go faster. We are not even close to that and can not find a way there.
  5. Bassman

    Bassman Registered

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Maybe we had some driving assist engaged and did not realize it with the first version of the car? I will turn some on and see if it resembles the grip levels. If so, then this car still needs some work!! No way real world F1 drivers have this little grip and drive with the confidence they show.
  6. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    That's what the few people having tried F1 in real life say. No one said it was easy.
  7. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    1:20 on monaco with fpro is quite slow imho. no disrespect intended.
    I was able to 1:15:065 last week when i was driving monaco with fpro. no assist used , and track was on medium rubbered preset too.
    It can easily do mid to low 1:14:xx with better driving on same setup and track conditions.

    fpro received only one tyre update after initial release and it wasn't that big
    this is what i got when i asked a developer about the minor tyre update on fpro. >>

    "The FPro tyre refinements mostly (but not exclusively) refer to fixes to mass imbalances. Effectively translating to lower vibration. That's the only fundamentally noticeable change."
  8. Robin Pansar

    Robin Pansar Member

    May 20, 2018
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    The Formula Pro is a fantasy project and not a representation of the current real life F1 regulations - and therefore shouldn't be compared to it. Current F1 cars have approx. 30-40% more downforce than what the Formula Pro produces, so it's just a completely different car. Tyres are also completely different.
    Simulation_Player likes this.
  9. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I think @Simulation_Player may have found an avenue to explore. What were the track rubber settings both before and after?
    If you think you have a green track, add a bunch of AI and let them circulate a good while. If you feel the old grip is back then your real road settings may have change from your early days with the fPro to now.
  10. Bassman

    Bassman Registered

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Thanks. I will unleash the AI drivers on the track again as I did notice my Real Road settings are from 2021 in Monaco. I don't really care about the actual times. I know the cars are not 1:1 and the real drivers are better than me :) But, feeling like there is not stability of grip in the car is no fun to try and get a good time. Every time I lean into it the car goes away. I have to think it is not that way in real racing. Difficult is one thing, no confidence is another.

    @Simulation_Player - I do not race in a league or anything. Would you be willing to send your Monaco setup over and let me drive it?
  11. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Sure thing, i will share .txt file, copy paste its content into your fpro setup .svm file which is found at

    " Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\Settings"


    rename it back to .svm that might work as well (so from FPRO.txt to FPRO.svm )

    P.S : a warning , i'm NOT a fast driver and this setup is NOT made scientifically with motec don't expect any miracles :)

    Attached Files:

  12. elgagon

    elgagon Registered

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Imho, Monaco isn't a good place to test the FPro. Monaco need a lot of confidence. I'd choose another type of circuit (Barcelona, Interlagos, Silverstone...)
  13. Bassman

    Bassman Registered

    Mar 20, 2015
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    @Simulation_Player - Thanks a lot! It will be great to have a reference.

    @elgagon - that is kind of the point though. We want a grippy car that instills confidence.
  14. elgagon

    elgagon Registered

    Dec 21, 2022
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    If is easy to drive, it's not like a F1
  15. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    where do you want rear end grip ,low speed corners 1st , 2nd or even 3rd gear ones ? or fast corners 4th gear and onwards ?
    mechanically you can only do so much for rear end grip, this car has around 780 HP+, you are required to slowly feed the power at slow getting around that, no setup tricks.
    for stability in fast corners raise the front ride height and / or lower the front wing 2-3 clicks at a time and see how car behaves.

    for corner entry stability you should increase differential preload, coast, move brake bias to front , maybe try higher brake map too.
  16. Bassman

    Bassman Registered

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Overall, the car feels "light" if that makes sense. It has understeer on corner entry and the rear wants to step out on acceleration as well as having snap oversteer on some braking. The track might have some influence here as we are still driving a mod of tracks from 2013. I notice when we drive say ISI's Interlagos, the car handles better and we are closer to real world times. The tire modeling is complex, so maybe it is not transferring to the older tracks?

    I have found the most impact adjusting the slow/fast bumps/rebounds. This really can improve acceleration and braking, but we are guessing as there are so many options. Tough to discuss over the internet but we have been racing F1 cars since the F1 2001 game, so we are well aware of the challenges!
  17. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    It's just really hard to know. For sure 2013 rips (probably) of F1 tracks could have all sorts going on, but if they have very low grip then they should have always had that. I'm not aware of any recent changes to track tech that would change old surfaces, and ISI interlagos (the original version) would be the same anyway.

    It's certainly a possibility (especially if you're doing this offline, so server settings don't have an impact) you were running one of the aids accidentally and that made the car more stable.

    As for grip, it's actually quite subjective. No car has much grip past the limit, and it's possible (especially if you were aided previously) you're simply asking too much. High entry speed will induce oversteer in pretty much anything that isn't handling like a boat, and people are very often tricked when playing games/sims in that they think they're going into a corner at a reasonable speed when they're not, or that there's less grip than there actually is (I mean, like saying "it just won't turn" when they're actually hitting >1.1 lateral g in a sedan, or pulling 3.5g around a corner in an aero car; sometimes your perception can really fool you, and if you did have any artificial assists earlier you'll need to recalibrate completely)
  18. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    @Bassman modded track could explain our lap time difference , maybe that track is too bumpy or surface is not as grippy etc.
    can u post a onboard lap with throttle and brake HUD enable ? maybe we can see if there is some wrong driving practices you are doing.
  19. Bassman

    Bassman Registered

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Thanks for your replies. I think we are kind of at our limit on setup knowledge which keeps the car at the limit. The problem being the limit is coming at a much slower lap pace. I would be happy to post a lap and appreciate the offer. I am busy with my company this time of year, so I do not have a lot of free time atm. I will try to get something put together next week.

    In the mean time, what Monaco track are you driving? We have the set of F1RFT Total Mod tracks which is the F1 car/mod we drove until OW 2017 then Formula Pro. Thanks.
  20. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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