Lack of performance optimisation on some new content

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pilAUTO, Dec 28, 2022.

  1. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    in ACC or AMS2, all the tracks and cars have the same it's not a bug, but there is a big improvement to do about the optimisation.
    I remember bad old games, with awfull codes, that render all on the screen, even what you can't see...the main awfull performance reason.
    It's not acceptable that a 4090/13900k can render ultra graphics with rain/night with a high framerate at 2560x1440 only....
  2. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    You can lower the details. That would be the same as S397 would create optimized lower polycount content which you could use on highest settings.
    Emery likes this.
  3. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    no thanks, lower with 4090/13900K is a no way.
    I can't understand why some cars give -30fps, maybe need optimisation.
  4. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    While I agree that optimizations are always welcome, detail settings are just numbers, there is no shame or no reason to use 2 instead of 3 if in a particular combo you want fps instead of candy.
    The fact you have the most powerful PC available today doesn't mean you're supposed to max everything.
    On the contrary, a lot of AAA titles couldn't be maxed with a top notch PC .. that was called "future proofing" back then.
    So find the best balance for you, and don't worry about settings names.
    pkelly and Emery like this.
  5. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    the problem is rFactor 2 is not really beauty compared to Forza 7, but is +300% more GPU demanding, even ACC shadows, night or rain are far more beauty. So I guess that rFactor 2 GPU usage is too much high for nothing...lack of optimisation, or GPU power wasted....but it's ok now for me, I use only 1 4K OLED, and I don't race with night or rain in rF2 (I don't like the render), so for me no worry.

    5 years ago, the GPU usage was 200% lower and the graphics were not bad at all, almost same as today.

    S397 PBR update has raised the GPU usage at +200% since 5 years ago and DX11, but it's not 200% better, it's the same for me, worst the old tracks are ugly now....and all trees are flashy greeny.
    The main important question is : are all the PBR andd SSR updates are really a worthwile improvement compared to the GPU usage that they have ????
    My thoughts are adding new 3D techs into an old 3D engine raises so much the GPU usage for only a small visual upgrade.

    I was 100% fully satisfied with the Sebring 2017 graphics, the GPU was very low, I could play at 4K ultra with a 1080ti, and the graphics were for me perfect....
    Now it's flashy greeny for the trees, and it's not at all far more beauty, but the GPU usage has raised so much....sniff
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
    Duncan and oikworld like this.
  6. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    I allow myself to tag you a second and last time in this thread @Paul Jeffrey .

    And by the way happy new year to all the people who will see this message!

    I made a very last test on screen, I specify that I would not make others, test which takes into account a remark of @Andregee (Player detail on "MEDIUM" instead of FULL/MAX).

    The results are absolutely inconclusive, NO gain in FPS neither in min FPS nor in max FPS.

    My conclusion is therefore that there is a problem (probably with other content at different scales.).

    I send you my previous results on screen, and those from this test passed under the exact same conditions.

    Other tests :
    FPS min = 156, FPS max =185 // SC2018
    FPS min = 199, FPS max = 242 // 488 GTE
    -21.61% min FPS, -23.55% max FPS

    NEW TEST with SC2018 (Titan) exact same settings AND PLAYER DETAILS = MEDIUM (vs max/full) :

    157 min fps, 183 max fps
    (exactly the same as with max/full player details!!!!!!!!!!!).

    Thank's for reading.
  7. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    did you read my above post ? I find it very interesting.
    I have read yours, and I agree, I know this 3D old ISI engine is showing its limit now, each new car or PBR update raise too much the GPU usage for a smal visual upgrade, or worst for nothing.

    edit : I prepare a big big test, with old rF2 build (2017-2018-2019-2020-2021) vs new build (2022) for a framerate comparaison with all the cars /tracks. And you will see how much power we have lost. And of course I will add screenshots comparaison to show if it's really more beauty, all at 4K ultra.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
  8. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    You just need to surf the unedited screenshot thread to find out how much graphics have changed through the years.
  9. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    But the Sebring 2017 version was fully satisfying me, with a low GPU usage, beauty graphics, now it's 200% more GPU usage and it's not 200% more beauty...
    I have all the builds in my back up, and the 2017 one is so smooth for the GPUs....
  10. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    now the modded tracks are ugly with a bad green, and I like very much the 2017 quality, it was satisfying me. Honestly, now I will trade the graphics update with the low GPU usage from 2017. The modded tracks trees were beauty, now they are ugly



    In 2017, the game was beauty and the GPU usage was acceptable, a 1080TI could max everything at 4K ultra, now most of the modded tracks are ugly...

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
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  11. Andregee

    Andregee Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Compare the level of detail of the interiors of the old Porsche GT3 and the current 992 Cup. It's like I said before, new cars and also tracks have much more details, which results in a higher polycount, which in turn increases the draw call count, which stresses the CPU and GPU. Surely S397 could optimize the COntent and reduce the details back to the old level, but why do that just to ease your conscience that you can now set everything to Ultra, even though the current detail level of the new content is only medium, only that you now have no choice to select even higher detail levels`?
    Reduce the detail level and you have the same result as if S397 would optimize the content, I find the old GT3 especially in VR in the interior already very ugly in comparison and no longer need that. Sebring, by the way, is also not a standard for suitable comparisons, since there are very few 3d buildings.
    sg333 likes this.
  12. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I'm not really sure that you know what you are talking about.
    Some old cars (991 cup car) give -30fps, but some recent car not.
    The details at low or ultra gives the same framerate with the cars....
    Sebring 12hours has more objects than Brand Hatch.....that's why you have a 12hours and standard version...
    If the interior of a car gives +200% GPU performance, there is a serious issue.....
    The CPU/GPU is more stressed cause the 3D engine is too much old and gives bad's too easy to say we have to lower the graphics, no, they have to improve the optimisation, Forza 7 is 300% more beauty and 300% less GPU demanding.
    OPTIMISATION is not REDUCING details, it's a better framerate, with the same quality, with a better code (like not rendering what we don't see,but it needs many new codes)
    The GPU power is wasted. Like when you have a radiator in a room with an opened window.....The new 3D techs into this old engine need better code.
    Raceroom and DX9 has shown its limit.
    Automobilista (1) has shown its limit, the night was unoptimised, the 3D ISI engine was too old to render many headlights with highframerate....impossible to add rain with a good framerate....
    rFactor2 3D engine is showing its limit, they have update to DX11, but many of the core need an update, and they probably don't have the ressource to do that.....But it's not as bad as iRacing, this game doesn't use more than 65% of my GPU with 30AI.....but rFactor2 is wasting GPU power.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
    avenger82 likes this.
  13. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    I'm sorry, I'm not trying to oppose everything you say, but factually this sentence is unfortunately false (for cars).

    (see my very last test/last post).
    AlexHeuskat likes this.
  14. MikeV710

    MikeV710 Registered

    Mar 29, 2022
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    I would like to add that, we as players, or as Individuals we don´t think like we did 5 or 20 years ago. By that I mean that what was cool and great In past years might not be so today.

    My first venture Into multiplayer was about 20 years ago with Rainbow Six (3) Raven Shield, and Ghost Recon. This was the golden era of FPS and I must say I had a ton of fun and have great memories of these times.

    I have played the newer versions of these games now days, which have better graphics among other things and although the newer generations swear by them, I must say that to me they just got worst and less memorable. Then we have the companies behind these titles (Ubisoft), with tons of money and recourses.

    Comparing triple A games (like above) with rF2, Is simple unfair. These companies have a bigger budget and way more manpower then S397 to say the least. Besides that, they can dedicate more time to optimization If needed because they already make more money on there products, also due to there LEGACY! I am sure that share holders of MSG will not be very fond of holding product release back due to the team working on optimization. They also most likely not add more team members on the payroll to cover that phase of development because they need to keep getting Income for there share holders to be happy. I mean you don´t need to be a wiz to figure that out do you?

    We also have marketing (hardware), and the push to spend more money on hardware because over all this Is a business. Basic trend Is to swap hardware every 5 years, and they have found that the best way to do that Is In the graphical department (eyecandy). Add to that higher tier CPU´s and all that goes along with It. It´s a Industry money machine, and sadly not a great one for the end users because In the end we don´t own anything (software).

    We had more fun 20 years ago then we do now, because things were more memorable, and because we though differently. Remember GTR2: FIA GT racing game, or Grand Turismo on the PS2? Of course the newer generation will say the same 20 years from now, so yeah It´s one hell of a business!

    We should not get obsessed with It and just enjoy the ride.

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
  15. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    I would just answer.

    The S397 team is small. Yes.

    But the graphics and content department is already working on optimization and that's normal, contrary to what you say, it's an essential development phase even for a small studio with few staff.

    The question is whether it is sufficiently homogeneous in terms of content (there is progress to be made) and whether the development of the graphics engine sufficiently integrates the notion of optimization (as such, 2 aspects are objectively problematic, that is to say much more than in other comparable games : the FPS vary excessively according to the hour of driving and the FPS vary excessively in wet weather).

    Of course, no one expects fully homogeneous FPS between comparable content (AAA tracks, 70 official cars) and different racing conditions.
    No one asks because it's unrealistic.

    It is legitimate for improvements to take place in this area, even if it is correct S397 has less resources for this than a gigantic editor.

    I suggest you review the results of the 3 screen tests I performed.

    I'll make it short :

    Almost 25% more min and max FPS for the 488 GTE with the car's graphics at maximum, compared to the 2018 stockcar (Titan) with the car graphics at medium.

    Sincerely it is clearly abnormal and it is only a simple example, the facts are always speaking.

    As far as I'm concerned, I'll stop there, I alerted to the specific problem of the SC2018, a problem that there are different scales on other content (and I took the opportunity to remind you of the problem of rain and the day/night cycle).

    But I have other things to do than convince people that it is obviously impossible to convince even with facts : here for some we are almost in the field of ideology, it is always up to the user to adding thousands of euros every 3 years, the studio never has to question itself.

    So I alerted, now users and members of S397 will do what they want with the content of this thread. I stop here !
  16. MikeV710

    MikeV710 Registered

    Mar 29, 2022
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    I never said that S397 Is not working on optimization, It´s obvios ( at least for me) that It´s part of any game development and/or maintenance.

    If It was such a Issue, why do you even bother playing rF2? And that goes for anyone...

    You should be happy you get those minimum FPS that some of us don´t get, or be able to play In 4k which some of us can´t!
    pkelly likes this.
  17. mschreiner

    mschreiner Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    PM me about your issues and I will look into it. Performance is less than prior SC2018 due to new digital dash. Maybe we can find the issues you are having and I can look at optimizing different things?
    Manfredk2 and davehenrie like this.
  18. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    can you explain why the old 991 cup car gives -30 fps compared to recent 2022 cars ?
    The only one fix is better optimisation.
  19. Binny

    Binny Guest

    No plans for 2023 optimisation & performance update, Paul has said so in another post and has left s397. Maybe his replacement will come in and introduce themselves, give us a more detailed and updated post.
    Imho when you hear ppl still complaining with the latest and greatest CPU & GPU, does not give you much hope if you have older hardware
    S397/ MSG should be trying to make rf2 way better out of the box, MSG/s397 would have 10 times the staff luminous/s397 had.
    Out of the box rf2 is honestly crap over other titles, to much to do and research to get it working quickly.
  20. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Like I have said the 2017 Sebring quality was fully satisfying in 2023 it's 300% more GPU demanding but it's not 300% more beautiful....I have +300% hardware performance vs 2017 but the GPU load in rF2 has raised to it's endless....and I repeat it's not 300% better ! The performance for me are worst every year.
    Duncan likes this.

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