Starting dedicated server with specific mod

Discussion in 'Hosting Help' started by Deleted member 58016, Feb 12, 2023.

  1. Hi

    I am just wondering if -vmod is the correct option to start a dedicated server with a specific mod ... lets say I have just created mymultiplayer.rfmod with the mas utility and have installed it with modmgr and it seems that - if there are previously installed rfmod packages - I cannot start the server with +oneclick at first, but I need to start it without +oneclick in order to choose the correct rfmod once (pulldown menu at the beginning).

    Is there any way to work around this?

    It seems that

    .\rf2 dedicated.exe +path=".." +profile=server +vmod=mymultiplayer.rfmod +oneclick

    does not work ...

    Regards, D.
    DanRZ likes this.
  2. Goanna

    Goanna Registered

    Jan 19, 2012
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    CLI.txt says +vmod=<vmod>…have you tried just mymultipayer as mod name…just thinking out loud here :)
    DanRZ likes this.
  3. I know about the option, but maybe it is a difference using +vmod=mymultiplayer.rfmod or +vmod=mymultiplayer ... will try it and report it :)
  4. Sometimes it is so simple ... yes, I need to specify the mod without .rfmod file extension.
    Goanna likes this.
  5. It seems like it is not working with

    +vmod="a mod name with spaces"
  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Spaces have always caused issues in various ways. Don't put spaces in anything.

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