rFactor 2 misreporting Telemetry with the IR18?

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Lizardfolk, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. Lizardfolk

    Lizardfolk Registered

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Hey there, I'm using the DAMPlugin to record data for Motec. I'm looking to join an open setup IndyCar league using the official IR18 car and grabbing telemetry to analyze how the car is handling is very important to that.

    But I'm noticing something very strange that I'm thinking is a bug or, at worst, actually just incorrect?


    This screenshot is showing some errant G Force Lateral readings. As you can see here the steering is held straight yet Lateral G Force is raising (even changing mid way down the straight with no steering changes) with no input.



    Here, ride heights (and possibly other suspension outputs) are seemingly swapped front to back and left to right. Like, when I brake the rear immediately drops and the front comes up then drops, which is indicative of them being front to back. Also this is a Left hand corner with the LF being the lowest seems flipped as well.

    What's going on? Is rF2 just misreporting data or is there a bug going on here or something? Can someone help me fix this so I can get sim accurate telemetry from the official IR18 car?

    EDIT: Thanks to Lazza for clarifying the suspension and ride height.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I'm not data guru, I'll let others chime in there. I'll just note the standard SuperSpeedway setup is heavily biased to the left. So to ensure you have clean data that others can confer with you on, choose the roadcourse car to validate your issues.
  3. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    What's G Force Lat.f7 ? Check the raw logged data against what you have there.

    Susp Pos isn't the same as ride height. Susp Pos increases in bump, whereas ride height will generally decrease.
  4. Notchois

    Notchois Registered

    Jan 8, 2023
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    This Data is "clean" this was recorded on a flat straightaway with no steering input. This is also in a road course setting with 50% left side weight and even then added left side weight does not effect straight line lateral G force.

    The f7 is a smoothing factor on the channel (effectively it looks at every seventh data point rather than every single one; this helps cut down on the fuzzy looking data point), which would have no impact on the direction or magnitude of the numbers as they were recorded.

    Good catch on the suspension, I'll look into that as I may have been confuzed on that one.
    Lizardfolk and davehenrie like this.
  5. Notchois

    Notchois Registered

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Dead on with the suspension over ride height. Grand catch.
    Lizardfolk likes this.
  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Forgive my confusion - you are Lizardfolk, yes? (or perhaps more familiar with the project?)

    I wouldn't rule out an issue with the telemetry log (even if it's gone this long without being noticed; strange things happen sometimes), or even a game issue. But I'd really like to see the logged G Force Lat channel to confirm.

    And if that has the same thing, let me know the damplugin.ini settings being used, so I (and others, perhaps) can check as well. It's possible the particular rates you're using have uncovered a typo on my behalf, and what is getting logged as G Force Lat is actually something else. It's the sort of error I'm aiming to rule out with my next update, when I finally get through consolidating all the channels into a structured code generation process...
  7. Notchois

    Notchois Registered

    Jan 8, 2023
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    I am Lizard's data guy.

    I will get you a picture soon but that is a true G Force Lat channel, merely a motec provided function to reduce the amount of fuzz in the data.

    I will get you the .ini parameters soon as well.

    Its very interesting as it only, seemingly, shows up with these phantom forces when there is no lateral loading. Mid corner the data seems both reasonable and consistent across multiple drivers. All of these issues have been with the IR-18, I have not yet attempted to replicate with a different car to isolate further.
  8. Notchois

    Notchois Registered

    Jan 8, 2023
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    This is the "raw" data output for my IR18 going straight.

    Now to add spice to this fire, I ran the P3 car at Daytona and lo and behold G Force Lat makes perfect sense, straight and flat means 0 G lat. I really don't get that one lol.

    Im not certain what plugin I am using but here is the .ini for my plugin

    // MotecPlugin Parameters file

    Log dir = "LOG\" // Directory to log to; relative to rFactor root if not absolute (e.g. "C:\Log files\")
    Use class subfolder = 0 // Log to a subfolder equal to the vehicle class; 0 = no, 1 = yes
    Logging on = "Plugins\MotecPlugin\LoggingOn.wav" // Sound file (wav) to play when logging is switched on
    Logging off = "Plugins\MotecPlugin\LoggingOff.wav" // Logging switched off
    One log built = "Plugins\MotecPlugin\OneLogBuilt.wav" // Sound to play when a log file has been built, with more pending
    All logs built = "Plugins\MotecPlugin\AllLogsBuilt.wav" // Sound when all pending log data has been built
    Error = "Plugins\MotecPlugin\Error.wav" // Sound when an error occurs
    Idle log cycles = 25000 // Log build cycles to perform per frame when idle (at monitor)
    Duty log cycles = 2500 // Log build cycles to perform per frame when busy (in-car, driving)
    Active on startup = 1 // Sets whether logging is active by default; 0 = no, 1 = yes
    Activation key = M // Key to press to (de)activate logging; single character (0-9, A-Z) or key code (eg 0x4D)
    Key modifier = 2 // Modifier to be pressed with activation key; specify ONE of: 0=none, 1=shift, 2=ctrl, 3=alt
    Realtime building = 1 // Whether to start building logs while still in-car; 0 = no, 1 = yes
    Use local timezone = 1 // Converts the log time to your local timezone (otherwise uses UTC); 0 = no, 1 = yes

    Data rate = 2 // Telemetry capture rate; Enter a value from -2 (useful minimums) to 2 (100Hz all channels)
    Extra tyre temps = 1 // Log tyre carcass and inner rubber temperatures (Build 660); 0 = off, 1 = on
    Inputs mode = 1 // Log unfiltered or filtered controls input; 1 = unfiltered, 2 = filtered, 3 = both
    Aerodynamics = 1 // Log rF2s extra aero info (drag, front/rear downforce, front wing height, front/rear rideheights; 0 = off, 1 = on
    Contact patch = 1 // Tyre contact patch channels (ground and patch velocities); 0 = off, 1 = on
    Engine info = 1 // Extra engine channels, incl. torque and boost values; 0 = off, 1 = on
    Vehicle info = 1 // Various vehicle status channels, plus vehicle pitch/roll/orientation; 0 = off, 1 = on
    Tyre info = 1 // Extra tyre/wheel channels; 0 = off, 1 = on
    Weather = 1 // Extra weather info (cloud/rain/wetness/wind - most not currently active or are obsolete in rF2); 0 = off, 1 = on
    Lizardfolk likes this.
  9. Lizardfolk

    Lizardfolk Registered

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Thanks for your responses! Notchois here is my teammate (or in the case of this indycar league my personalized engineer!). He's way way way more knowledgeable on this kind of stuff so I'll let him continue the convo with you.
  10. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yep, no worries.

    I can't see any issues with that channel in my code, so it's a curious one. The telemetry isn't car-specific (ie it's not coded to the directions in the car somewhere - it's just game-wide) so it seems an unlikely error, but can't deny that graph is climbing when it doesn't make sense. Not an insignificant G force either. A bit more data poring might uncover what's going on.
  11. Robin Pansar

    Robin Pansar Member

    May 20, 2018
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    I've reported this before regarding the G data getting wonky. Apparently it's just a bug in the data, meaning something just gets read wrong and you are not actually producing that amount of Lat G. I believe this is connected to the spring/damper setting as this generally happens if you set the damper rates to very stiff settings. You can test reproducing on a straight line by setting the dampers to the softest setting and the stiffest, then compare the values in Motec.

    I think this data bug also happens to the suspension force where it shows the suspension is broken (force jumps to almost no load) when it's in fact completely fine.
  12. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Interesting info Robin, thanks for that. So just to confirm, this is coming from the game itself, not just my plugin? :eek:
  13. Robin Pansar

    Robin Pansar Member

    May 20, 2018
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    I believe the issue is from the game yes. If you look in dev mode and check the live G values you can see the offset yourself.
    Lazza likes this.
  14. Notchois

    Notchois Registered

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Watching an onboard of the IR-18 with the G bubble it appears to read correctly.
  15. Notchois

    Notchois Registered

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Very Interesting, the issue was spotted with dampers and spring being fairly soft (for Indycar). The issue was not replicated with a P3 car so it may have something specific to certain cars.
    Lizardfolk likes this.

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