Competition System. The very first impression after finally getting in.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mantasisg, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    First of all, it was annoying to have all that trouble that was blocking from participating. But once Caterham and Mini hit the road in rF2 I got very motivated, not to mention physics improvements, sound improvements, always improving graphics, which also definitely motivates just as much.

    Just to mention I barely did one full Cat race, and one Mini Cooper hotlap session.

    I couldn't join at first because something was corrupted about packages. I was able to resub to Silverstone and it was solved, but for Monza had to verify games files which consumes time (although in my case it was very worth it). So I wish that such problems are going to be rare, or even better - won't repeat. So the more robust packaging system will be - the better.

    Whole menu thing, selecting thing, signing up, registering and joining to sessions is very fluid, intuitive and aesthetic. When you register to race you can very nicely fill the remaining time by visiting this forum, or by doing some quick single player session if you don't want to go anywhere else.

    I was surprised that there are standings for race points and for top laptimes, very simple, but very good to have for the spirit.

    In Caterham race there were six guys, and one was matching my pace, almost. He did a mistake by first laps and quit. I don't know if such behavior gets any penalty, but I think it should negatively impact racing points or some other rating.

    I have to teach myself how to keep car not rolling in rF2 before start, when grid has a slope :D Probably should assign handbrake.

    One really annoying thing to me is that after participating in CS the game mode switches into that series mode, and you need to switch back to All cars All tracks mode, and it takes some time to load all that content into menu.

    The racing itself seems to work very well, haven't noticed any issue.

    Drivers labels are really massive and outstanding when up close.

    I think it would motivate people to buy tracks more if they could participate in races with tracks they have and be tempted to buy tracks that they can't go to, it seems right now that in order to register to the season you have to have content sorted out. Unfortunately, couldn't be done like that for cars as they are in every race obviously.
  2. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    To sum up it is surprisingly good once you register. And I have no doubt it is about to get so much better.

    I will be adding more impressions and ideas later. Do the same here if you'd like to.
  3. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    There is a menu option for those who just can't remember to put their foot on the brake pedal, to auto brake at the start. I use the auto headlights and auto wiper just to save buttons, but it will even<shudder>auto start the engine if you so choose. (From the garage in practice, warmup & Q.)
    Emery likes this.
  4. Mitch9

    Mitch9 Registered

    Jul 26, 2020
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    The packages issue is super common but not hard to solve, usually it´s enough to exit the cs page and try again. Personally I find this really annoying but it might be hard to solve as it´s probably caused by a combination of the package system in rF2 and how the CS interacts with it.

    I agree and would prefer if the game defualted back to "all cars and tracks" after exiting the CS.
    Having it switch to the competition series can be usefull if you want to practice while you wait for the next session; you´ll have the competition car and tracks handy but imo it would be better to default to the all content series and have a more legible naming convention for the competition series to make it easier to search for when you want to practice in the specific cars/layouts.
  5. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. I'll be more motivated when there is some kind of visible driver profile. When I went through the effort of signing up, practicing, qualifying, then finally racing and actually winning the race, it was a bit of a let down when it just... ended. It kind of felt like it was all for naught.
  6. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    One can wish :D
  7. Alex96

    Alex96 Registered

    Dec 21, 2016
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    I do not agree. The abandonment could be for many reasons: hardware failure, connection failure, a hit that does not allow you to continue or that the vehicle becomes undrivable and dangerous for others, and reaching the pits can become an odyssey (in addition to the waste of time that takes away your interest in continuing), make a plan on the tires (making a stop in a short race takes away all the options when the others are not going to make a stop), etc...
    It could also be for a personal reason: baby waking up and needing attention, doorbell ringing and other impediments that arise in normal life...
    And I think that in real life they don't penalize you for leaving, the penalty is for not getting points in that race, I think that's enough...
  8. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Too many times online I see ego quitting. It should be somehow accounted. True connection loss is a problem, it happens. Anyway I think that leaving server early in the race should be somehow accountable, perhaps wouldn't be fair 100% of the time, but RL racing also has all sorts of unpleasant surprises, well except connection loss and suddenly physically disappearing into nowhere.
  9. Steve Cunningham

    Steve Cunningham Registered

    Aug 14, 2021
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    I don't experience the package issues and I don't really enjoy road racing necessarily but I'm trying to force myself to like it.
    Anyhow, I really like the CS system and the new features for it. I hope they keep adding series for this and including ovals. I could care less about actual Nascar type ovals since they are completely ditching their oval roots but mixing with road and dirt now.

    So in short the CS is very exciting and encourages me to actually buy content as I have been doing and racing road and street tracks.
    I typically have seen maybe 6-7 drivers there of which most were faster then me but they also wreck a lot.
    I have yet to finish last, and even finished in the middle a few times.

    I'm still about 2 to 3 seconds slower then the fastest drivers but not as slow as the slowest. Likely because I ran more practice laps to be familiar with the track before registering with the CS race.

    All I can say is get out there and keep racing. More drivers more fun.
    mantasisg likes this.
  10. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    @Steve Cunningham Looks like I do experience those problems on each new series, now I am asked to subscribe to Mini Brands hatch qualy even for race of the season, although I have Mini and I have Brands Hatch..

    Yes, more variety of series probably wouldn't hurt, but perhaps it wouldn't be as beneficial right now, when there are often too few people participating in existing series.

    I did my second race today, again same story - people quiting. Out of four, one just never entered. Second, this is classic, said car is difficult, lol complained about first gear and you don't even use it at Mores. Third one quit race as soon as I started pushing, but at least stayed in the server.

    Caterham window again became reflective as igot to drive through dust.

    Still can't make good start.

    Started wondering about how race points are collected, and I found this thread with Marcels Discord post about it documented for us to know stuff:

    I wonder if this algorithm accounts DNF, then there probably is a penalty. But I like the idea of it - try to always race faster guys than you for most benefit. So I suppose if someone way better comes to server, try to keep as close to him as possible, and it should eventually improve racing points, and your impression for algorithm. I hope we will get more info about it all once CS comes out of beta.
  11. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022

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