Released Q2 Update and DLC Released

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, May 9, 2022.

  1. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    datasting and yashiman like this.
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I like the thinking, but it wouldn't work well with the random element of breakages to have the replay then decide something didn't break off because the die landed differently :cool:
  3. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Finally, got to launch rF2 and learn something about new stuff and update in my own. After few months of a break and with this update rF2 does it again to me, that sense of new, fresh, aging resistant experience, even after true 2000+ hours of play.

    It definitely is an impressive update, and content is also impressive.

    BTCC cars and two british tracks are nearly perfection IMO. Sounds, graphics, physics are all very good. Racing Q50 in Brands Hatch in rain was my best wet racing in rF2 so far. Overall I am very grateful for Infinity and how it is, it is so awesome. Toyota is also great, surprisingly little torque steer, but of course FWD can never be as good as RWD, I understand many will like it because it is such a no brainer when it comes to catching slides. Speaking of slides, I think these cars are very realistic at how it generates and looses grip, twitching feels very immersive, neutral steer moments too it is such a joy to drive and feels very real to me. Small criticism, I think these tires may be still lacking just a touch of grip, and still bit forgiving at sliding, but in a way that I think is acceptable as very realistic. A bit less realistic IMO is sliding when very big angles are reached and/or sliding lasts a long time and at high speed - somehow they still holds the car away from a totally uncontrollable spin. But thats not a big problem, because when it happens it seems to be past exploitable limits, where it is technically loss of control, and massive amount of speed is being lost, just not completely spining out - while driving properly should never be experienced :D But it will keep some guys races away from being totally ruined. Doesn't really matter, because at actual usable limits the cars feels very real, very good in my perception. In wet brands hatch Infinity gave me 917K vibes, just with less power :D I was exiting druids with Q50 in very spectacular fashion everytime, in very realistic way. And the way it became sketchy at the last kink before finish at the end of a lap when it was wet felt so true how it should be !

    Laguna seca is also cool. Graphically it is less impressive to me than British tracks, but it is a ton of fun to drive, never driven LS this fun before - so for that it is impressive.

    Overal game development update is just wonderful, can't wait for the future. I am starting to get Assetto Corsa vibes in terms of polishing and fluidity, while rF2 is way more complex software, this progress should be very appreciated and it is.
  4. Μουζαϊδης Σταύρος

    Μουζαϊδης Σταύρος Registered

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Even if I already have the Q2 DLC and all tracks from workshop,I can not sign up for the TCC in competition.
    Any ideas?
  5. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    What error message do you get?
  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    If you WERE missing content, the CS would point you to what is needed before allowing you to sign up. To repeat Remco's question, what error message is shown?
  7. Gupster

    Gupster Registered

    May 19, 2013
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    Nice work S397! Tracks and cars are sweet!!
  8. Μουζαϊδης Σταύρος

    Μουζαϊδης Σταύρος Registered

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Trying to joing S397 BTCC Fun server,in Brands Hatch: " Unable to download mod"
    When trying to join CS Touring Car Champ,in VIR "Unable to install server mod,most likely is missing content"
    Inside the competition system,I subscribe normally,but I can not sign up.
    This is the messege:
    "rFactor 2 was not able to activate series 220509_cs_tcc, which is probably caused by incompatible upgraded cars and/or tracks that are currently installed. Please manually remove such upgrades using the content panel by either unsubscribing from the relevant workshop items or uninstalling the components in the package screen."

    And it seems it affect other mods...Outregous.
  9. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    You have some mods installed that are incompatible with the series. This will probably be third party mods installed either from the Workshop, manually or from other servers where you've participated. Use the content manager to find and uninstall the mods that use the same content than the series you're trying to join, or any unofficial upgrades to the official content.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
  10. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Is there any word on a real fix for the spark stutters?
  11. Foxtrot

    Foxtrot Registered

    Nov 2, 2011
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    After the time elapsed and the silence I'm guessing the only hope for a real fix is a new pc.
    I mean its been close to 2 months now lol.
    Or maybe the dev thinks its in peoples imagination like problems with the new sound engine lol.

    turtleCZ and Elcid43 like this.
  12. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Lol, I ain't getting a new PC! Was lucky enough to get an HP Omen (RTX 3090) when the pandemic started for less than the cost of just a 3090.

    It's upsetting because after the second update to the RC the game went to crap for me.

    Hopefully something happens
  13. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    I have a 12700K with a 3090 and although stutters with activated sparks.
    datasting and Elcid43 like this.
  14. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    You do realize that S397 has pretty much locked in a 3 month release schedule right? This week we saw a small hotfix for the IR 18 Indycar that corrected the P2P operation. But most items apparently will not see the light of day until August at the soonest. The sound engine will take care of itself as more cars are converted to the full sound bank. I was hoping they would drop the sound updates piecemeal as each car was finished, but it looks like those will come in chunks each quarter. I have an AMD card instead of an Nvidia and I don't notice stutters, even with the sparks. I wonder if we can make a survey of users, I'm sure 90%+ use NV, but I'm curious if AMD folks see the stutters like NV users do.
  15. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I just don't understand what happened though, it worked great in the original RC.
    Foxtrot likes this.
  16. TJones

    TJones Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    That timeframe is for new content and features, fixes should always released as soon as theyre ready.
  17. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I agree, should be, but we'll have to wait and see. I suspect they like the long list of fixes vs dribbling them out.
    TJones likes this.
  18. Foxtrot

    Foxtrot Registered

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Hi Dave.
    When I mention problems with the new sound engine, I'm talking about the new cars that support it not old unsupported cars. I'm not actually expecting the old cars to get updated. I'd be kind of shocked if they update them at all.
    I'm sure I read somewhere in this forum they need to get a new license to update an old car.

    I set sounds to 256, don't get any popping or stuttering or crackling, and It doesn't knock my framerate down.
    But, for whatever reason the sound mix only plays properly once or twice every ten times I run the game.
    One time all sounds are good, I can here tire noise, wind noise, well all the effects. I can hear other cars around me. I have the spotter dialed in so I can just hear him nicely.

    Then the next 4 or 5 times I launch the game and enter track with zero changes the interior engine sound is too loud, making wind and tire noise, bottoming out much lower in the mix. The spotter becomes almost inaudible you can just tell a guy is talking. The sound of other cars says goodbye. When it's like that I can be in the infiniti and have an indy car blow by at 200 mph and won't hear a thing(yes I actually tried) lol. After 4 or 5 times running the game with the new sound engine sucking, it will usually sound great again, until I turn the game off.
    I haven't had ANY sound troubles like this since I stopped using sound cards in the early-mid 2000's lol.

    nolive721 likes this.
  19. Simonk

    Simonk Registered

    Sep 29, 2020
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    I really hope S397 read this because this is the real issue. It’s not about updating car sounds. The new sound engine is behaving differently on different machines. You’ve got some people saying the new sound is great and others saying it’s rubbish for the same mods. I would say 9 out of 10 times mine sounds great. I mostly drive GT3 and Porsche Cup but every now and then the sound mix changes and it’s sound crap.

    Same goes for sparks. Some people are solving stuttering by disabling sparks but some people still have stutters with sparks disabled so the problem isn’t the sparks. I can leave sparks enabled and disable or lower other graphic settings to improve the stuttering. The reality is this build should never have been released. They knew there were problems while it was an RC but released it anyway and with so many changes in one update, I imagine it’s going to take a while to track down the underlying issues.
  20. Luprosx

    Luprosx Registered

    Apr 6, 2013
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    I totally agree with you.
    Many GTs sound good, but some don't.
    Especially the formula cars sound bad from the engine sound.
    (Refer to cockpit sound).
    Trackside sound is mostly ok.
    Yes, they should have sorted it all out beforehand!

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