WIP New RC - erratic controls (alternative-neutral, P2P...)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by MileSeven, Apr 19, 2022.

  1. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Update and summary: P2P on previously modded cars appears to have been broken by RC1128. The cars will report P2P entitlement but will not respond to the activation button. Also (but as yet not confirmed as replicated by anyone else) the ‘alternative neutral’ method (pulling both gear paddles simultaneously) is now unreliable in at least one modded vehicle.

    First inkling was to do with the Alternative Neutral method (i.e. pull both gear paddles at once to engage neutral) - it seemed to be very erratic (I've no gear indicator in my HUD). Changing to an overlay hub showed that it was often-as-not not staying in neutral and grabbing an upshift instead. It has been like this for days and so has survived several complete restarts.

    Second issue was that the vehicle I'm developing has P2P - and it wasn't activating as normal. I tried mapping the function to another button but it still refused to activate.

    Reverted to Betas=None as a quick test without restarting the machine etc. and all is back to normal...
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2022
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I use the double pull for neutral and it works fine in the RC. What car were you testing with? The only car I've tried P2P is the Indycar IR18 and that performs as expected in the RC. Test with that car(the one found in the TEST folder) to see if the P2P is working there. Then you'll know something is wonked on the car you are working on.
  3. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    This is on the cars with shift protection?
  4. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    No - it was a third-party vehicle that has been completely reliable and on which I implemented P2P myself a while back.

    The neutral worked perfectly through half a dozen races tonight in Non-Beta. It’s likely we’ll update our servers tomorrow and try the RC again.
  5. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    OK - we've updated our servers to RC1128 and so I've done the same with my client...

    Exactly the same issues with my car mod - P2P won't activate (but does report its existence using the check button) and neutral does not work or is unreliable.

    Tried the Formula Pro test car - neutrals work fine but P2P is the same (Haven't read up to see if this car has particular requirements regarding minimum speed/throttle, but I tried it at a range of circumstances).

    I did (of course) try mapping P2P to another button - it's not a hardware/wheel issue.

    For what it's worth, the P2P section of my HDV is attached.

    [PUSH2PASS] //Added for SR4L LE
    Push2PassType=0 // Whether the push to pass alters the engine (0) or turbo (1) map.
    Push2PassEngineMap=1 // Which engine mixture map to use if PushToPassType=0.
    Push2PassBoostMap=2 // N/A Which turbo mixture map to use if PushToPassType=1.
    Push2PassHybridMap=0 // Likely not implemented yet, reserved for future content that uses it maybe, or a combo of both above settings?
    Push2PassThrottleRequired=0 // Minimum throttle percent needed to activate/maintain P2P.
    Push2PassMinStartSpeedKPH=5 // Minimum speed required to activate P2P.
    Push2PassHoldButton=0 // This currently does not work, but I believe value 1 means P2P button must be held to continue P2P use.
    Push2PassMaxUses=2 // How many times the P2P can be used in total.
    Push2PassTimePerPush=5 //  How many seconds the P2P can be used for each activation.
    Push2PassMaxTime=10 // Maximum total P2P time usage.
    Push2PassActivationsPerLap=2 // How many times the P2P can be used per lap.
    Push2PassInRace=1 // Whether P2P can be used in race.
    Push2PassInQuali=1 // Whether P2P can be used in qualifying.
    Push2PassInWarmup=1 // Whether P2P can be used in warmup.
    Push2PassInPractice=1 // Whether P2P can be used in practice.
  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I think there is some confusion between the rFPro and the IR18. The Pro has DRS, the 18 has Push 2 Pass. The blog seems to indicate that both should have both. I think they are correct at this time, DRS for the rFpro and P2P only on the IR18. Why it isn't working for your car??? Dunno.
  7. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    If you enable the second p2p button (the one that checks how much entitlement you have left), you’ll find that the Pro Test car does report 48 seconds worth of P2P but I can’t activate it in RC.

    My vehicle has 10 seconds entitlement and similarly reports it but does not use it in RC. I’ll check the details later but mine is based on a mixture map and not a turbo.

    The neutrals issue is bizarre and irritating - but I’m gratified in a way that it resolved itself when rolled back to 1126 but immediately became apparent again in 1128….
  8. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Just in case S397 devs don’t check the Modding section, there has been apparent confirmation by @Lazza that the P2P issue exists with one of his previously-working projects.
  9. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    I can confirm this. Shifting into neutral with both paddles pulled does not work as before in non-RC
    MileSeven likes this.
  10. L0P3X

    L0P3X Registered

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Just tested the shift protection, specifically I tried using both paddles to go to Neutral while on the move

    Shouldn't it be included into the Shift Protection range of work too? Like you can still go to 1st or Reverse at high speeds by using both paddles and upshifting/downshifting once, in my opinion this should only work as far that going to one of this gears is safe (On situations like, for example, spinning and being stopped at a high gear, this can be useful to go back to 1st gear or Reverse faster)
  11. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    I´ve tested with cars that dont have actually shift protection. Tatuus F4 and some GT3
    MileSeven likes this.
  12. ben willis

    ben willis Registered

    Dec 11, 2014
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    Adding on to this as ive noticed some similar issues on RC build

    Firstly, in the RC build the throttle required value doesn't seem to be being checked, as with Push2PassThrottleRequired=1, you can still activate P2P with no throttle on.

    Secondly, and this might be linked to the first issue, it doesn't seem like Push2PassActivationsPerLap is working correctly either. If i set this to 3, i expect to be able to Active->Deactivate->Active->Deactivate->Active->Deactivate across one lap. However the final deactivate doesn't always work, meaning you can get stuck with P2P activated for the rest of the lap.

    Both of these work correctly on the stable build.
    MileSeven likes this.
  13. Paweł Andrzejewski

    Paweł Andrzejewski Registered

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Can confirm, same thing is happening to my modded car. Sometimes I get the message in the chat box that P2P is disabled, just like it was fired for a small fraction of a second.
  14. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Yay! Gold star time!

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