CS-closed INDYCAR Open Challenge (IR18) (Q1-S1)

Discussion in 'Official Competitions & Contests' started by Deleted member 24698, Feb 5, 2022.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Times: Daily at 9pm CET and 1am CET (3pm EST and 7pm EST)
    Format: 10 minute practice, 10 minute qualifying, 40 minute race

    Read more here

    S1 Championship
    1: Michi Hoyer
    2: Riccardo Fava
    3: Jeroen Goudeseune
    4: Juninho Tilambucano
    5. Andrian Blasco
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2022
  2. fasttuning

    fasttuning Registered

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Can you please add 19.00 and 22.00 CET and made open practice about 1 Hour with possibility to register during this hour new people and add amount registered drivers to CS menu for each series.
  3. Unfortuantly not, this might be something to look at, and we might have an open server for practice 24/7 in match maker, but CS practice is just 10 mins. Its currently how registration and cs work, so a short quick explanation on cs:

    The CS knows a race is coming up, preparing x servers (where x is predefined by me) then registration starts with 15 mins before the session start. At 00:00 splits are being determined on who signed up/qualified or whatever we have set that up for. That's where a (currently) hardcoded 10 min practice session will happen.
  4. fasttuning

    fasttuning Registered

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Can you please add 19.00 and 22.00 CET?
    You can add temporary multiplayer servers as a solution for the first time?
    INDYCAR Open Challenge Free Pactice
    Rookie Cup Free Pactice
    Race of the Season Free Pactice
    Open Wheel Sprint Free Pactice

  5. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    Does this still have the restriction that you have to own all content to take part? Because if so count me out, I'm not ever buying VIR.
  6. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Yes, and this will probably always be. Your loss really
  7. We are planning these seasons and trying to have this series to have 2 times only, forcing people into the same races. Lets see how popular it will be before we start adding twice the races.
    Agahnim likes this.
  8. Diego Barjollo

    Diego Barjollo Registered

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Then you won't be enjoying one of the best and most fun tracks in North America.
    davehenrie likes this.
  9. We will count you out then.
    We have really taken care of content and how you can enter in this season - many hours have gone into planning these for
    1 fully free series and then 1 almost free series with 1 paid track per season (also a reason to cut it down to 6-1-6 season) And then we have 2 other series, Race of the season (BMW and Daytona) and this where you need: IR18, Daytona, VIR
    Remco Majoor likes this.
  10. fasttuning

    fasttuning Registered

    Dec 15, 2019
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    1am CET is too early for europe. 21 CET or 20.00 CET please
  11. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    Well, then I suggest you rethink your plans. You basically admit you've doen this to force a content acquisition? And in this case, its worse because you are forcing acquisition of something from a 3rd party company (Reiza) that isn't even updated to current standards and likely never will be. It's one thing to require a content purchase from yourselves, but another again for a completely different company.
  12. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    No he didn't say that. It has been explained many times why this is the case, which isn't due to a business strategy. You don't want to buy one track no matter the consequences, that's your choice. I am very critical of the way it is now too, but I understand its not possible to do it differently.
  13. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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  14. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    This is software. There's no such thing as "cannot". They've got a system limitation because they decided to re-use a capability - that was already not fit for purpose!! Which is why everyone runs All Tracks and Cars as their series - for the CS. And further, they are freely able to choose any tracks in their portfolio - like Portland - to run in this series. They took a specific decision not to. They took a specific decision to require the acquisition of 2 extra pieces of content with this series, and not to do the same for other series. Other choices existed. They didn't make them, but they could have. No "cannot" in that. It's "will not".
  15. Diego Barjollo

    Diego Barjollo Registered

    Feb 4, 2020
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    This is a free competition system, you won't pay for join the servers, you won't pay for the maintenance of the service, you have one Cup Series totally free content, and you complain cause yo have to pay 7 euros for ONE circuit (yes, you can buy only the circuit and not the whole Reiza Pack). What else do you want? You want s397 to cook you dinner and bring it to your home for free every day too?
    Agahnim likes this.
  16. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I am shocked...yes SHOCKED I say... a 'for profit' company WANTS TO EARN A PROFIT! Yes I know. There is no requirement to purchase anything. You absolutely have the right NOT to purchase the track or the car. Zip, Zero. So don't, take what you have and play in playground. BUTIWANNA....wha wha wha....
    PatientRF2fan likes this.
  17. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    They will not because they can not justify rebuilding half the game to gain a few more people on the competition system. They won't change it, so either you buy that one track which is cheaper than 1 month of iracing, or you are going to not drive any series with Virginia in it.
    Agahnim likes this.
  18. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    S397 are free to do what they want. But if they want to be successful in either the short or long term, they have to start looking at the tactical decisions they are making, and the criteria with which they are making them.

    There are two really big issues with the CS right now: first, to run a series you need all the content from all events in that series, to run any given event; second, there is a need to own all the content from any given event e.g. all GT3 cars plus the track, not just the specific car you wish to drive. These issues are common to ALL sims. And every single one of them, even those on Steam, have overcome them. iRacing had the latter restriction, and it was important enough to them to correct it. Why would that not apply here? It's S397s decision to utilize the Steam software in such a way that you have to own everything. And there is no sim, anywhere, that has ever had the first restriction - except insofar as you buy full packs to participate, rather than individual pieces.

    Further, at the current time iRacing are the only ones who charge a subscription. You can do organized online racing on most of the others without paying for servers. It's irrelevant to this issue.

    What are the objectives for the CS? Well, its to provide a place for their players to all compete. If the goal is to grow this as large as you can (and why wouldn't it be), doubling down on feature limitations isn't the way to do it. S397 is best known for its endurance sportscar racing. But IndyCar is an important and brand new avenue to explore, and I don't see a reason why you wouldn't want to make its start in life as successful as possible. The CS have been pretty much a failure since its debut. Not only does it have the very severe limitations outlined above, they continue to make bad choices about the structure of the competitions they put up. That might have been OK when it was part of an alpha test to even get something at all to work, but it isn't when you are trying to grow it. Eventually they have come to the realization that the iRacing dev model of quarterly releases is better than any other, after fighting it. Now, they realize the CS system is best with quarterly seasons with weekly rotating series, if you want to build a committed base. The types we've seen - rotating tracks each day with a series lasting a week, etc. etc. - work to test a capability. But you don't build a committed audience with it. It's an arrive-and-drive crashfest, random racing without really any structure. So now you decide you do want a structure. But then, you repeat the errors you already made before. It also still lacks features for matchmaking, like ratings. And ability to look up results.

    If you want to be successful, you need to analyze whether the tactical decisions you are making best position yourselves to maximize success. You're not doing that. You're also not fixing the underlying fundamental problems your software has, that none of your comeptitors have. There's multi-million dollar investors watching now.
    Carlos Eduardo Araujo likes this.
  19. Diego Barjollo

    Diego Barjollo Registered

    Feb 4, 2020
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    If you don't like this system, go out to other game. End of story.
    TrigMan59, kartname and Agahnim like this.
  20. nolive721

    nolive721 Registered

    Jan 2, 2016
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    AMS2 and dev Reiza offered MP acess to all tracks last year even not owning them
    They might have done this to attract more DLC purchase and also players but when you look at Steam stats, doesn't look that succesful

    I have been challenging S397 in years i own the Game for poor MP experience from over here in Asia so I am now willing to give this CS a try but races times defined are going to be a tough call for me
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
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