Released New Release Candidate Update - Client 7969457

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    If this is true, i can't imagine the rants of the people in the forums of the other simulators. :D
  2. Havner

    Havner Registered

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Sorry, to disappoint, but they are not even close to what can be seen here recently. Probably because people playing them don't consider the physics and FFB to be that much worse (if at all) and everything else is way ahead of rF2.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    Dady Cairo likes this.
  3. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    I do not have ignored or blocked anyone anywhere, including discord ... you must be confused
    Nieubermesch likes this.
  4. Nieubermesch

    Nieubermesch Registered

    May 18, 2019
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    Sorry, it's not you then :confused::D
  5. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    True. Also probably because they don't consider thinking about physics that much in the first place. They just choose to think it is good, and it really is good to their level of knowledge, and to their kind of perception because devs can adjust to it, and they often do that.

    When ACC was at its freshest, people were too uncomfortable with massive difference of AC vs ACC physics, handling. Of course as always people can't find how to relate to physics, other than expressing it through their feel of Force Feedback . There were lots of complaints, eventually Kunos flipped the whole handling conception way closer back to AC immediately for second build.

    P.S. Ogonoski resonated greatly with AC people and hit the final nail when he made his vid to "expose" how wrong physics were, although it didn't really prove anything and was logically flawed, it really was master level of trolling art, and even though AC fans always disliked him, they instantly went together with him, just because he resonated with their incorrectness (on purpose probably, thus = trolling). It just shows how weak men really are today, they will simply go blindly after whatever compliments their ideas, and will frown massively on those who challenges them.

    In fact, I was banned from AC forums when I was suggesting that many people have incorrect perceptions about reality, not because I was somehow unethical, but because I was antagonizing to too many hopeless fanboys, who just aren't into thinking about reality much. Even though I have always been very positive before that. They just choose to trust and believe and play it teams - with or against. It is not simulation, it becomes simulationism. At the end it is just computer games, but it reflects whole mentality of people, perception of everything.

    Sometimes I wonder if it is only simracign that is falling off, or whole civilisation ? Some evidence suggests that it is whole civilization lol

    difficult times creates strong men > strong men creates easy times > easy times creates weak men > weak men creates difficult times
    memoNo1 likes this.
  6. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Sorry, i didn't explain well and wasn't being serious
    I was saying that can't imagine the post in other forums of the the same people that are ranting here.
    If they have left the other simulators, is because they like rF2 more, no?:rolleyes:
    atomed likes this.
  7. RNelson

    RNelson Registered

    Dec 7, 2011
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    What people want from their gaming experience is a broad spectrum. Some value graphics most, some physics, some the ability to find a race almost immediately, and the list is long. Each developer picks and chooses where to position their product and hopes the decision proves profitable. I don't think there is a software title that is universally loved or hated. I am not even certain, given cost, pc limitations, etc that the perfect SIM is achievable. In the end it is which title ticks the most boxes for the end user....
    Bill Worrel likes this.
  8. Binny

    Binny Guest

    If you have been here since the beginning of rf2, you over the 1st few yrs realized the potential of the engine. Most would have expected by now for rf2 to be miles ahead of the competition accept for probably a CS. S397 took it on board updated UI, dx11, VR, GRAPHICS and we all appreciate it, but they must be able to have those things at a standard and must be kept up to date at all times & always improving them.
    The core of the game has basically stood still 1 would have accepted rf2 to be miles ahead in some areas, but it seems other sims have caught up.
    I would say other sims most of them are behind in FFB and PHYSICS, but it wont be that way forever.
    IMHO we would all love to see RF2 to start moving in directions we know it can go & watch other sims fall behind, but when & if it will happen im not to sure and if s397 can accomplish it.
    Im starting to honestly think the best thing to do would be NO more updates to RF2 and start on a RF3 to be released in 2yrs hopefully in that time they could have most things running smoothly and maybe even the code unscrambled, no more spaghetti.
    I will say this is what i think i maybe wrong. For the next blog my questions were on the core of the game as IMHO not enough info around this area ( transparency ) on if s397 has the right ppl capabilities of taking it to the next step.
    dylbie, memoNo1 and PatientRF2fan like this.
  9. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    That's because they're new and their users are still hoping they will get better. In a few years those games will have faded away while newer games will be around with more shiny promises.
  10. Johnny Speed

    Johnny Speed Registered

    Aug 3, 2021
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    I have tried the 'other sims' all of them. Everyone is all thrilled about the Reiza thing, which I have and it still doesn't scratch the itch that rF2 somehow does, for me. I guess I am old fashioned, but somehow I keep going back to rF2, ( and rF1, I just love that ). Anyway with the modding community and the level of excellence that the modders bring to this game..I mean..what else is there? I have unsubscribed from iRacing, uninstalled the Reiza game, and the others using that engine, only keep AC for one track, and rFactor in both versions 1 and 2 will always be on my computer. Because that is the best racing I have had, the most fun I have ever had with my plastic toy wheel and a tv screen.
  11. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Totally agree. But whenever I try a mod and I think that it's totally awesome and I love it, I've got this bitter sweet feeling that basically hardly anyone (relatively speaking) is going to experience this and thus what's the point if it's just me by myself turning laps. It's still pretty fun alone, but I would love to be able to set up a quick custom lobby and text a friend and then have some proper fun, or for there to be races every 30 minutes online or whatever. I'm not leaving rF2 anytime soon, even after hundreds (thousands?) of hours I feel like I'm still discovering little nuances in the physics/car handling that I swear were not there before (but in fact were there from day one).

    Yet even with all the positives I still can't seem to be able to get anyone else into it. I think I'm just more of a driving nut (or at least simulator nut) then they are. When I first played rF2 I basically couldn't wait to tell my mates and I was so sure it'd be the next big thing we all played. Yet they just want to play F1 and Gran Turismo. It's not like I'm stressing about it, I'll still enjoy it for a long time to come, even if it's on my own!
    atomed and Johnny Speed like this.
  12. Johnny Speed

    Johnny Speed Registered

    Aug 3, 2021
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    I have the same issues, and that has been a ongoing theme, topic of debate. No matter how awesome this is, can you or I recommend this to a casual (console) racing fan? The answer is no. I know how difficult it was to get up and running properly, and I do have the patience and determination to follow thru and get things right. Should it be that difficult for the casuals(console) people? No. It shouldn't. But..if they do take the time to figure stuff out...they will be rewarded with the best experience possible. I don't know what I am trying to say...but this aint a playstation game. I guess thats what I am trying to say. It takes a bit of work, to make it work...and it is worth it.
    atomed and green serpent like this.
  13. r00b Driver

    r00b Driver Registered

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I've recently played AMS2 more, with a Custom FFB file (rFucktor 5.0.4, is quite nice, paired with some F3 cars on small tracks I've had some great fun!

    Floating between AMS2 for F3s and rF2 for GT3s at the moment.
    Johnny Speed likes this.
  14. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Agree, anyway right now commodity is far ahead simulation realism and driving feel. I want it working in 5 seconds, if it´s not working out of the box it´s not worth it. That´s the strategic issue I feel S397 failed to address.
    vava74, Johnny Speed and lagg like this.
  15. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I play rF2 on Linux, and it just works out of the box. I edited some configuration files to change some settings to my liking but that wasn't required. That's interesting because it's not a supported platform, but it just happens to work without trouble.

    Some friends running Linux are playing some other racing games, even when they are hard to install and make them work. They just go through all the issues to be able to play online because that's their main motivation. If it was easier for them to start a server or race online maybe they would be playing rF2 a lot more. Realism isn't in their priority list, they just want to enter some races easily and have fun. And they like new shiny things too like every other gamer.

    There's very different audiences that we're talking about like they were the same, but they're very different.
    Johnny Speed and atomed like this.
  16. Christopher Elliott

    Christopher Elliott Registered

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Release Candidate Update

    Steam Build IDs
    Client 7969457
    Dedicated Server 7969463

    - Fixed an intermittent crash on the server
    - Joining Competition System with RC now works
    - Loading should no longer be frame rate dependent: loading into tracks does not take longer than with unlimited frame rate
    - Improved PFX profiles for better exposure to better manage dusk and day time at different times of the year and longitudes
    - Slightly toned down Glare Effect
    SLK, Corgan, DJCruicky and 12 others like this.
  17. Foxtrot

    Foxtrot Registered

    Nov 2, 2011
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    I hate all the the OT BS that goes on here, but it isn't really the same in all forums.
    For example in AC's official forums the Kunos staff locked/deleted threads and banned people that said ANYTHING that made their game look bad.

    Sometimes I wish they would do the same here.

  18. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Only if you went really far tbh they did that, and they were right most of the times to do so. I have gone pretty far myself there and never got banned/had a thread locked
  19. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    They only lock the threads where there are some disrespectful behaviors or threads where there are never ending arguings.
    It's very strange that they delete a post or thread.
  20. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Well.... I guess I am happy to have my personal historian.

    I'll just explain quickly. Perhaps it will even help someone. You see I was very unhappy at one time, I also was simply addicted to these places even though they started harming me. Thats when I asked to be temporary banned at those places. And it happened, best decision ever.

    However, at Kunos forums I was banned again after coming back from previous ban, because I was very active about defending initial ACC early access release, and due to that I was antagonizing to so many fanboys, AC staff probably simply saw it as a lot more simple way to stabilize and quiet the situation by banning me. It was unjust ban, however I understand, and never stopped respecting them, especially Stefano. Although I always have been sad about them choosing the easier path to please people, rather than firmly attaching to realism principles.

    It was very interesting moment in simracing history to be witnessing. I think too many people missed it, or totally misinterpreted. Not my ban, it is meaningless. But the dramatic shift that Kunos made so quickly based on opinions.

    The fragility of simulation evolution is scary. I think only iRacing and rF2 are carrying the flag for real by now. And I am not sure if rF2 still does it, but I believe it does.
    Havner likes this.

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