Huge Frame drops in VR (Purple lag spikes) - unplayable on each setting with the Reverb G2 / 3080

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by TurboHenk, Jul 16, 2021.

  1. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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  2. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Have you guys (G2 owners) remembered to change the steam vr open xr, as default open xr for wmr?
    In steam vr settings, developer settings.
    Restart of svr and wmr is required for the change to take effect. Wmr app will nag about it, just ignore the nag.
    There was one 3090 + G2 owner who's performance got considerably better after doing this.
    Just a tough, as i didn't see this one mentioned in the thread...
    atomed likes this.
  3. Binny

    Binny Guest

    big gpu big cpu and ppl still have problems, obviously needs optimizing/updating/fixing. Not holding my breath there has not even been a mention from s397 on this subject its a shame as more and more are moving over to VR.
    Magus and TurboHenk like this.
  4. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

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  5. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Thanks for trying.
  6. TurboHenk

    TurboHenk Registered

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Thanks @Kelju_K & @Magus I tried both but it didn't make a difference.

    I couldn't agree more. Why does s397 not give us any comment on this major subject? Is it being worked on? Are they even looking into it? It's indeed a big shame.

    @Alex Sawczuk "I don't have much help to offer other than the Purple bar is physics/cpu limiting rather than graphics." Is this really your only comment? Could you not promise to all of us that this issue is on your radar and beeing looked at/worked on? Since WMR is officially supported according to the Steam shop page, this bug must be fixed someday, now I paid for a game(plus many DLC's which I was pushed to buy fast because of the so called "summer sale") that I cannot play as advertised.

    @Manfredk2 I send you an pm about the DR2 fix.
    Magus and Binny like this.
  7. TurboHenk

    TurboHenk Registered

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Update: The new "Rev. 2" cable from HP makes zero difference:

    170 dropped frames in 5 minutes ! With ~10% CPU usage / 40% GPU usage / ~5ms frametime. Track: LeMans, car: Formula Pro.
    Any input is welcome, thanks.
  8. PhilT

    PhilT Registered

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Hi @TurboHenk, I have a 3080ti (Ryzen 5900x, x570i board, 32GB RAM) and have been getting some purple spikes as well. I think I've managed to get mine under control but it's only been a few days. One thing that helped me (as far as I can tell) was using the OpenVR FSR mod (fholger/openvr_fsr). I've done a few other things to get the framerate smooth with as much graphical detail as possible on one of the most demanding tracks (Sebring). I'm going to do some more testing to find out which has had the most effect but I'd give OpenVR FSR a go if you haven't already. It's not perfect, the replays flash a white screen now and again but I'd rather have that then multiple frame drops.

    Let me know if you wanna chat through anything. I'm on the discord group as well (PhilT#3321). I've not had my card that long so still dialling it in to get the best setup.

    Other things I've tried are turning off fan controller and any running tray apps and stuff like afterburner. I noticed Steam's VR graphs really spike usage as well but I think you're using fpsVR anyway. There's also this Valve Index missing / dropped Frames since NVIDIA | NVIDIA GeForce Forums but I'm not convinced that made much difference for me YMMV.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
    TurboHenk likes this.
  9. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I noticed that you have 9700K OC'ed to 5GHz.
    How is your cache/ring ratio set? x47, x48?
    Too high cache/ring causes stutters and framedrops in games.
    And it's very hard to know if it's too high, as stress tests dont pick up the slightly unstable cache that well.
    Usually test like OCCT will pass with x1 or even x2 higher than is 100% solid for gaming.
    Especially i have seen people with 9700K with really high cache ratios like x49-x50, and even when it might pass tests, it is little bit asking for trouble really...
    So i would test with lowered cache/ring ratio just to make sure it's not about that.
    Since you have 3600MHz ram, there is really no need for super high cache/ring ratio anyways. Lower ram speeds need it more.

    Just a tough, as your specs should not have that bad dropped frame situation tbh...

    My 6800xt runs the G2 with 100% steam vr SS really well. Single digit dropped frames on 1 laps of nords (3-6 usually, which i see maybe 2, rest are unnoticeable)
    Also, dont use any of the reflection settings ingame gfx options. These cause a lot of dropped frames. I see people "trade" SS% for these fancy settings, but it's really bad idea with G2 resolution in rf2. Rather have the SS% as high as possible, and have all reflections and rain drops etc off.
    TurboHenk likes this.
  10. Kelju_K

    Kelju_K Registered

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Also, dont use rivatuner that default installs with afterburner. It's a stutter machine in vr. if you have it installed. uninstall it.
  11. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    I noted that if i did multistreaming and played on VR on 5950x and 2070 super i had to put rfactor 2 priority on the taskmanager to high so it would avoid stutters on my own setup. I did not get stutters before on racing but nowadays the game does not keep stable 90 like it used to keep before. The graphicssettings have been the same for the entire time.

    However on heavier tracks i would hit 70-100% of GPU usage so i had to tweak it per track basis for the most part.

    I have been trying to solve it but so far the only thing that improved it was that i put the priority to high. So if youre running out of threads or cpu resources it might improve it but im not entirely certain how it would manage it.
    TurboHenk likes this.
  12. TurboHenk

    TurboHenk Registered

    Jul 8, 2021
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    @PhilT Thank you for your suggestion and input. Highly appreciated. It's really nice to hear that you managed to get it running, I have less luck with this.. I've already tried OpenVR FSR. It makes zero difference for me. I must say that Sebring is the track that gives the GPU lag spikes the LEAST. It's an heavy track indeed but I can drive on that track sometimes with OK settings with the least ammount of framedrops(BUT still ~30-40 framedrops in some races, so still unplayable BUT I had some races which were playable in Sebring with less framedrops/lagspikes, if I have a lucky day :) ). Can you test for example LeMans with the FormulaPro car? In that case the stuttering will probably the same as without FSR. (with OpenFSR I get 100+ framespikes each lap, sometimes less on the first lap but after a "restart" always 100+)

    @Kelju_K Thank you too for your great input. I've fully removed the overclock in the bios but this makes unfortunately zero difference in RF2, doesn't make it better or worse. I also tried underclocking the ram and even turning XMP completely off, extra voltage makes no difference too, I tried maybe ~10 different settings including of course the stock setting. This all makes also zero difference. I also tried with fpsVR disabled and msi afterburner uninstalled, this makes also zero difference. (I have zero other GPU related tasks running in the background, and run with no running background apps open/I always close everything before running VR)

    @EmperorOfFinland Thank you for your great input too. I also tried high priority in task manager, it makes also no difference..

    Any suggestions are of course welcome, I keep looking for solutions myself too of course since I really want to have this great sim working.
  13. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    At least for Sebring, did you try the Track Day layout? It is the same as the 12hr but without most of the trackside vehicles like the campers and such.
    TurboHenk likes this.
  14. RJVan

    RJVan Registered

    Sep 2, 2021
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    This is so frustrating. I've been dealing with these stutters ever since I upgraded and started using VR. I'm running a 3080FE (stock) 10850K (stock) and a G2. Every time I think I've solved it, it comes back. I can run 2 or 3 laps fine, then the stutters come in. Makes it unplayable. I really like driving in rFactor the best, but I can't give up the VR.

    I've researched this for Months and tried everything I can. All other sims (AMS2, iRacing, ACC, RRRE) run fine. Do we know if this is just Nvidia cards doing this?

    Every time NVidia release a new driver I get hopeful, but no luck so far.
  15. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    It's hard to pinpoint what it is but I think definately something to do with the interaction between rF2, Nvidia drivers, SteamVR, & WMR software. I have a G1 with a 3090FE and as soon as AI is added getting spikes, framerate drops & stutters whilst the GPU usage doesn't go beyond 72%.

    I've tried everything under the sun from dropping OC of cpu/gpu, different BIOS settings with HT on/off, different settings in-game, in fact recently I have spent more time fiddling with settings than playing the game. Like you, with every SteamVR/WMR, Nvidia drivers & rF2 update I fire it up in anticipation and each time knowing that nothing will have changed.

    With the current focus on the PBR, lighting and overall graphical improvement in the game I don't see any immdeiate solution as I don't think there has even been an official recognition of the issue. I am hoping W11 and a set of new drivers might bring the performance of my hardware back into the game but I'm not holding my breath.
  16. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    it´s not only a problem with RF2. Look at this iracing video: - absolutely same problem. People report same issues also with AC, AMS2 and many other games. The thread at the Nvidia forum is still full of comments about problems

    I ran RF2 with a 1080ti for more than one year. Never saw a pink spike. As soon as i bought the 3090FE and had to update the driver, the problems began...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2021
    juanchioooo likes this.
  17. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I guess for me the problem is only prevalent in rF2 as AMS2, AC, & ACC(-to the best of its ability) run great, utilising the max usage from GPU and providing a 90fps experience with AI in ideal conditions (i.e no rain or night lighting).
  18. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    This could be maybe part of the problem that it is not reproducible. Here it works, there it works not. Meanwhile i am baffled...

    Maybe interesting: i tested some weeks ago an AMD 6900XT. Performance is much lower than the 3090 FE so i ran often at 45 fps in motion smoothing (where the 3090 could easily hold 90 fps) but saw not one pink spike
  19. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    With the pimax 8k plus the 1080ti I thought I was going to be fair, but the truth is that it works very well for me, I thought until I updated the GPU but I definitely think that it does not compensate economically FPS vs money
    I have tried to see the video but it does not load, after ten minutes I still do not see it:(
  20. TurboHenk

    TurboHenk Registered

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Same for me, it ONLY happens in RF2 and exactly as you describe. It doesn't happen in AC/ACC/AMS2 at all.

    This issue isn't widely spread reported on Reiza's/AMS2 forum at all and also not widely on the Kunos AC/ACC forum's. Especially not compared to their user base(which is way bigger).

    The problem is for sure much much bigger and very constant for RF2 compared to other race sims. It simply doesn't work with the G2+3000 series Nvidia. As Manfredk2 reported, it indeed doesn't happen with the AMD cards.

    And the worst of all: Studio-397 doesn't seem to care to fix it.

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