Driver Swap and aborted repair

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Felix Nudrec, Jul 4, 2021.

  1. Felix Nudrec

    Felix Nudrec Registered

    Jul 4, 2021
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    We probably found a bug. We made a driver change today at a 24-hour event on the Nürburgring. Both the repair and a driver change were set in the pit settings. During the driver change, the repair was interrupted with the space bar. This meant that the car could drive out of the pits, although the driver change had not yet been made and this happend about 18 seconds later. As a result, the driver change took place in the first corner and this while driving on the track.

    Summary of the bug:
    -Pitrequest with driver change and repair
    -Repair canceled with space
    -Car drives out of the pits without changing drivers
    - Driver change on the circuit at T1

    Unfortunately, due to the long racing time, we have no replay of it.

    Maybe this problem can be fixed.

  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    hitting the space bar aborts any planned pit activity. So it sounds like nothing was completed at the time somebody pressed the spacebar. Best way to fix that.... don't press the space bar.
  3. Felix Nudrec

    Felix Nudrec Registered

    Jul 4, 2021
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    Yes but no. :D
    In my opinion this is not the way to fix this (I know that wasn't meant seriously) .
    Either you remove the cancel option completely when changing drivers or the driver change is made within the tire change or RFactor leaves the car in the box until the time calculated before has been served.
    In our case we now know about the bug (if others have it too), but there will still be teams that do not know this and then there may be an accident and everyone is blaming RF2 for its big bugs.
  4. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    There is a parameter in the multiplayer.ini called "Allow Hotswaps", that has to be false, to avoid this.
    I'm referring to the config of the server
    atomed likes this.
  5. Felix Nudrec

    Felix Nudrec Registered

    Jul 4, 2021
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    I contacted the organizers to find out what this Multiplayer.ini is set to.
    lagg likes this.
  6. Felix Nudrec

    Felix Nudrec Registered

    Jul 4, 2021
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    Since the last server settings in the multiplayer. ini as I just found out, we drove with these settings. (If this ist the case)

    "Allow Hotswaps":false,
        "Allow Hotswaps#":"0=drivers can only change at pitstops using the pit menu, 1=Drivers can switch at anytime with the Driver Hotswap key",

    EDIT: This setting was confirmed by the organizer.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
  7. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    In this case, i understand that should be impossible to do the swap outide the pitstop.
  8. Felix Schendel

    Felix Schendel Registered

    May 31, 2014
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    @Christopher Elliott another idea to get rid of this problem is to remove the function to abort the pit stop. Instead of aborting you could give a estimation of how long the pit stop is depending on the selected services (change tires, driver swap, fuel, repair...)
  9. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    To remove the function to abort the pit stop is not a good idea.
    Forbid to cancel the repair of any part can ruin your race.
  10. Felix Schendel

    Felix Schendel Registered

    May 31, 2014
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    Yes but if you get the information about the estimated pitting time in the service screen, I mean the part of the dash where you setup your pit stop, you could decide before if you plan to repair or not. I mean a dynamic time you see in advance which updates automatically depending on the sevices you select. And if you compare it to the real thing if you plan to repair before you get to the pits the mechanics start to work and repair your car until they are done and don‘t stop magically ;-)
    Felix Nudrec likes this.
  11. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I don't know what cars and tracks you use, but if you are able to change the repairing options to calculate the optimum time, while you're driving a damaged car, i congratulate you. :D
  12. Felix Schendel

    Felix Schendel Registered

    May 31, 2014
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    I don’t mean to change the options but write dynamically next to the repair option for example +10 if you deselect the repair option +0 and the same for tires fuel and driver change
    If you can’t handle to hold your car on track because of the damage you let the repair go on.
  13. Stefan Donath

    Stefan Donath Registered

    Jul 7, 2021
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    In the mentioned case, the repair accidentally wasn`t deselected before pit entry. The car had some damage, but that didn`t impact the performance to much.
    So we decided to not repair.
    And at this point, we run into the mentioned behavior. I select the abort option for damage after tire and fuel service was done, but didn`t loose the control over the car.
    To avoid a driver change directly on track we decided to wait until change is performed. So we had the same standing time like when car were repaired, but no repair was done (yes, we aborted repair, so it is okay).
    I think the option, mentioned by felix schendel would be a nice way to decide whether a damage repair is the way to go (for example when damage repair is done parallel to fuel and tires) or if it takes to much time.
    Another option within the time of pitstop would be the possibility to abort repair directly while fuel und tire change are performed. At this point, there will be enough time for the sim to adjust driver change time.
    If repair is aborted after fuel and tires is done, the sim could adjust time of other driver gain control to 5 seconds. So there is enough time for both driver to prepare for driver change. If repair is aborted at least 5 seconds before fuel and tire is done, the driver change can done directly after fuel and tires. When driver send abort instruction less than 5 seconds before tire and fuel is done, the sim can add seconds to fill the time so the driver and sim get 5 seconds to perform necessary things. (For example, repair is aborted 2 seconds before tire and fuel is done, sim adds 3 seconds to pit stop).

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