Steering wheel off after pitstop.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wrff.tiger@gmail, Jul 3, 2021.

  1. wrff.tiger@gmail

    wrff.tiger@gmail Registered

    May 14, 2021
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    So I was just trying to complete a 30 lap race at sebring.
    I was running fine with no issues when I came in for my scheduled pitstop.
    When leaving the pits my steering was completely off, almost like my wheel had lost calibration.
    This is very annoying because I was having a good race and hadn't hit anything so there should have been no damage. Has anyone experienced this before? Is this a bug in the game. I'm just now starting to attempt to do longer races and issues like these are really annoying. It completely sucks when you are having a good race and then it is ruined because of some technical glitch.
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    You never said what type of wheel you have. There is a menu item to reset your force feedback. I don't know if that would have helped, but try assigning a key or button for that and IF it happens again, give the reset a try. Also double check that Steering Help hasn't been enabled. F1 is the default for that I believe. Did you end your pitstop early?
  3. wrff.tiger@gmail

    wrff.tiger@gmail Registered

    May 14, 2021
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    Steering wheel is logitech G27. Steering help was not enabled. No driving aids were enabled. Everything was fine before pitstop. If it happens again I will try reset force feedback. Thanks for the advice.
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Back in the old days the wheel would sometimes reset to the profiler's default rotation, though I'm not sure that happened after pitstops and I'm not sure it happened with the G27. If you're using the logitech profiler you may (or may not) have success with not using game profiles and just setting a global rotation. Just a thought.
  5. EricW

    EricW Registered

    Jun 2, 2017
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    I'm not sure why this still happens from time to time, I'm not knowledgeable enough.
    Also have this on a SCV1.
    Sometimes It looks like RF2 messes with focus after execution, during (online connections) and especially on init of different events(start of P,Q,Race).
    Maybe a complete different issue, but
    Sometimes during a race I loose like half a second and in replay you see the car freeze and warp back while the rest keeps going.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
  6. Simonk

    Simonk Registered

    Sep 29, 2020
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    I have the same issue with my G27. Change after the pitstop can vary from slightly weaker feedback to completely different rotation. I have the Force Feedback Reset mapped and reset it after every stop out of habit now and it works. It was an update maybe 6 months ago that screwed it.
  7. JamesB

    JamesB Registered

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Very odd, I have an issue as well but slightly different, come out of the pits and the wheel can be rotated by 10-20 degrees to get the car to drive in a straight line, not the end of the world but a PITA reaching some buttons on the wheel then, only option seems to be to recalibrate which is fine between sessions but if you are in the middle of a long race then you just have to put up with it as I cant see any way of recalibrating without leaving the session. I am running a G29.

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