developing pit crews

Discussion in 'Car Modding' started by Brutten, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    We are creating our F1 mod for next season.
    At the moment I'm working on the pit mechanics and I've come up with the idea of using the position LEDs as the mechanic's lollipop.


    After several attempts I managed to get them to work. Well, not quite.
    The object is positioned perfectly, it shows the corresponding information, but....
    is not visible from the cockpit.
    Is there any way to make this information visible from the pilot's position, or is it just not possible?
    Do I set fire to the mechanic?

    I'll explain, in brief, the process I've gone through:
    I have included the Pleds object according to the instructions in the guide.
    I have modelled the startbox.gmt including in the lollipop the Pleds with the same materials and textures that the vehicle object has.

    I hope there is a solution because it is interesting to have the stop time in view and it would give a bit of dynamism to the pitstop.

    Thank you in advance.
    haunetal1990, juanchioooo and Corti like this.
  2. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    After another multitude of tests, new objects, etc, I have been able to come to a conclusion.
    There are two display files, cockpitinfo (relating to what is seen from the seat), and Externaldisplays (used to see the pit stop position/info leds).
    - Externaldisplays -

    I have managed to get the lollipop with the position in the session to show from the driver's position, but it does not show the pitstop time.
    - Cockpitinfo-

    If the information contained in externaldisplays were contemplated in the cockpitinfo file would be the solution.
    I hope someone from the Studio397 team might find this a good idea and consider including this feature, If not... case closed.
    @Christopher Elliott
    haunetal1990 likes this.
  3. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Are you trying to have other people see it? I believe only you can see cockpit info things(or at least certain things), and everyone can see the external displays. External display is the only one that shows the time, so that's why it doesn't appear.
  4. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Hi Coutie.
    Maybe I can't explain myself well, I don't know the English language and I have to use translator.
    After multiple tests/errors I came to that conclusion you say.
    In the cockpit you see what is allowed in the cockpitinfo file. It is true that from outside the cockpit that information is also visible.
    In externalaldisplays is managed the information about the position in the session and when you enter to pit the time consumed.
    This information is visible to the driver in reference to the other racers. The problem I have found is that inside the cockpit the information of our vehicle is not displayed.
    In addition there is a variable (position) that coincides in both files and are displayed differently.
    It is a programming issue.
    For that reason I believe that the code could be modified so that external displays could be seen in all its extension (own and others) from the cockpit.

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