[WIP] 70's Formula 1

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by ChiefWiggum, Jul 26, 2020.

  1. sven98g

    sven98g Registered

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Maybe 90s style mod some day :rolleyes:
  2. seamount

    seamount Registered

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Thank You Mauro, I will check how to do it
    Mauro likes this.
  3. seamount

    seamount Registered

    Feb 8, 2016
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    @ChiefWiggum a great thank you for this mod.
    I am in love with the F1 70's cars (don't tell my wife :)). The minimum is to offer you a pizza (see your paypal); not worth as much as your mods but at least to say that this mod is super. I really appreciate it. Not so many F1 70's cars in rfactor 2.
    And here you can create the cars you want; usually 80-100% similar to the real 70's cars; what more can ask an ex-boy o_O born in the 60's ?
    Now I have a reason to learn how to use photoshop (maybe better gimp cause it's free) because in the next few months I would like to create cars for seasons from 1970 to ... maybe 1977 ?. Hope to find the time ....
    If I may ask, if in the future you have the opportunity to create the front wing for the Tyrrell 001 (as in Monaco 1971) and the front wing of march 711 (March of F1 1971) it would be great.

    Just one question about the physics, do all the cars that You already created in this mod have the same physics or is there any difference between them ? and all the cars we as users of the mod will create, will have the same physics ?
    I use sometimes to customize physics in AMS1 (not an expert at all, so do not ask anything to me about that) but rfactor2 is new for me and the files structure seem very different from rfactor1/AMS
    bears, Mauro and pascom like this.
  4. ChiefWiggum

    ChiefWiggum Registered

    Nov 29, 2016
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    to be honest, the Mod is not well thought out yet, there is so many possible with this mod, we can create Turbo Engines, other Wings, Sidepods etc. with different Physics, I had stopped the work on this mod because I thought the People don't like it, but since bears have started the F5000 Skins it looks like there is more Interest again :D
    bears, Raven80 and pascom like this.
  5. seamount

    seamount Registered

    Feb 8, 2016
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    I think there will always be interest but it will remain niche because most want the latest cars and series. Then among those who want the "old F1 cars" there are those who want the mod done and over, without getting their hands dirty to "work" to put their own. Then there are those who would like to work on it but don't know how or don't have time. I am one of them; but if one really wants to, some time here and there can be found and gradually learn (I'll ask some questions on this forum). But please don't stop because there is a huge potential that seems within reach thanks to you
    tjc and Mauro like this.
  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    F-5000/Formula A(?) in the US was a nod to open wheelers who felt neglected by all the attention Can-Am was getting(the very large purses may have had something to do with that.) But James Garner, American actor, the Smothers Brothers, comedians and Scooter Patrick a hired gun driver with some Can Am experience spent a summer contesting the F-5000 in the USA. This is a slow moving film about that time.
    https://edgarmotorsport.com/the-racing-scene/ There are plenty of links to the film itself in google.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2021
  7. jymp

    jymp Registered

    May 26, 2013
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    We for sure like it a lot, just at least to me would like to see accurate 70's parts, not generic so to speak, for example if one wants to build a 77' F1 Lotus they can, or...if they want a 77' F1 Lotus with a 76' Ferrari 312 front wing, would that be possible ?, also wheels, have choices between chrome wheels, black wheels, or even colored wheels, again not sure if it's possible, then could get into 70's Indy cars, just a thought Chief is all.
  8. bears

    bears Registered

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Massive thank you to Mauro he has created icons for the f5000 cars i will repack again today and share the link later...

    On the subject of different parts on cars this is the same matich car from john goss with a Ferrari style front wing so these guys were using Chiefs system back in the 70's :)

  9. Chris Lesperance

    Chris Lesperance Registered

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I wouldn't assume that people don't like it. This thread is over 600 posts long. I just think there isn't much people modding for rF2. So anything being done is appreciated. Personally I've deviating away from rF2, but this F5000 has me thinking, and getting motivated a little bit again.

    I'm thinking of doing a beta release of the 1975 SCCA F5000. I'll have the VEH and GEN strings almost complete. I don't have skins made. So it'll just be blank and basic skins that would just need some to be filled in. @seamount I got your email, so this beta release will be the sheet except in mod form :)

    I do have a small list of things to be added/fixed as well. If and when you have time Chief. I don't want to take you away from the F1 67 Mod you've been working on as well.

    1. f170_fw_m.gmt - Shadow Front Wing - Can this get the two front nose scoops?

    2. March Nose - f170_fw_J.gmt is the closest we have to a March nose. I think this might be used on a Tyrell. But just wondering if this can be modified slightly to look more March like?

    Specific to my needs, but not important for the time being: Lola T400 nose, Lola T330 sidepods, a few more air scoops varieties.

    I hope that these recent posts are enough to get more people motivated into adding additional content :)
    Bostrom, pkelly, Raven80 and 2 others like this.
  10. bears

    bears Registered

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Chief I really like the system and its level of complexity is not too daunting it took me a while to understand but now I feel fairly proficent in "building" a car, its like modding for dummies :)

    I am not sure it needs a whole lot of extra parts as the more parts the more complexity that is introduced but i will leave that part to you if it stayed as it is I think it would be fine for cars up to 1978 ish.

    Just speaking for the F5000 and considering how important the Lola cars are in this racing a few new parts would allow a lot of potential new cars i would support the T400 nose, T330 sidepods and also i would add Lola 430 sidepods and also the March nose would be a good addition.

    But like i said its great as is and you have some 67 cars to build :)
    Mauro and Chris Lesperance like this.
  11. bears

    bears Registered

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Ok folks here is the latest "build" its the same link updated.


    It includes Mauro's icons (thanks again mate) and three new cars the Bartlett "Brabham" still neeeds some work but I have included it as it is currently. This makes 14 cars now (1 in 1977 and 13 in 1978) I may do one more I am still deciding its the McRae GM3 Chevrolet a unique looking car i am thinking a little bit of WR1 and maybe some M26 will see whats possible. I will then create an RCD file to try to provide some realistic-ish performance and that should be a wrap. My concern is I don't think the talent file will work unless it is either in the base package or its done as an update package I will drop Chief a message about the best option.

    Hope you enjoy throwing these beasts around over Easter :)



    Rogger, Bostrom, lbird and 4 others like this.
  12. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I`m very much a fan of historic F1 and similar type cars. I very much appreciate the work you`ve put into this mod Chief and can`t wait to drive the 60`s F1 cars. I`ve not had the chance yet as my graphics card is dead and I`m also busy with a new house but will definitely be doing many miles when I build my new rig so please don`t give up on it. Will also buy you a cup of Coffee sometime soon to. :cool:
    Corti and Mauro like this.
  13. bears

    bears Registered

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Corti, Raven80 and Mauro like this.
  14. Ferrari312

    Ferrari312 Registered

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Thanks for the info. That is very weird since there a number of vintage 60's cars from ISI/S397 to go with the 60's tracks.
    Well, I guess I will just have to dream about racing Chief's 67 cars on Belgium 66 then...
  15. ChiefWiggum

    ChiefWiggum Registered

    Nov 29, 2016
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    first Eagle roll out in Game....
    DJCruicky, Rogger, Bostrom and 18 others like this.
  16. Ferrari312

    Ferrari312 Registered

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Good lord that is beautiful!
    pascom likes this.
  17. bears

    bears Registered

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Folks just a real quick update the link now includes all cars 15 in all 14 in 1978 and 1 in 1977. Mauro has now done all icons (massive call out to him) but I still need to pack them so that will be the final release. I am currently doing some helmets and driving suits these are not perfectly accurate but close-ish from the pics i can find. I have also been testing a talent file this also seems to help the AI who tend to get a little wild at some tracks :) I will keep testing it and if successful I will see what Chief prefers so it will either be a update package or built into a future F1 70's style update.


    Rogger, Bostrom, pascom and 6 others like this.
  18. Raven80

    Raven80 Registered

    Dec 27, 2020
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    pascom, Ferrari312 and bears like this.
  19. ChiefWiggum

    ChiefWiggum Registered

    Nov 29, 2016
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  20. ChiefWiggum

    ChiefWiggum Registered

    Nov 29, 2016
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    I'm not sure about the Rivets on the Eagle, I think the Car had 1000 Rivets, maybe I will only paint it.
    Mauro and Raven80 like this.

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