Complete Novice, how to get a track in the game,material setup and more. Need help :)

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by lockey1995, Jan 25, 2021.

  1. lockey1995

    lockey1995 Registered

    Aug 25, 2018
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    As the title suggests I'm a complete novice to rf2 track modding, I've done tracks for assetto corsa no problem as i managed to find threads with step by step instructions which made it easier for me. I have done a bit in this engine but that was over a year a go and I've not touched it since so I'm back to square one.

    I've done some searching on here but I've just ended up completely confused I would just like a more step by step approach to know what I'm doing. My modeling software of choice is maya but from the digging around I have done on here i think I'm going to need max 12,17 or 21 for exporting out using gmt plugin? if there is a way of doing it in blender I think it would be easier for me to just grab that.

    Anyway the other small bits I've found out is gjed now outdated totally and you've moved to pbr?
    I texture with Substance Painter and do bits in Substance designer also

    So here's the list
    .How do i even start at exporting a track out, folder structure wise and getting it into the game?
    .Assigning materials and material setup in general?
    .How to set up spawn points in ac we use cubes as dummies?
    .Naming conventions for grass, road, kerbing, walls etc (I:e ac uses 1ROAD,2ROAD 1KERB 2 KERB 1GRASS) etc

    Pretty much a get started quick guide is all i need when I've done it once I think i will be fine, it's just doing it.

    I have a test scene modeled inside of Maya i just have no idea what I'm doing next aha, any help would be greatly appreciated I'd say I'm more a 3D modeler more than a "modder" aha

    Cheers, Jack :)
  2. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    1: You need to do it with max or blender, I've never exported from blender, so I can't help with that. I would browse through this:
    Here: you can find a pre-made scn file that you just need to input your track info(paths and what not).

    2: Has to be a multi-material, and then there are gmotor materials that you need to assign as sub-materials. Max material library here:


    4: You can name them whatever you want, you just have to make sure you put them into the tdf file under the type of material they represent, or you could just use the names that are already there.
  3. lockey1995

    lockey1995 Registered

    Aug 25, 2018
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    Thank you, I'll check these out pretty sure I can get started with a little more research.
  4. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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