Released RCCO eX ZERO | Extreme Electric Racing Comes To rFactor 2

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    I agree with you, I do not like those cars either, but always including the phrases "all" "most" or similar phrases takes weight off an opinion, it is as if it were the representative of all the users...
    atomed, Remco Majoor and juanchioooo like this.
  2. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    it's like when the kids apologize saying they all did it ...
    Discontent can be expressed in a more serious and formal way and it does not diminish the importance or weight of an opinion.
    pkelly, Remco Majoor and juanchioooo like this.
  3. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    In the future I don't know, but currently electric cars, for example formula E, have a very poor screen share, ... I'm sorry for the language, I don't know if it's expressed like that....I imagine that the same thing would happen with this car, obviously I can be wrong, but I doubt it very much
  4. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    I understand, I agree with you,
    For example, what I don't like about the formula E are the tracks, I have seen the formula E tests on established circuits and they are much better than seeing them on the streets, I think that within an established track they would give a very good show
    atomed likes this.
  5. Binny

    Binny Guest

    & u will never be asked what content you want or what fixes ppl want.
  6. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    The forum is full of error messages and questions about failures, to bore us, many of them remain the same after three years, because they decide that there are things of more relevance to them ... it would be better to make quality circuits, which I think will be more interesting for rfactor 2 followers, of course fix bugs first
    Frederick Alonso likes this.
  7. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Track designers make tracks.... coders make code changes (to fix bugs).

    Track designers probably don't effect main game code. Coders probably don't construct tracks in 3D and texture them.
    Ernie and dazzer like this.
  8. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    You answered your own question. Pay the man! You will get your cars.
  9. pilAUTO

    pilAUTO Registered

    Nov 7, 2020
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    As usual, the physics are very good.
    The dash graphics are interesting.
    The sound is not unpleasant.
    The performance is impressive.
    No driving aids, great.
    AWD but more traction on the rear axle, which is interesting.


    Frankly it's a shame in my opinion :
    Fantasy + electric.
    Whereas hundreds of cars would be much more exciting (IMO).
    No real car, no real data, no license, electric so in my opinion no dream. And worse, tens or hundreds of hours wasted working on this car instead of working on cars that make you dream more, in any case many, many, many more people. But yes, the physics are successful. And I don't think I'm wrong that 99% of people would have preferred another car. Oops I speak for the others? Pfff
    Slip_Angel and Kahel like this.
  10. Christopher Elliott

    Christopher Elliott Registered

    Jul 31, 2014
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    It's fine to voice your opinion, but please stay on topic. Discussing anything and everything doesn't make sense, this thread is about eX ZERO. Thanks
  11. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    A link to your survey result of rF2 users on whether they preferred another car would be much appreciated, thanks.
  12. JRoque

    JRoque Registered

    Jun 27, 2014
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    Fantastic!! Thank you very much for this type of out-of-the-box thinking.

    Q: When you get to the pits, does it recharge the battery? If so, how long does it take? If I can suggest, screw reality and make it recharge in the same time as filling an internal combustion engine tank ;-) No one will sit around for 20 mins waiting for the car to charge at normal rates. If you need to rationalize it, assume the entire battery pack is swapped out and it takes 90 seconds to do so - a proven concept of the real world.

    Q: Will you be updating this car to follow technology as it progresses? The new Tesla Roadster, a relative small car, will come (in late 2021) with a 200kW/h battery that can do 620 miles (1,00km) on a single charge. Don't limit this car to setups and tech of 4 years ago.

    Goncalo Costa and Woodee like this.
  13. vittorio

    vittorio Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Well, there was at least one survey on official rF2 forum whether users want Race Cars, Historic Cars or Street Cars in rF2.
    The result was:
    * 1st Historic Cars: 98 vote(s) = 63.2%
    * 2nd Race Cars: 90 vote(s) = 58.1%
    * 3rd Street Cars: 32 vote(s) = 20.6%
    Ofc it was not asked in that detail if people want "On Paper Electric Race Cars". For sure I would love to see a poll asking that.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
  14. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Quoted from

    traind, John R Denman and JRoque like this.
  15. Yigit Yusuf Mutlu

    Yigit Yusuf Mutlu Registered

    May 3, 2016
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    Sorry but i will pass this dlc, i wont pay for a fantasy car.
    I think the renewing the isi cars, corvette gt2, megane would be better than making fantasy cars.
  16. vittorio

    vittorio Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    First time I won't buy an S397 DLC too. I bought all DLCs, sometimes only to support S397 cause not that much fascinated of the DLC. But this time it is totally against what I want in rF2, I for sure don't want on paper (or fantasy) electric cars.
  17. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Not my cup of tea as I can't find anything interesting about electric cars, motocycles, boats or planes. I don't know what it is but it just doesn't click with me. I've be (un)lucky enough to have witnessed MotoE live and alot of people actually missed the race start due to there being no sound on track. And that's propably the biggest issue for me. When i take a 917 or 956 and rip through the gears with the h-patern shifter while the revs are building up and the engine sound raises your hairs, then there is a completely different flow of emotions going on compared to the electric racing stuff.

    But I can see how S397 is trying to get their market share for that form of motorsport and if that return of income helps to lisence and build a top notch Group C DLC then I will certainly not say "GTFO with your fantasy crap". Luckily we have the choice what we buy for this sim and in some ways it helps to think outside our little bubble. If that car helps getting new users or partners interested for the sim and product then why not. One thing that I find rather positive is the shape of the car wich does look better than expected. Another interesting car that looks good might have been a racing version of the BMW i8 as it resembles a futuristic version of the M1 and looks rather nice. If there just wasn't that dentist sound and the lack of soul ... :p

    Interestingly iRacing created something similar, but I don't like the shape of their car and the V10 feels quite comical even if it sounds nice.
  18. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Reading between the lines, it seems this fantasy car is intended for an independent e-sports series without requiring licensing from any established series. I suppose there's also a possibility to get into production by showing a demand for a real-life version.

    No, I'm not interested. First of all, my satellite internet connection puts me out of the e-sports world and secondly I will not pay for a fantasy car.
    The Iron Wolf likes this.
  19. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    I find this an interesting DLC from S397, I don't mind and like drive electrical cars in any simulator. After trying Teslas and hybrids in real life, I hope it never get's the only option in real life on other hand.

    This one are a different approach than the R3E car (tested it only), and not much like Formula E. Bit of supercar like design, functional on-screen rear mirror, huge power output with AWD/dominant RWD and high top speed. The two gear are actually used for something more than just starting, find the sound good for conditions given so to say.

    Have just tested it for a while on Portland, out of the box with small setup changes only, and it's kind of tricky. The AI seems to find it bit tricky as well (that might improve with some AI learning?). Bit of edgy mid corner but good traction out of exits and really good speed on straights. Nothing you can jump in and drive like a GT3/GTE car, maybe similar to an Group C, lots of power but maybe not the traction/handling to take care of it all :D. To be competitive and finish the short races without crashing/off track, practice will be needed for most drivers (my guess here, no offence).

    On the negative side alignment of description/text on display bit off, took a while before I saw it and first read the water temp as position. The FFB first felt a bit strange around the center, like loose/progressive, but after a while it felt better, so might just needed to get use to it.

    This one might reach an wider audience than the Formula E, but doubt down to leagues in general (had 1 Formula E champ in two years). Bit of guessing here but assume it will be featured in the upcoming ranking system.

    If the current option was to create an fictional car DLC, I would prefer something like this over other fictional configurations.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
    bobbie424242 and makan like this.
  20. Christopher Elliott

    Christopher Elliott Registered

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Thanks for the detailed feedback. Which wheel do you have?

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