2020 Le Mans Virtual & rF2 stability

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JRoque, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. JRoque

    JRoque Registered

    Jun 27, 2014
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    Hi all,

    I, somehow, managed to miss the 24h of Le Mans virtual race broadcast a few months ago. I've been catching up recently on it and was astounded at the quality level from drivers, broadcast production and rF2. At times, it was hard to tell it from a real life race - maybe I'm a touch biased on this.

    I'm seeing quite a few people commenting on how they were expecting rF2 to crash because it always does. Really? I have not had an rF crash in a long while, years maybe. Any glitch I've seen has been rooted in some Windows or driver update, unrelated to rFactor.

    So what gives, is rF2 unstable? Does it crash all the time as it's being complained about online? I mean, if you try to run it on a toaster, sure. But a properly spec'd machine runs it flawlessly, in my experience.

    Separately, I also read rFactor was picked over all other sims because it was the only one with a full range of cars across all 3 classes. This had to be the irony of the year because the last time I heard whining about rFactor was precisely because it didn't have "any content".

    At any rate, congrats to the S397 team on pulling this off. Running a 'hello world' app on Windows for any length of time is a challenge, let alone an app as complex as rFactor with hundreds of real-time clients worldwide hanging off it for 24h straight.

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
    Highlandwalker likes this.
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    There are issues regarding online stability especially with driver swaps that affected previous events (both official and league ones) and recent roadmaps have discussed progress on. The news and notifications section has a number of Le Mans related threads from the time, with links to statements that you should probably catch up on as well as the roadmaps.
    JRoque likes this.
  3. JRoque

    JRoque Registered

    Jun 27, 2014
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    Thanks, Lazza.

    Very odd chance this would be available - there might be contractual/legal reasons that prevent it - but I would LOVE to have an hour or two of that race playback. A file I can download to my rF2 setup and let it play. It would be out of this world to see all of these pros, their racing lines, brake points, etc. Hugely educational. If it's not available for this race, it'd be great if something can be arranged for a similar future race.

  4. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    It was broadcast on major networks like ESPN2 and online links like Youtube and dozens of other outlets. I'd be surprised if the whole thing wasn't available on youtube. I just checked, it's all there on youtube. here is a highlight package, there are individual hours for the entire race. First crash was in hour 5, thankfully s397 had pushed out an online update about a week before the race that allowed them to stop an event, freeze the field and then restart. Took about a half hour once the crash happened but it was unbelievable how they kept it from affecting the race. There were other issues, almost all concerning online stars like Lando Norris' team mate and Fernando Alonso getting a penalty that he couldn't serve. Considering it was a first effort for a small company like S397, it was well received except for those well known incidents.
    JRoque likes this.
  5. JRoque

    JRoque Registered

    Jun 27, 2014
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    Impressive indeed. The cars did reset like if they had been allowed through to the pits. Would have been better to keep the damage, wear and fuel level but I'm sure they'll have something for that next year.

    Thanks for the video link. I think I watched all the different versions already. The broadcast, the driver videos, highlights, etc, including the grumpy reaction from some of these guys. Saw someone uninstalling rFactor right there as he got angry at it.

    The videos are cool but I was referring to being able to download the replay file of the race. Not the video but the race playback file. Something that would allow me to get in each car and learn the techniques and style of these pros. Frankly, I'm not sure this is even technically possible. If it is, it would be awesome to watch the actual replays.

  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    The guy deleting rF2 was Lando Norris, who is an actual F1 driver for Mclaren. He is also one of THE most influential online streamers for sim racing. So his negativity was killing. Also another F1 driver Fernando Alonso had technical problems. he is one of the most well known racers in the world, so again, 99% positive, but the negatives happened to really crucial people. Getting the replay file? wouldn't know. You'd probably have to contact one of the participating teams...but I rather doubt any of the top dogs would be willing to share....same with setups, you RARELY find a pro-level sim-racer sharing his/her secrets.
    JRoque likes this.

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